In Example 2-7 we show a stored procedure that uses all the features of the stored program language we have covered so far in this tutorial.
Example 2-7. A more complex stored procedure
1 CREATE PROCEDURE putting_it_all_together(in_department_id INT) 2 MODIFIES SQL DATA 3 BEGIN 4 DECLARE l_employee_id INT; 5 DECLARE l_salary NUMERIC(8,2); 6 DECLARE l_department_id INT; 7 DECLARE l_new_salary NUMERIC(8,2); 8 DECLARE done INT DEFAULT 0; 9 10 DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR 11 SELECT employee_id, salary, department_id 12 FROM employees 13 WHERE department_id=in_department_id; 14 15 16 DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done=1; 17 18 CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS emp_raises 19 (employee_id INT, department_id INT, new_salary NUMERIC(8,2)); 20 21 OPEN cur1; 22 emp_loop: LOOP 23 24 FETCH cur1 INTO l_employee_id, l_salary, l_department_id; 25 26 IF done=1 THEN /* No more rows*/ 27 LEAVE emp_loop; 28 END IF; 29 30 CALL new_salary(l_employee_id,l_new_salary); /*get new salary*/ 31 32 IF (l_new_salary<>l_salary) THEN /*Salary changed*/ 33 34 UPDATE employees 35 SET salary=l_new_salary 36 WHERE employee_id=l_employee_id; 37 /* Keep track of changed salaries*/ 38 INSERT INTO emp_raises (employee_id,department_id,new_salary) 39 VALUES (l_employee_id,l_department_id,l_new_salary); 40 END IF; 41 42 END LOOP emp_loop; 43 CLOSE cur1; 44 /* Print out the changed salaries*/ 45 SELECT employee_id,department_id,new_salary from emp_raises 46 ORDER BY employee_id; 47 END; |
This is the most complex procedure we have written so far, so let's go through it line by line:
Line(s) |
Explanation |
1 |
Create the procedure. It takes a single parameterin_department_id. Since we did not specify the OUT or INOUT mode, the parameter is for input only (that is, the calling program cannot read any changes to the parameter made within the procedure). |
4-8 |
Declare local variables for use within the procedure. The final parameter, done, is given an initial value of 0. |
10-13 |
Create a cursor to retrieve rows from the employees table. Only employees from the department passed in as a parameter to the procedure will be retrieved. |
16 |
Create an error handler to deal with "not found" conditions, so that the program will not terminate with an error after the last row is fetched from the cursor. The handler specifies the CONTINUE clause, so the program execution will continue after the "not found" error is raised. The hander also specifies that the variable done will be set to 1 when this occurs. |
18 |
Create a temporary table to hold a list of rows affected by this procedure. This table, as well as any other temporary tables created in this session, will be dropped automatically when the session terminates. |
21 |
Open our cursor to prepare it to return rows. |
22 |
Create the loop that will execute once for each row returned by the stored procedure. The loop terminates on line 42. |
24 |
Fetch a new row from the cursor into the local variables that were declared earlier in the procedure. |
26-28 |
Declare an IF condition that will execute the LEAVE statement if the variable done is set to 1 (accomplished through the "not found" handler, which means that all rows were fetched). |
30 |
Call the new_salary procedure to calculate the employee's new salary. It takes as its arguments the employee_id and an OUT variable to accept the new salary (l_new_salary). |
32 |
Compare the new salary calculated by the procedure called on line 30 with the existing salary returned by the cursor defined on line 10. If they are different, execute the block of code between lines 32 and 40. |
34-36 |
Update the employee salary to the new salary as returned by the new_salary procedure. |
38 and 39 |
Insert a row into our temporary table (defined on line 21) to record the salary adjustment. |
43 |
After all of the rows have been processed, close the cursor. |
45 |
Issue an unbounded SELECT (e.g., one without a WHERE clause) against the temporary table, retrieving the list of employees whose salaries have been updated. Because the SELECT statement is not associated with a cursor or an INTO clause, the rows retrieved will be returned as a result set to the calling program. |
47 |
Terminate the stored procedure. |
When this stored procedure is executed from the MySQL command line with the parameter of department_id set to 18, a list of updated salaries is printed as shown in Example 2-8.
Example 2-8. Output from the "putting it all together" example
mysql> CALL cursor_example2(18) // +-------------+---------------+------------+ | employee_id | department_id | new_salary | +-------------+---------------+------------+ | 396 | 18 | 75560.00 | | 990 | 18 | 118347.00 | +-------------+---------------+------------+ 2 rows in set (0.23 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.23 sec) |
Part I: Stored Programming Fundamentals
Introduction to MySQL Stored Programs
MySQL Stored Programming Tutorial
Language Fundamentals
Blocks, Conditional Statements, and Iterative Programming
Using SQL in Stored Programming
Error Handling
Part II: Stored Program Construction
Creating and Maintaining Stored Programs
Transaction Management
MySQL Built-in Functions
Stored Functions
Part III: Using MySQL Stored Programs in Applications
Using MySQL Stored Programs in Applications
Using MySQL Stored Programs with PHP
Using MySQL Stored Programs with Java
Using MySQL Stored Programs with Perl
Using MySQL Stored Programs with Python
Using MySQL Stored Programs with .NET
Part IV: Optimizing Stored Programs
Stored Program Security
Tuning Stored Programs and Their SQL
Basic SQL Tuning
Advanced SQL Tuning
Optimizing Stored Program Code
Best Practices in MySQL Stored Program Development