PSA stores data in its original source system format. In this way, it gives us a chance to examine the data before we send them into their destination – either characteristics, ODS objects, or InfoCubes.
Work Instructions
Step 1. Reload the data from Table 3.3. This time, in the InfoPackage created in Section 3.9, under the Processing tab, select the option Only PSA, instead of the default PSA and then into data targets (packet by packet).
Step 2. Start the data loading process as shown in Screen 3.71. After the Data was requested message appears at the bottom of the screen, click as shown in Screen 3.22. A green light appears next to the data load request, which indicates that the job was successful.
Next, click to display the PSA data.
Step 3. Click to see records 1 to 1000. BW sets this range by default.
Step 4. Review the 24 records stored in PSA. To modify one of them, you select the record and then click . Notice the zeros in the Sales revenue column; their presence indicates that the transfer rules have not yet been applied to the PSA data.
Step 5. After checking the data in PSA, now we can send the data to IC_DEMOBC.
In the Administrator Workbench: Modelling window, notice the load request InfoPackage demo: IC_DEMOBC (25.10.2000) in the right panel. Right-click the request, and then select Start the update immediately.
Step 6. In the Administrator Workbench: Modelling window, right-click InfoCube demo: Basic Cube, and then select Manage (Screens 4.1 and 4.2).
Under the Requests tab, notice the status of the data loads. The first row shows the status of the data load in Step 5. Click in the first row, which returns you to BW Monitor. You will see that the load from PSA into IC_DEMOBC was successful.
You have loaded data into IC_DEMOBC via PSA. Using PSA, you verified that the data were loaded correctly into BW.
Part I. Guided Tours
Business Scenario and SAP BW
Creating an InfoCube
Loading Data into the InfoCube
Checking Data Quality
Creating Queries and Workbooks
Managing User Authorization
Part II. Advanced Topics
InfoCube Design
Aggregates and Multi-Cubes
Operational Data Store (ODS)
Business Content
Generic R/3 Data Extraction
Data Maintenance
Performance Tuning
Object Transport
Appendix A. BW Implementation Methodology
Object Transport
Appendix B. SAP Basis Overview
Object Transport
Appendix C. Glossary
Appendix D. Bibliography