You can even take Google Maps where the roads don't go.
Driving directions don't always take you where you want to go, or they may take you the wrong way. You can use a little Google Maps hack to build up your own list of points that can be saved in different formats that can be loaded into a GPS or other tool that supports the GPX standard.
The click-to-route tool is at You click on the map to create a continuous track. An example is shown in Figure 2-9.
Figure 2-9. No roadsonly walkers, horses, and bikes here!
Once you've created your route, click on one of the Export buttons. Clicking on CSV (Comma Separated Values) generates a pure-text file with the latitude and longitude separated with commas. GPX Track makes a GPX Tracklog file. GPX Route generates a set of points that can be loaded into a GPS. Here is a sample of the route as a CSV file:
38.4047068183193, -122.84743666648865 38.4041771393969, -122.84764051437378 38.403941725296505, -122.84796237945557
And here is an example of a GPX Tracklog:
Google Maps Hacks is Good
2.5.1. The Code
This hack is almost identical to "How Far Is That? Go Beyond Driving Directions" [Hack #12], with the addition of one function that generates the formatted list of points, and buttons to call this function. The buttons are inserted with this HTML code:
The onClick event is set to call the exportPoints function with a parameter to set the format of the exported points. This example shows the exportPoints function with the code for the GPX exports removed. The GPX format is simple XML, and that clutters up the example.
function exportPoints(format) { var export_string; if (format=='csv') { //csv header export_string = export_string + "latitude, longitude "; } for (i = 0; i < x_array.length; i++) { var lon = x_array[i]; var lat = y_array[i]; if (format=='csv') { export_string = export_string + lat + ", " + lon + " "; } } // write into document document.getElementById("output").value=export_string; }
The results of your selected route will appear in a textarea below the map. You may need to scroll down to see the list. You can select the whole text area and paste it into your own document. Once you have a list of points to map back on Google Maps [Hack #37], export the points to your GPS [Hack #35], and even calculate driving directions between the points [Hack #36].
You can also use this technique to plan a trip or to explore more about a trip you took without a GPS (or a trip where the GPS didn't work because the darn satellite signals wouldn't penetrate the steel canyons of the city).
You Are Here: Introducing Google Maps
Introducing the Google Maps API
Mashing Up Google Maps
On the Road with Google Maps
Google Maps in Words and Pictures
API Tips and Tricks
Extreme Google Maps Hacks