An abstract base class is used to encapsulate common features of concrete classes. An abstract class cannot be instantiated. Nevertheless, this scheme is quite useful and efficient for organizing our knowledge of the vastly complex biological world. In the simplified taxonomic organization chart shown in Figure 6.2, we can see that a primate is a mammal that has certain additional characteristics, a gorilla is a hominid with certain additional characteristics, and so forth.
Figure 6.2. Animal taxonomy
A concrete class represents a particular kind of entity, something that really exists and can be instantiated. For example, walking through the woods you will never encounter a real, live animal that is completely described by the designation Carnivora or Felidae. You may, depending on where you walk, find a lion, a siamese cat, or a common housecat (Felis silvestris). But there is no instance of a Hominidae (i.e., of a base class) in the concrete world that is not also an instance of some particular species. If a biologist ever finds a concrete instance that does not fit into an existing species definition, then that biologist may define and name a new species and become famous.
To summarize, the more general categories (class, order, family, subfamily) are all abstract base classes that cannot be instantiated in the concrete world. They were invented by people to help with the classification and organization of the concrete classes (species).
Back to Programming
At first it might seem counterintuitive to define a class for an abstract idea that has no concrete representative. But classes are groupings of functions and data, and are useful tools to enable certain kinds of organization and reuse. Categorizing things makes the world simpler and more manageable for humans and computers.
As we study design patterns and develop frameworks and class libraries, we will sometimes design inheritance trees where only the leaf nodes can be instantiated, and the inner nodes are all abstract.
Once again, an abstract base class is a class that is impossible and/or inappropriate to instantiate. Features of a class that tell the compiler to enforce this rule are:
Figure 6.3 shows a class hierarchy with an abstract base class, Shape. Shape is abstract because it contains pure virtual functions.
Figure 6.3. Shapes UML diagram
A pure virtual function has the following declaration syntax:
virtual returnType functionName(parameterList)=0;
Example 6.13 shows the base class definition.
Example 6.13. src/derivation/shape1/shapes.h
[ . . . . ] class Shape { <-- 1 public: virtual double area() = 0; <-- 2 virtual QString getName() = 0; virtual QString getDimensions() = 0; virtual ~Shape() {} };
getName(), area(), and getdimension() are all pure virtual functions. Because they are defined to be pure virtual, no function definition is required in the Shape class. Any concrete derived class must override and define all pure virtual base class functions for instantiation to be permitted. In other words, any derived class that does not override and define all pure virtual base class functions is, itself, an abstract class. Example 6.14 shows the derived class definitions.
Example 6.14. src/derivation/shape1/shapes.h
[ . . . . ] class Rectangle : public Shape { public: Rectangle(double h, double w) : m_Height(h), m_Width(w) {} double area(); QString getName(); QString getDimensions(); protected: <-- 1 double m_Height, m_Width; }; class Square : public Rectangle { public: Square(double h) : Rectangle(h,h) {} <-- 2 double area(); QString getName(); QString getDimensions(); };
Rectangle, Circle, and Square are derived from Shape. Their implementations are shown in Example 6.15.
Example 6.15. src/derivation/shape1/shapes.cpp
#include "shapes.h" double Circle::area() { return(3.14159 * m_Radius * m_Radius); } double Rectangle::area() { return (m_Height * m_Width); } double Square::area() { return (Rectangle::area()); <-- 1 } [ . . . . ]
We provide some client code to exercise these classes in Example 6.16.
Example 6.16. src/derivation/shape1/shape1.cpp
#include "shapes.h" #include #include void showNameAndArea(Shape* pshp) { qDebug() << pshp->getName() << " " << pshp->getDimensions() << " area= " << pshp->area(); } int main() { Shape shp; <-- 1 Rectangle rectangle(4.1, 5.2); Square square(5.1); Circle circle(6.1); qDebug() << "This program uses hierarchies for Shapes"; showNameAndArea(&rectangle); showNameAndArea(&circle); showNameAndArea(&square); return 0; }
In the global function showNameAndArea() the base class pointer, pshp, is successively given the addresses of objects of the three subclasses. For each address assignment, pshp polymorphically invokes the correct getName() and area() functions. Example 6.17 shows the output of the program.
Example 6.17. src/derivation/shape1/shape.txt
This program uses hierarchies for Shapes RECTANGLE Height = 4.1 Width = 5.2 area = 21.32 CIRCLE Radius = 6.1 area = 116.899 SQUARE Height = 5.1 area = 26.01 |
Inheritance Design |
Part I: Introduction to C++ and Qt 4
C++ Introduction
Introduction to Qt
Inheritance and Polymorphism
Part II: Higher-Level Programming
Introduction to Design Patterns
Generics and Containers
Qt GUI Widgets
Validation and Regular Expressions
Parsing XML
Meta Objects, Properties, and Reflective Programming
More Design Patterns
Models and Views
Qt SQL Classes
Part III: C++ Language Reference
Types and Expressions
Scope and Storage Class
Statements and Control Structures
Memory Access
Chapter Summary
Inheritance in Detail
Miscellaneous Topics
Part IV: Programming Assignments
MP3 Jukebox Assignments
Part V: Appendices
MP3 Jukebox Assignments
MP3 Jukebox Assignments