The following steps demonstrate how to create an InfoCube, the fact table and associated dimension tables, for the sales data shown in Table 1.4.
Work Instructions
Step 1. Select Data targets under Modelling in the left panel. In the right panel, right-click InfoArea demo and then select Create InfoCube….
Step 2. Enter a name and a description, select the option Basic Cube in block InfoCube type, and then click to create the InfoCube.
An InfoCube can be a basic cube, a multi-cube, an SAP remote cube, or a general remote cube.
A basic cube has a fact table and associated dimension tables, and it contains data. We are building a basic cube.
A multi-cube is a union of multiple basic cubes and/or remote cubes to allow cross-subject analysis. It does not contain data. See Chapter 8, Aggregates and Multi-Cubes, for an example.
A remote cube does not contain data; instead, the data reside in the source system. A remote cube is analogous to a channel, allowing users to access the data using BEx. As a consequence, querying the data leads to poor performance.
If the source system is an SAP system, we need to select the option SAP RemoteCube. Otherwise, we need to select the option Gen. Remote Cube. This book will not discuss remote cubes.
Step 3. Select IO_CUST, IO_MAT, and IO_SREP from the Template table, and move them to the Structure table by clicking .
Next, click the Dimensions… button to create dimensions and assign these characteristics to the dimensions.
Step 4. Click , and then enter a description for the dimension.
BW automatically assigns technical names to each dimension with the format .
Fixed dimension is reserved for Data Packet, Time, and Unit. Section 12.2.3, "Data Load Requests," discusses the Data Packet dimension.
A dimension uses a key column in the fact table. In most databases, a table can have a maximum of 16 key columns. Therefore, BW mandates that an InfoCube can have a maximum of 16 dimensions: three are reserved for Data Packet, Time, and Unit; the remaining 13 are left for us to use.
Repeat the same procedure to create two other dimensions. Next, click the Assign tab to assign the characteristics to the dimensions.
Step 5. Select a characteristic in the Characteristics and assigned dimension block, select a dimension to which the characteristic will be assigned in the Dimensions block, and then click to assign the characteristic to the dimension.
Step 6. After assigning all three characteristics to their dimensions, click to continue.
Step 7. Select the Time characteristics tab, select 0CALDAY from the Template table, and move it to the Structure table by clicking .
Step 8. Select the Key figures tab, select IO_PRC, IO_QUAN, and IO_REV from the Template table and move them to the Structure table by clicking .
Next, click to check the InfoCube. If it is valid, click
to activate the InfoCube.
You have created the InfoCube IC_DEMOBC. A status message InfoCube IC_DEMOBC activated will appear at the bottom of Screen 2.29.
Part I. Guided Tours
Business Scenario and SAP BW
Creating an InfoCube
Loading Data into the InfoCube
Checking Data Quality
Creating Queries and Workbooks
Managing User Authorization
Part II. Advanced Topics
InfoCube Design
Aggregates and Multi-Cubes
Operational Data Store (ODS)
Business Content
Generic R/3 Data Extraction
Data Maintenance
Performance Tuning
Object Transport
Appendix A. BW Implementation Methodology
Object Transport
Appendix B. SAP Basis Overview
Object Transport
Appendix C. Glossary
Appendix D. Bibliography