Recall that a color scheme is a palette of eight colors that is applied to various slide elements. Every PowerPoint design template includes a number of color schemes that coordinate with the templates background graphics. For example, the Blends design template includes six color schemes with black, blue, or white backgrounds and a variety of colored elements. You can pick another overall color scheme for a presentation but still keep the background graphics, fonts, and font sizes that are applicable to the design template that you are using.
In addition to choosing a new color scheme, you can customize a color scheme by changing individual color scheme elements. Thus, you can apply a design template to a presentation, and then change color elements to coordinate with the presentation that you are creating.
NoteApplying Color Schemes to Individual or Selected Slides
The new color scheme can be applied to an individual slide or to a selection of slides. Select the slide(s) and then point to the desired scheme so that an arrow displays. Click the arrow to display a menu, and then click Apply to Selected Slides.
To modify an individual color within the color scheme, use the Custom tab in the Edit Color Scheme dialog box. Recall that any changes you make to a color scheme can be applied to a single slide or to the entire presentation.