Objective 5. Insert Frequently Used Text

AutoCorrect corrects common spelling errors as you type. When you type a word incorrectly, for example teh, Word automatically changes it to the. You can add words that you frequently misspell to the AutoCorrect list. Another feature, AutoText, enables you to create shortcuts to quickly insert long phrases that are used regularly, such as a business name or your address.

Another type of frequently used text includes various symbols, such as the trademark symbol ™ or copyright symbol ©. These are accessed from the Symbol dialog box.

Activity 2.19. Recording AutoCorrect Entries

You probably have words that you frequently misspell. You can add these to the AutoCorrect list for automatic correction.



From the Tools menu, click AutoCorrect Options.

The AutoCorrect dialog box displays. All of the check boxes on the left of the dialog box are selected by default. Yours may be different.


In the AutoCorrect dialog box, under Replace, type secter and under With, type sector Compare your screen with Figure 2.42.

Figure 2.42.

If another student has already added this AutoCorrect entry, the Add button will change to a Replace button.


Click Add. If the entry already exists, click Replace instead, and then click Yes.


Click OK to close the dialog box, and then press to position the insertion point at the end of the documentthe blank line following the title. From the Format menu, display the Paragraph dialog box, and be sure that the Indents and Spacing tab displays. Under Indentation, click the Special arrow, and then click First line.


Under Indentation, in the By box, be sure 0.5" displays. Click OK to close the dialog box. Type Sales of video games in the United States currently top $10 billion a year. It is a rapidly growing product and press .


Type secter and watch the screen as you press .

The misspelled word is automatically corrected.


Point to the corrected word, and then notice the blue line that displays under the word.



Move the pointer over the blue line until the AutoCorrect Options button displays, and then click the button. Compare your screen with Figure 2.43.

Figure 2.43.

The AutoCorrect options menu displays, and you have several commands available. The Control AutoCorrect Options command will display the AutoCorrect dialog box.


Click anywhere in the document to close the AutoCorrect Options menu without selecting a command. Position the insertion point at the end of the last line of text, and type the following text. Do not press at the end:

and is expected to grow more than 60 percent by 2012. The field is new, and job growth statistics are not readily available. It is clear that highly trained and creative individuals will be needed to develop new products. Many community and four-year colleges are adding gaming curricula to their course offerings. Lake Michigan City College, with a reputation for being on the cutting edge of new technology training, is also considering this addition.


Select the text Lake Michigan City College and then, from the Formatting toolbar, click the Italic button . Save your changes.

Activity 2.20. Recording and Inserting AutoText

AutoText stores, with a unique name, text and graphics that you use frequently. For example, employees and students at the college frequently type Lake Michigan City College.



Be sure Lake Michigan City College is still selected. From the Tools menu, click AutoCorrect Options. In the AutoCorrect dialog box, click the AutoText tab, and then compare your screen with Figure 2.44.

Figure 2.44.

You can also type entries directly into this box.


Click Add. If the entry has already been created on this computer, click Yes to redefine the entry.

The phrase is added to the AutoText entries, and the AutoCorrect dialog box closes.



Press to move the insertion point to the end of the document, and then press . Type The initial focus of the Lake and notice the AutoComplete text that you added to the AutoText list, as shown in Figure 2.45.

Figure 2.45.

(This item is displayed on page 362 in the print version)



Press .

Lake is replaced with the AutoText entry Lake Michigan City College. Notice that the text is italic, as it was in the first paragraph. The character formatting of an AutoText entry is the same as its source text.



Press , and then type:

program is expected to be computer role-playing games (RPGs), which are often developed for use beyond the entertainment sector as training products in business, medicine, engineering, highway safety, and the sciences. To understand the importance of computers in training applications, it is helpful to look at the history.


Save your changes, and then press . From the Insert menu, click File. Navigate to the location where the student files for this textbook are stored. Locate w02B_Research_Paper and click once to select it. Click Insert to add the remaining text for this research paper.


Press one time to remove the stray paragraph mark that resulted from inserting the file. If a stray paragraph mark still displays, press again. Save your changes.

More Knowledge: Other Uses of AutoCorrect

AutoCorrect can also be used to correct two initial capital letters, capitalize the first letter of sentences, capitalize the first letter of table cells, capitalize the names of days of the week, turn off the Caps Lock key, create exceptions to automatic corrections, and to add your own AutoCorrect entries to the AutoCorrect list.


Activity 2.21. Inserting Symbols

There are many symbols that are used occasionally, but not often enough to put on a standard keyboard. These symbols can be found and inserted from the Insert menu.



Press to move to the top of Page 1, and then scroll down to locate the paragraph that begins In the 1950s. In the fifth line, locate and select the hyphen between application and a radar system.

Two phrases such as these should be separated by a dash rather than a hyphen.


With the hyphen selected, from the Insert menu, click Symbol. In the Symbol dialog box, click the Special Characters tab, and then compare your screen with Figure 2.46.

Figure 2.46.

A list of commonly used symbols displays. The keyboard shortcuts for inserting these commonly used symbols display to the right of the character name.


Be sure the Em dash is selected. In the lower right corner of the dialog box, click Insert, and then click Close.

An em dash replaces the selected text. An em dash is the word processing name for a long dash in a sentence. An em dash in a sentence marks a break in thought, similar to a comma but stronger.


Near the end of the same paragraph, in the last line, click to position the insertion point after the word AutoCad, but before the period that ends the sentence.


Type (r) and notice that (r) is replaced by a Registered ® symbol.

Although this symbol, which indicates a registered name or mark, is available from the Symbol dialog box, it is also included in Word's AutoCorrect list. The parentheses are necessary for AutoComplete to insert a Registered symbol.



From the Tools menu, click AutoCorrect Options, click the AutoCorrect tab, and then compare your screen with Figure 2.47.

Figure 2.47.



Scroll the list to view additional symbol shortcuts. When you are finished, click OK to close the dialog box, and then Save the changes you have made to your research paper.

More Knowledge: AutoCorrect Shortcuts

The AutoCorrect replacement is most commonly used to correct spelling errors, but it can also be used to expand shortcut text into longer words or phrases. In the Replace box, type a shortcut phrase, and type the full phrase in the With box. When setting up an AutoCorrect shortcut, it is best not to use shortcut text that is an actual word or a commonly used abbreviation. Even though you can reverse an AutoCorrect replacement by using the AutoCorrect Options shortcut menu, it is best to avoid the problem by adding a letter to the shortcut text. For example, if you type both LMCC and Lake Michigan City College frequently, you might want to add lmccx (or just lmx) as an AutoCorrect shortcut for the text Lake Michigan City College.

[Page 364 (continued)]

Objective 6 Insert and Format References

Windows XP

Outlook 2003

Internet Explorer

Computer Concepts

Word 2003

Chapter One. Creating Documents with Microsoft Word 2003

Chapter Two. Formatting and Organizing Text

Chapter Three. Using Graphics and Tables

Chapter Four. Using Special Document Formats, Columns, and Mail Merge

Excel 2003

Chapter One. Creating a Worksheet and Charting Data

Chapter Two. Designing Effective Worksheets

Chapter Three. Using Functions and Data Tables

Access 2003

Chapter One. Getting Started with Access Databases and Tables

Chapter Two. Sort, Filter, and Query a Database

Chapter Three. Forms and Reports

Powerpoint 2003

Chapter One. Getting Started with PowerPoint 2003

Chapter Two. Creating a Presentation

Chapter Three. Formatting a Presentation

Integrated Projects

Chapter One. Using Access Data with Other Office Applications

Chapter Two. Using Tables in Word and Excel

Chapter Three. Using Excel as a Data Source in a Mail Merge

Chapter Four. Linking Data in Office Documents

Chapter Five. Creating Presentation Content from Office Documents

Go! With Microsoft Office 2003 Brief
GO! with Microsoft Office 2003 Brief (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0131878646
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 448

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