Sheared Type

The Shear tool should be approached with extreme caution because shearing type can turn lovingly and reverently crafted characters into a dog's dinner of distorted character shapes in a fraction of a second. That said, because the tool is there, we are bound to use it. You'll likely get the best results when it is used sparingly and applied to a small amount of type.

The Shear tool can be unruly and difficult to control: The first click establishes the point of origin for the transformation, and then you drag to make the shearing happen. It's usually easiest to make the point of origin the center point of the text frame. To maintain the proportions of your text frame, hold the Shift key.

Here's a practical example:

  1. Draw a rectangle or framing shape.
  2. Enter the text into a separate text frame and center it horizontally and vertically.
  3. Shear the text frame to the desired angle and position in the bottom left corner of the framing rectangle.
  4. Cut the text frame, Edit > Cut (Cmd+X/Ctrl+X)
  5. Select the framing rectangle and choose Edit > Paste Into (Cmd+Option+V/Ctrl+Alt+V). The edges of the sheared frame will be cropped by the framing rectangle.

Figure 18.24. Sheared type.

Part I: Character Formats

Getting Started

Going with the Flow

Character Reference

Getting the Lead Out

Kern, Baby, Kern

Sweating the Small Stuff: Special Characters, White Space, and Glyphs

OpenType: The New Frontier in Font Technology

Part II: Paragraph Formats

Aligning Your Type

Paragraph Indents and Spacing

First Impressions: Creating Great Opening Paragraphs

Dont Fear the Hyphen

Mastering Tabs and Tables

Part III: Styles

Stylin with Paragraph and Character Styles

Mo Style

Part IV: Page Layout

Setting Up Your Document

Everything in Its Right Place: Using Grids

Text Wraps: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Type Effects

InDesign Type. Professional Typography with Adobe InDesign CS2
InDesign Type: Professional Typography with Adobe InDesign CS2
ISBN: 0321385446
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 186
Authors: Nigel French © 2008-2020.
If you may any questions please contact us: