Command Line Reference

To invoke fmsadmin from the command line, youll need to supply three pieces of information. Youll need the name of the tool itself (fmsadmin, assuming it is accessible by an existing path; otherwise, the full path to the tool must be specified). Youll need the name of a particular command to invoke (such as "backup" to back up files or "close" to close files). And you may need one or more options that give further specificity to the command. An example would be

 fmsadmin close -m "All files closing" -t 120

This command would close all files on the server after a two-minute (120-second) grace period, and send all connected clients a warning saying "All files closing."

FileMaker Server Command Line Reference

In the reference that follows, we list the name of each command, along with a description, a general usage template, one or more examples, and explanations of any applicable options. Some of the options are specific to only one or two commands, but most are applicable across several commands.


fmsadmin backup [file...] [path...] [-diopuwy] 


The backup command can be used to back up a single file, all the files in a directory, or all the files hosted by a single instance of FileMaker Server. The backup command can be used alone, in which case it performs a "live" or "hot" backup of the specified files. It can also be used in conjunction with the pause and resume commands. Though this method will interfere with user access to the files, it will also allow the backup to complete more quickly. The pause-backup-resume usage mimics the backup behavior of FileMaker Server 5.5.


 fmsadmin backup Products.fp7

 fmsadmin backup /Products -d E:FileMaker_Backups


-d PATH, --dest PATH

Specify a destination path for a backup.

-i address, --ip address

Specify the IP address of a remote server.

-o, --offline

Perform an offline backup.

-p pass, --password pass

Password to use to authenticate with the server.

-u user, --user user

Username to use to authenticate with the server.

-w seconds, --wait seconds

Specify time in seconds for command to time out.

-y, --yes

Automatically answer "yes" to all prompts.


fmsadmin close [file...] [path...] [-imptuwy] 


This command closes one or more database files. It can be used to close a specific file, all the files in a directory, or all files on the server.


 fmsadmin close

 fmsadmin close -y

 fmsadmin close -y Products.fp7

 fmsadmin close -y "Invoice Items.fp7"


-i address, --ip address

Specify the IP address of a remote server.

-m message, --message message

Specify a text message to send to clients.

-p pass, --password pass

Password to use to authenticate with the server.

-t, --grace-time

Specify time in seconds before clients will be forcibly disconnected.

-u user, --user user

Username to use to authenticate with the server.

-w seconds, --wait seconds

Specify time in seconds for command to time out.

-y, --yes

Automatically answer "yes" to all prompts.


fmsadmin delete schedule [schedule #] [-ipuwy] 


This command deletes a specific schedule, referenced by its schedule number. Schedule numbers can be determined using the list schedules command.


 fmsadmin delete schedule 1

 fmsadmin delete schedule 3 --wait 5 -y


-i address, --ip address

Specify the IP address of a remote server.

-p pass, --password pass

Password to use to authenticate with the server.

-u user, --user user

Username to use to authenticate with the server.

-w seconds, --wait seconds

Specify time in seconds for command to time out.

-y, --yes

Automatically answer "yes" to all prompts.


fmsadmin disable type [plug-in #] [schedule #] [-ipuwy] 


This command is used to disable server-side plug-ins or schedules. Plug-ins and schedules are referenced by number. The numbers can be determined by using the list schedules or list plugins commands.


 fmsadmin disable plugin 3 -y

 fmsadmin disable schedule 1 y


-i address, --ip address

Specify the IP address of a remote server.

-p pass, --password pass

Password to use to authenticate with the server.

-u user, --user user

Username to use to authenticate with the server.

-w seconds, --wait seconds

Specify time in seconds for command to time out.

-y, --yes

Automatically answer "yes" to all prompts.


fmsadmin disconnect client [client #] [-impuwy] 


This command is used to disconnect a specific client. Clients are referenced by client number. Client numbers can be determined by using the list clients command. A specific message can be sent to the client(s) as well.


 fmsadmin disconnect client 13 -y

 fmsadmin disconnect client 12 -m "Its time for lunch, Sarah" -y


-i address, --ip address

Specify the IP address of a remote server.

-m message, --message message

Specify a text message to send to clients.

-p pass, --password pass

Password to use to authenticate with the server.

-u user, --user user

Username to use to authenticate with the server.

-w seconds, --wait seconds

Specify time in seconds for command to time out.

-y, --yes

Automatically answer "yes" to all prompts.


fmsadmin enable type [plug-in #] [schedule #][-ipuwy] 


This command is used to enable plug-ins or schedules. Plug-ins and schedules are referenced by number. The numbers can be determined by using the list schedules or list plugins commands.


 fmsadmin enable schedule 3

 fmasdmin enable plugin 1


-i address, --ip address

Specify the IP address of a remote server.

-p pass, --password pass

Password to use to authenticate with the server.

-u user, --user user

Username to use to authenticate with the server.

-w seconds, --wait seconds

Specify time in seconds for command to time out.

-y, --yes

Automatically answer "yes" to all prompts.


fmsadmin help [command] 


This command will display help information on the command line commands and syntax.


 fmsadmin help options

 fmsadmin help commands

 fmsadmin help resume




fmsadmin list type [-ipsuwy] 


This command can be used to obtain a list of clients, files, plug-ins, or schedules from the server. Among other things, this command will return item numbers that are necessary for other commands such as enable schedule and similar commands.


 fmsadmin list clients

 fmsadmin list plugins


-i address, --ip address

Specify the IP address of a remote server.

-p pass, --password pass

Password to use to authenticate with the server.

-s, --stats

Return additional detail about clients or files.

-u user, --user user

Username to use to authenticate with the server.

-w seconds, --wait seconds

Specify time in seconds for command to time out.

-y, --yes

Automatically answer "yes" to all prompts.


fmsadmin open [file...] [path...] [-ipuwy] 


This command is used to open databases. Like the close command, it can be used to open all files on the server, all files within a single directory, or a single named file.


 fmsadmin open Clinic.fp7

 fmsadmin open -y

 fmsadmin open /ClinicFiles


-i address, --ip address

Specify the IP address of a remote server.

-p pass, --password pass

Password to use to authenticate with the server.

-u user, --user user

Username to use to authenticate with the server.

-w seconds, --wait seconds

Specify time in seconds for command to time out.

-y, --yes

Automatically answer "yes" to all prompts.


fmsadmin pause [file...] [path...] [-ipuwy] 


This command is used to pause databases. Like the open and close commands, it can be used to affect all files on the server, all files within a single directory, or a single named file.


 fmsadmin pause -y

 fmsadmin pause --wait 30 y


-i address, --ip address

Specify the IP address of a remote server.

-p pass, --password pass

Password to use to authenticate with the server.

-u user, --user user

Username to use to authenticate with the server.

-w seconds, --wait seconds

Specify time in seconds for command to time out.

-y, --yes

Automatically answer "yes" to all prompts.


fmsadmin reload [-ipuvwy] 


This command reloads the server configuration. Any unsaved properties will be replaced with the most recently stored values for those properties.


 fmsadmin reload


-i address, --ip address

Specify the IP address of a remote server.

-p pass, --password pass

Password to use to authenticate with the server.

-u user, --user user

Username to use to authenticate with the server.

-w seconds, --wait seconds

Specify time in seconds for command to time out.

-y, --yes

Automatically answer "yes" to all prompts.


fmsadmin resume [file...][path...] [-ipuwy] 


This command is used to resume databases that have been paused. Like the open and close commands, it can be used to affect all files on the server, all files within a single directory, or a single named file.


 fmsadmin resume -y

 fmsadmin resume "Clinic.fp7"


-i address, --ip address

Specify the IP address of a remote server.

-p pass, --password pass

Password to use to authenticate with the server.

-u user, --user user

Username to use to authenticate with the server.

-w seconds, --wait seconds

Specify time in seconds for command to time out.

-y, --yes

Automatically answer "yes" to all prompts.


fmsadmin run schedule [schedule #] [-ipuwy] 


This command is used to run a schedule, specified by number. Schedule numbers can be obtained by using the list schedules command.


 fms admin run schedule 3


-i address, --ip address

Specify the IP address of a remote server.

-p pass, --password pass

Password to use to authenticate with the server.

-u user, --user user

Username to use to authenticate with the server.

-w seconds, --wait seconds

Specify time in seconds for command to time out.

-y, --yes

Automatically answer "yes" to all prompts.


fmsadmin send [-cimpuwy] [client #] [file...] [path...] 


This command can be used to send a text message to all clients. The command can be used to affect all clients connected to the server, or limited to just those clients connected to files in a specific path, or to a single specific file, or to a single client specified by number. Unlike other commands, with send you must use the -c option when specifying a client number.


 fmsadmin send -m "The server will shut down for maintenance in 15 minutes."

 fmsadmin send -c 17 -m "Fred, its time to go home."

 fmsadmin send "Clinics.fp7" -m "The Clinics file will shut down in 5 minutes."


-c, --client

Used to specify a client number.

-i address, --ip address

Specify the IP address of a remote server.

-m message, --message message

Specify a text message to send to clients.

-p pass, --password pass

Password to use to authenticate with the server.

-u user, --user user

Username to use to authenticate with the server.

-w seconds, --wait seconds

Specify time in seconds for command to time out.

-y, --yes

Automatically answer "yes" to all prompts.


fmsadmin status type [-ipuwy] [id #] [file] 


This command is used to determine the status of a client or a file.


 fmsadmin status file "Clinics.fp7"

 fmsadmin status client 30


-i address, --ip address

Specify the IP address of a remote server.

-p pass, --password pass

Password to use to authenticate with the server.

-u user, --user user

Username to use to authenticate with the server.

-w seconds, --wait seconds

Specify time in seconds for command to time out.

-y, --yes

Automatically answer "yes" to all prompts.


fmsadmin stop [-fimptuwy] 


This command will stop the server process. All connected users will have 30 seconds to close their open files. This grace period can be changed using the -t option.


 fmsadmin stop

 fmsadmin stop -f

 fmsadmin stop -t 120 -m "The server will shut down in two minutes."


-f, --force

Close databases or shut down the server forcefully, without waiting for clients to disconnect gracefully.

-i address, --ip address

Specify the IP address of a remote server.

-m message, --message message

Specify a text message to send to clients.

-p pass, --password pass

Password to use to authenticate with the server.

-t, --grace-time

Specify time in seconds before clients will be forcibly disconnected.

-u user, --user user

Username to use to authenticate with the server.

-w seconds, --wait seconds

Specify time in seconds for command to time out.

-y, --yes

Automatically answer "yes" to all prompts.

: FileMaker Specifications

FileMaker 8 Product Line

Specifications and Storage Limits

Field Types and Import/Export Formats

: Calculation Functions

Working with Calculations Primer

Calculation Signatures

Calculation Functions

: Custom Functions

Custom Functions Primer

Useful Custom Functions

: Script Steps

Scripting Primer

Script Step Reference

: Quick Reference

FileMaker Error Codes

FileMaker Keyboard Shortcuts

FileMaker Network Ports

FileMaker Server Command Line Reference

FileMaker XML Reference

: Other Resources

Where to Go for More Information

FileMaker 8 Functions and Scripts Desk Reference
FileMaker 8 Functions and Scripts Desk Reference
ISBN: 0789735113
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 352 © 2008-2020.
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