Objective 4. Insert and Format Headers and Footers

Text or graphics that you insert into a header or a footer display on every page of a document. Within a header or footer, you can add automatic page numbers, dates, times, the file name, and pictures.

Activity 2.17. Inserting and Formatting Page Numbers


Start Word. On the Standard toolbar, click the New Blank Document button . If necessary, click to display the formatting marks, and close the Getting Started task pane.

NoteStandard Styles for Research Papers

When you write a research paper or a report for college or business, you will probably be asked to follow a format prescribed by one of the standard style guides. The two most commonly used styles are those created by the Modern Language Association (MLA) and the American Psychological Association (APA); there are several others. This project uses the MLA style.


From the File menu, display the Page Setup dialog box. Under Margins, set the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right margins to 1" (1 inch), and then click OK. On the Formatting toolbar, click the Line Spacing button arrow , and then click 2.0.

The MLA style uses 1-inch margins and double spacing throughout the document.


Type Mary Adair and press . Then, type Henry Sabaj and press .

The first line in an MLA research paper is the name of the author; the second is the name of the person for whom the report is preparedoften the professor of a class. The third line contains the name of the class, and the fourth line contains the date.



Type Computer Science 101 and press . Then, type October 13, 2007 and press . On the Formatting toolbar, click the Center button , type Computer Gaming Curriculum and press .

Then, on the Formatting toolbar, click the Align Left button and compare your screen with Figure 2.38.

Figure 2.38.

The title is centered following MLA guidelines.


From the File menu, click Save As. Navigate to the location where you are saving your files. Recall that you created a folder for Word Chapter 2. Name your file 2B_Research_Paper_Firstname_Lastname and then click Save.


From the View menu, click Header and Footer. With the insertion point in the Header area, on the Formatting toolbar, click the Align Right button to move the insertion point to the right edge of the Header box.



Type Adair and then press . Then, on the Header and Footer toolbar, click the Insert Page Number button and compare your screen with Figure 2.39.

Figure 2.39.


NoteTo Suppress the Page Number on the First Page of a Document

Some style guidelines may require that the page number on the first page be hidden from viewsuppressed. To hide the information contained in the header and footer areas on Page 1 of a document, on the Header and Footer toolbar, click the Page Setup button. Click the Layout tab, and then under Headers and footers, click to select the Different first page check box.


On the Header and Footer toolbar, click the Switch Between Header and Footer button , click Insert AutoText , and then click Filename. On the Header and Footer toolbar, click the Close button .



Press to move to the top of the document, and then compare your screen with Figure 2.40.

Figure 2.40.



Save the changes you have made to your research paper.

Activity 2.18. Inserting the Current Date and Time

The current date, time, or both can be inserted anywhere in a document. When you are working on a research paper, which will likely be revised several times, put the date and time in the footer to help identify the various revisions you will make. Then, remove the date and time before submitting the paper.


From the View menu, display the Header and Footer toolbar, and then click the Switch Between Header and Footer button . Click to place the insertion point to the right of the file name, and then press to move the insertion point to the next line.



On the Header and Footer toolbar, click the Insert Date button , and then type a comma and press the once. On the Header and Footer toolbar, click the Insert Time button , and then compare your screen with Figure 2.41.

Figure 2.41.



On the Header and Footer toolbar, click the Close button . Scroll down as necessary to view the bottom of the page. Confirm that the date and time display in the footer. Save your changes.

[Page 358 (continued)]

Objective 5 Insert Frequently Used Text

Windows XP

Outlook 2003

Internet Explorer

Computer Concepts

Word 2003

Chapter One. Creating Documents with Microsoft Word 2003

Chapter Two. Formatting and Organizing Text

Chapter Three. Using Graphics and Tables

Chapter Four. Using Special Document Formats, Columns, and Mail Merge

Excel 2003

Chapter One. Creating a Worksheet and Charting Data

Chapter Two. Designing Effective Worksheets

Chapter Three. Using Functions and Data Tables

Access 2003

Chapter One. Getting Started with Access Databases and Tables

Chapter Two. Sort, Filter, and Query a Database

Chapter Three. Forms and Reports

Powerpoint 2003

Chapter One. Getting Started with PowerPoint 2003

Chapter Two. Creating a Presentation

Chapter Three. Formatting a Presentation

Integrated Projects

Chapter One. Using Access Data with Other Office Applications

Chapter Two. Using Tables in Word and Excel

Chapter Three. Using Excel as a Data Source in a Mail Merge

Chapter Four. Linking Data in Office Documents

Chapter Five. Creating Presentation Content from Office Documents

Go! With Microsoft Office 2003 Brief
GO! with Microsoft Office 2003 Brief (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0131878646
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 448

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