We started this chapter by discussing the basics of colors, fonts, and text-related functionality and classes defined in the .NET Framework. In the colors section, we covered how to use the Color class and its members, including system colors. We also discussed color spaces, and how to translate colors from one to another.
In the fonts section, we discussed how to use the Font class and related classes to create various types of fonts with different sizes and colors. We also discussed how to control the font families, including system and private font collections, and use them in our application.
The text section covered some uses of fonts and strings. We discussed how to format text, including aligning, tab stops, trimming, and hinting. We also discussed how to improve the quality and speed of text rendering by using various settings. Then we created a text editor illustrating how to use color-, font-, and text-related functionality in a real-world application.
At the end of the chapter we discussed some text transformation techniques, including scaling, rotation, and translation of text from one position to another.
Chapter 3 mentioned rectangles and regions only briefly, but regions and rectangles play a major role in application development and rendering performance. In Chapter 6 we will discuss rectangles and regions in detail.
GDI+: The Next-Generation Graphics Interface
Your First GDI+ Application
The Graphics Class
Working with Brushes and Pens
Colors, Fonts, and Text
Rectangles and Regions
Working with Images
Advanced Imaging
Advanced 2D Graphics
Developing GDI+ Web Applications
GDI+ Best Practices and Performance Techniques
GDI Interoperability
Miscellaneous GDI+ Examples
Appendix A. Exception Handling in .NET