Activity 2.1. Starting Word and Planning the Table
Creating a table in Word requires that you specify a number of columns and rows for the table. In this activity you will plan the structure for organizing your information before inserting the table.
Start Word. Open the Word file Meeting_Notes.doc from the folder that contains your project files. Save the file as Meeting_Notes_Firstname_Lastname
In the document, scroll down to see the heading West Campus. After the heading, on the first blank line, position the insertion point.
You will create a blank table here in which to enter the information. Youll want to review the information to determine how to structure the table. Look at the list that follows:
Building B Lab 20 computers, 10 software licenses, scanner
For this information, you can create a table that has four columns to show the information for lab location, number of computers, number of software licenses, and other equipment. Creating four rows in the table will show the information for each lab location in a row. You also want to add another row to display headings for the columns.
On the Table menu, point to Insert, and then select Table.
This opens the Insert Table dialog box.
In the Insert Table dialog box, at the Number of columns box, type 4 and then press the key. In the Number of rows box, type 5 and then click OK.
You have added the table structure to the document. Compare your screen with Figure 2.2.