In this chapter we looked at conditional and iterative control structures in the MySQL stored program language. Almost any nontrivial program will need to make some kind of decision based on input data, and these decisions will usually be expressed as IF or CASE statements.
Looping is another extremely common programming taskespecially common in stored programs that need to iterate through the outputs from some SQL statement. MySQL provides a number of alternative ways to format a loop, including a simple loop terminated by a LEAVE statement, a REPEAT UNTIL loop, and a WHILE loop.
Part I: Stored Programming Fundamentals
Introduction to MySQL Stored Programs
MySQL Stored Programming Tutorial
Language Fundamentals
Blocks, Conditional Statements, and Iterative Programming
Using SQL in Stored Programming
Error Handling
Part II: Stored Program Construction
Creating and Maintaining Stored Programs
Transaction Management
MySQL Built-in Functions
Stored Functions
Part III: Using MySQL Stored Programs in Applications
Using MySQL Stored Programs in Applications
Using MySQL Stored Programs with PHP
Using MySQL Stored Programs with Java
Using MySQL Stored Programs with Perl
Using MySQL Stored Programs with Python
Using MySQL Stored Programs with .NET
Part IV: Optimizing Stored Programs
Stored Program Security
Tuning Stored Programs and Their SQL
Basic SQL Tuning
Advanced SQL Tuning
Optimizing Stored Program Code
Best Practices in MySQL Stored Program Development