GO! with Microsoft Office 2003 Brief (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0131878646
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 448
Shelley Gaskin
Linda Turpen
Robert Ferrett
John Preston
Sally Preston
Alicia Vargas
Windows XP
Chapter One. Getting Started with Windows XP
Project 1A. Windows XP
Objective 1. Get Started with Windows XP
Objective 2. Resize, Move, and Scroll Windows
Objective 3. Maximize, Restore, Minimize, and Close a Window
Objective 4. Create a New Folder
Objective 5. Copy, Move, Rename, and Delete Files
Objective 6. Find Files and Folders
Objective 7. Compress Files
Key Terms
Concepts Assessments
Outlook 2003
Chapter One. Getting Started with Outlook 2003
Getting Started with Microsoft Office Outlook 2003
Project 1A. Exploring Outlook 2003
Objective 1. Start and Navigate Outlook
Objective 2. Read and Respond to E-mail
Objective 3. Store Contact and Task Information
Objective 4. Work with the Calendar
Objective 5. Delete Outlook Information and Close Outlook
Key Terms
Concepts Assessments
Skill Assessments
Performance Assessments
Mastery Assessments
Problem Solving
GO! with Help
Internet Explorer
Chapter One. Getting Started with Internet Explorer
Getting Started with Internet Explorer 6.0
Project 1A. College and Career Information
Objective 1. Start Internet Explorer and Identify Screen Elements
Objective 2. Navigate the Internet
Objective 3. Create and Manage Favorites
Objective 4. Search the Internet
Objective 5. Save and Print Web Pages
Key Terms
Concepts Assessments
Skill Assessments
Performance Assessments
Mastery Assessments
Problem Solving
Computer Concepts
Chapter One. Basic Computer Concepts
Objective 1. Define Computer and Identify the Four Basic Computing Functions
Objective 2. Identify the Different Types of Computers
Objective 3. Describe Hardware Devices and Their Uses
Objective 4. Identify Types of Software and Their Uses
Objective 5. Describe Networks and Define Network Terms
Objective 6. Identify Safe Computing Practices
In this Chapter You Learned How to
Key Terms
Concepts Assessments
Word 2003
Word 2003
Chapter One. Creating Documents with Microsoft Word 2003
Chapter One. Creating Documents with Microsoft Word 2003
Getting Started with Microsoft Office Word 2003
Project 1A. Thank You Letter
Objective 1. Create and Save a New Document
Objective 2. Edit Text
Objective 3. Select, Delete, and Format Text
Objective 4. Create Footers and Print Documents
Project 1B. Party Themes
Objective 5. Navigate the Word Window
Objective 6. Add a Graphic to a Document
Objective 7. Use the Spelling and Grammar Checker
Objective 8. Preview and Print Documents, Close a Document, and Close Word
Objective 9. Use the Microsoft Help System
Key Terms
Concepts Assessments
Skill Assessments
Performance Assessments
Mastery Assessments
Problem Solving
You and GO!
Business Running Case
GO! with Help
Chapter Two. Formatting and Organizing Text
Formatting and Organizing Text
Project 2A. Alaska Trip
Objective 1. Change Document and Paragraph Layout
Objective 2. Change and Reorganize Text
Objective 3. Create and Modify Lists
Project 2B. Research Paper
Objective 4. Insert and Format Headers and Footers
Objective 5. Insert Frequently Used Text
Objective 6. Insert and Format References
Key Terms
Concepts Assessments
Skill Assessments
Performance Assessments
Mastery Assessments
Problem Solving
You and GO!
Business Running Case
GO! with Help
Chapter Three. Using Graphics and Tables
Using Graphics and Tables
Project 3A. Job Opportunities
Objective 1. Insert and Modify Clip Art and Pictures
Objective 2. Use the Drawing Toolbar
Project 3B. Park Changes
Objective 3. Set Tab Stops
Objective 4. Create a Table
Objective 5. Format a Table
Objective 6. Create a Table from Existing Text
Key Terms
Concepts Assessments
Skill Assessments
Performance Assessments
Mastery Assessments
Problem Solving
You and GO!
Business Running Case
GO! with Help
Chapter Four. Using Special Document Formats, Columns, and Mail Merge
Using Special Document Formats, Columns, and Mail Merge
Project 4A. Garden Newsletter
Objective 1. Create a Decorative Title
Objective 2. Create Multicolumn Documents
Objective 3. Add Special Paragraph Formatting
Objective 4. Use Special Character Formats
Project 4B. Water Matters
Objective 5. Insert Hyperlinks
Objective 6. Preview and Save a Document as a Web Page
Project 4C. Recreation Ideas
Objective 7. Locate Supporting Information
Objective 8. Find Objects with the Select Browse Object Button
Project 4D. Mailing Labels
Objective 9. Create Labels Using the Mail Merge Wizard
Key Terms
Concepts Assessments
Skill Assessments
Performance Assessments
Mastery Assessments
Problem Solving
You and GO!
Business Running Case
GO! with Help
Excel 2003
Excel 2003
Chapter One. Creating a Worksheet and Charting Data
Creating a Worksheet and Charting Data
Project 1A. Tableware
Objective 1. Start Excel and Navigate a Workbook
Objective 2. Select Parts of a Worksheet
Objective 3. Enter and Edit Data in a Worksheet
Objective 4. Construct a Formula and Use the Sum Function
Objective 5. Format Data and Cells
Objective 6. Chart Data
Objective 7. Annotate a Chart
Objective 8. Prepare a Worksheet for Printing
Objective 9. Use the Excel Help System
Project 1B. Gas Usage
Objective 10. Open and Save an Existing Workbook
Objective 11. Navigate and Rename Worksheets
Objective 12. Enter Dates and Clear Formats
Objective 13. Use a Summary Sheet
Objective 14. Format Worksheets in a Workbook
Key Terms
Concepts Assessments
Skill Assessments
Performance Assessments
Mastery Assessments
Problem Solving
You and GO!
Business Running Case
GO! with Help
Chapter Two. Designing Effective Worksheets
Designing Effective Worksheets
Project 2A. Staff Schedule
Objective 1. Use AutoFill to Fill a Pattern of Column and Row Titles
Objective 2. Copy Text Using the Fill Handle
Objective 3. Use AutoFormat
Objective 4. View, Scroll, and Print Large Worksheets
Project 2B. Inventory Value
Objective 5. Design a Worksheet
Objective 6. Copy Formulas
Objective 7. Format Percents, Move Formulas, and Wrap Text
Objective 8. Make Comparisons Using a Pie Chart
Objective 9. Print a Chart on a Separate Worksheet
Project 2C. Population Growth
Objective 10. Design a Worksheet for What-If Analysis
Objective 11. Perform What-If Analysis
Objective 12. Compare Data with a Line Chart
Key Terms
Concepts Assessments
Skill Assessments
Performance Assessments
Mastery Assessments
Problem Solving
You and GO!
Business Running Case
GO! with Help
Chapter Three. Using Functions and Data Tables
Using Functions and Data Tables
Project 3A. Geography Lecture
Objective 1. Use SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, and MAX Functions
Objective 2. Use a Chart to Make Comparisons
Project 3B. Lab Supervisors
Objective 3. Use COUNTIF and IF Functions, and Apply Conditional Formatting
Objective 4. Use a Date Function
Project 3C. Loan Payment
Objective 5. Use Financial Functions
Objective 6. Use Goal Seek
Objective 7. Create a Data Table
Key Terms
Concepts Assessments
Skill Assessments
Performance Assessments
Mastery Assessments
Problem Solving
You and GO!
Business Running Case
GO! with Help
Access 2003
Access 2003
Chapter One. Getting Started with Access Databases and Tables
Getting Started with Access Databases and Tables
Project 1A. Academic Departments
Objective 1. Rename a Database
Objective 2. Start Access, Open an Existing Database, and View Database Objects
Project 1B. Fundraising
Objective 3. Create a New Database
Objective 4. Create a New Table
Objective 5. Add Records to a Table
Objective 6. Modify the Table Design
Objective 7. Create Table Relationships
Objective 8. Find and Edit Records in a Table
Objective 9. Print a Table
Objective 10. Close and Save a Database
Objective 11. Use the Access Help System
Key Terms
Concepts Assessments
Skill Assessments
Performance Assessments
Mastery Assessments
Problem Solving Assessments
Problem Solving
You and GO!
Business Running Case
GO! with Help
Chapter Two. Sort, Filter, and Query a Database
Sort, Filter, and Query a Database
Project 2A. Club Fundraiser
Objective 1. Sort Records
Objective 2. Filter Records
Objective 3. Create a Select Query
Objective 4. Open and Edit an Existing Query
Objective 5. Sort Data in a Query
Objective 6. Specify Text Criteria in a Query
Objective 7. Print a Query
Objective 8. Specify Numeric Criteria in a Query
Objective 9. Use Compound Criteria
Objective 10. Create a Query Based on More Than One Table
Objective 11. Use Wildcards in a Query
Objective 12. Use Calculated Fields in a Query
Objective 13. Group Data and Calculate Statistics in a Query
Key Terms
Concepts Assessments
Skill Assessments
Performance Assessments
Mastery Assessments
Problem Solving
You and GO!
Business Running Case
GO! with Access Help
Chapter Three. Forms and Reports
Forms and Reports
Project 3A. Fundraiser
Objective 1. Create an AutoForm
Objective 2. Use a Form to Add and Delete Records
Objective 3. Create a Form Using the Form Wizard
Objective 4. Modify a Form
Objective 5. Create an AutoReport
Objective 6. Create a Report Using the Report Wizard
Objective 7. Modify the Design of a Report
Objective 8. Print a Report and Keep Data Together
Key Terms
Concepts Assessments
Skill Assessments
Performance Assessments
Mastery Assessments
Problem Solving
You and GO!
Business Running Case
GO! with Help
Powerpoint 2003
Chapter One. Getting Started with PowerPoint 2003
Getting Started with PowerPoint 2003
Project 1A. Expansion
Objective 1. Start and Exit PowerPoint
Objective 2. Edit a Presentation Using the Outline/Slides Pane
Objective 3. Format and Edit a Presentation Using the Slide Pane
Objective 4. View and Edit a Presentation in Slide Sorter View
Objective 5. View a Slide Show
Objective 6. Create Headers and Footers
Objective 7. Print a Presentation
Objective 8. Use PowerPoint Help
Key Terms
Concepts Assessments
Skill Assessments
Performance Assessments
Mastery Assessments
Problem Solving
You and GO!
Business Running Case
GO! with Help
Chapter Two. Creating a Presentation
Creating a Presentation
Project 2A. Teenagers
Objective 1. Create a Presentation
Objective 2. Modify Slides
Project 2B. History
Objective 3. Create a Presentation Using a Design Template
Objective 4. Import Text from Word
Objective 5. Move and Copy Text
Key Terms
Concepts Assessments
Skill Assessments
Performance Assessments
Mastery Assessments
Problem Solving
You and GO!
Business Running Case
GO! with Help
Chapter Three. Formatting a Presentation
Project 3A. Emergency
Objective 1. Format Slide Text
Objective 2. Modify Placeholders
Objective 3. Modify Slide Master Elements
Objective 4. Insert Clip Art
Project 3B. Volunteers
Objective 5. Apply Bullets and Numbering
Objective 6. Customize a Color Scheme
Objective 7. Modify the Slide Background
Objective 8. Apply an Animation Scheme
Key Terms
Concepts Assessments
Skill Assessments
Performance Assessments
Mastery Assessments
Problem Solving
You and GO!
Business Running Case
GO! with Help
Integrated Projects
Integrated Projects
Chapter One. Using Access Data with Other Office Applications
Chapter One. Using Access Data with Other Office Applications
Project 1A. Meeting Slides
Objective 1. Export Access Data to Excel
Objective 2. Create a Formula in Excel
Objective 3. Create a Chart in Excel
Objective 4. Copy Access Data into a Word Document
Objective 5. Copy Excel Data into a Word Document
Objective 6. Insert an Excel Chart into a PowerPoint Presentation
Chapter Two. Using Tables in Word and Excel
Chapter Two. Using Tables in Word and Excel
Project 2A. Meeting Notes
Objective 1. Plan a Table in Word
Objective 2. Enter Data and Format a Table in Word
Objective 3. Create a Table in Word from Excel Data
Objective 4. Create Excel Worksheet Data from a Word Table
Chapter Three. Using Excel as a Data Source in a Mail Merge
Chapter Three. Using Excel as a Data Source in a Mail Merge
Project 3A. Mailing Labels
Objective 1. Prepare a Mail Merge Document as Mailing Labels
Objective 2. Choose an Excel Worksheet as a Data Source
Objective 3. Produce and Save Merged Mailing Labels
Objective 4. Open a Saved Main Document for Mail Merge
Chapter Four. Linking Data in Office Documents
Chapter Four. Linking Data in Office Documents
Project 4A. Weekly Sales
Objective 1. Insert and Link in Word an Excel Object
Objective 2. Format an Object in Word
Objective 3. Open a Word Document That Includes a Linked Object, and Update Links
Chapter Five. Creating Presentation Content from Office Documents
Chapter Five. Creating Presentation Content from Office Documents
Project 5A. New Employees
Objective 1. Send a Word Document to PowerPoint
Objective 2. Import Excel Data into a PowerPoint Chart
Objective 3. Copy and Paste as a Hyperlink into a PowerPoint Slide
GO! with Microsoft Office 2003 Brief (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0131878646
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 448
Shelley Gaskin
Linda Turpen
Robert Ferrett
John Preston
Sally Preston
Alicia Vargas
A Practitioners Guide to Software Test Design
Boundary Value Testing
Decision Table Testing
Section III - Testing Paradigms
Test Planning
Defect Taxonomies
MySQL Clustering
Restarting a Cluster
Obtaining, Installing, and Configuring MySQL Cluster on Other Platforms
SQL Nodes
Common Setups
Individual Programs
Visual Studio Tools for Office(c) Using C# with Excel, Word, Outlook, and InfoPath
Why Office Programming?
The Three Basic Patterns of Office Solutions
Working with the Workbook Object
Location, Location, Location
Shimming: A Solution to the Problems with MsCoree.dll
Extending and Embedding PHP
The return_value Variable
Exposing Information Through MINFO
Advanced Embedding
Quartz Job Scheduling Framework: Building Open Source Enterprise Applications
Getting Help from the Quartz Community
Using TriggerUtils with the CronTrigger
Creating a Quartz RMI Server
Using Quartz with J2EE
Using Quartz with Workflow
Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Programmers Cookbook (Pro-Developer)
Arrays and Collections
Web Services
Remoting and Enterprise Services
Security and Cryptography
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