String functions perform operations on string data types such as VARCHAR, CHAR, and TEXT.
9.1.1. ASCII
string1 =ASCII (string2 )
ASCII returns the ASCII character code corresponding to the first character in the provided input string.
Since the ASCII function returns only the ASCII code for the first character, we can create a stored function to extend this capability to allow us to return the ASCII codes corresponding to all of the characters in the string. Example 9-1 shows an implementation of such a stored function. It uses the LENGTH and SUBSTR functions to extract each character in the input string, and then uses the ASCII and CONCAT functions to build up a string consisting of all of the ASCII codes corresponding to the entire input string.
Example 9-1. Using the ASCII function
CREATE FUNCTION ascii_string (in_string VARCHAR(80) ) RETURNS VARCHAR(256) DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE i INT DEFAULT 1; DECLARE string_len INT; DECLARE out_string VARCHAR(256) DEFAULT ''; SET string_len=LENGTH(in_string); WHILE (iASCII(SUBSTR(in_string,i,1)),' '); SET i=i+1; END WHILE; RETURN (out_string); END -------------- Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) -------------- SELECT ascii_string('MySQL Rocks!') -------------- +---------------------------------------+ | ascii_string('MySQL Rocks!') | +---------------------------------------+ | 77 121 83 81 76 32 82 111 99 107 115 | +---------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) |
9.1.2. CHAR
string =CHAR (ascii code [,... ])
CHAR returns the characters corresponding to one or more ASCII codes provided. Example 9-2 uses the CHAR function to create a temporary table containing the ASCII characters for the first 128 ASCII codes.
Example 9-2. Using the CHAR function to generate an ASCII chart
CREATE PROCEDURE ascii_chart( ) BEGIN DECLARE i INT DEFAULT 1; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ascii_chart (ascii_code INT, ascii_char CHAR(1)); WHILE (i<=128) DO INSERT INTO ascii_chart VALUES(i,CHAR(i)); SET i=i+1; END WHILE; END -------------- Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec) -------------- CALL ascii_chart( ) -------------- Query OK, 1 row affected (5.96 sec) -------------- SELECT * FROM ascii_chart -------------- +------------+------------+ | ascii_code | ascii_char | +------------+------------+ | 1 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
9.1.3. CHARSET
character_set =CHARSET (string )
CHARSET returns the character set of the supplied string.
SET var1=CHARSET("My name is Guy") ;latin1
9.1.4. CONCAT
string1 =CONCAT (string2 [,... ])
CONCAT returns a string consisting of the concatenation of all of the supplied input strings. If any of the input strings is NULL, then CONCAT will also return NULL.
Example 9-3 uses the CONCAT function to create a well-formatted name includingif appropriatetitle and middle initial. First, we use the ISNULL function to check for NULLs in the input string so as to avoid inadvertently returning a NULL string if one of the inputs is NULL.
Example 9-3. Using CONCAT to concatenate strings
CREATE FUNCTION concat_example(in_title VARCHAR(4), in_gender CHAR(1), in_firstname VARCHAR(20), in_middle_initial CHAR(1), in_surname VARCHAR(20)) RETURNS VARCHAR(60) BEGIN DECLARE l_title VARCHAR(4); DECLARE l_name_string VARCHAR(60); IF ISNULL(in_title) THEN IF in_gender='M' THEN SET l_title='Mr'; ELSE SET l_title='Ms'; END IF; END IF; IF ISNULL(in_middle_initial) THEN SET l_name_string=CONCAT(l_title,' ',in_firstname,' ',in_surname); ELSE SET l_name_string=CONCAT(l_title,' ',in_firstname,' ', in_middle_initial,' ',in_surname); END IF; RETURN(l_name_string); END; -------------- Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) -------------- SELECT concat_example(null,'F','Mary',null,'Smith') -------------- +----------------------------------------------+ | concat_example(null,'F','Mary',null,'Smith') | +----------------------------------------------+ | Ms Mary Smith | +----------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) |
If your database is running in ANSI mode (sql_mode='ANSI') or if the sql_mode variable includes the PIPES_AS_CONCAT setting, you can use the || (pipe) characters to concatenate strings. The use of pipe characters to indicate concatenation in stored programs is dependent on the setting of sql_mode when the stored program is created, not when it runs. So you can happily use the || method of concatenating strings provided that you set sql_mode='ANSI'when you create the program. If the program runs when sql_mode is set to some other value, the stored program will still return the correct results.
Example 9-4 illustrates the use of ANSI mode and || characters to perform string concatenation. Note that while sql_mode was set to 'ANSI' when the stored function was created, the stored program still returned the correct results even though the sql_mode had been set to 'trADITIONAL' at runtime.
Example 9-4. Using || to concatenate when sql_mode=ANSI
set sql_mode='ANSI' -------------- Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) -------------- CREATE FUNCTION concat_example_ansi( in_title VARCHAR(4), in_gender CHAR(1), in_firstname VARCHAR(20), in_middle_initial CHAR(1), in_surname VARCHAR(20)) RETURNS VARCHAR(60) BEGIN DECLARE l_title VARCHAR(4); DECLARE l_name_string VARCHAR(60); IF ISNULL(in_title) THEN IF in_gender='M' THEN SET l_title='Mr'; ELSE SET l_title='Ms'; END IF; END IF; IF ISNULL(in_middle_initial) THEN SET l_name_string=l_title||' '||in_firstname||' '||in_surname; ELSE SET l_name_string=l_title||' '||in_firstname||' '|| in_middle_initial||' '||in_surname; END IF; RETURN(l_name_string); END; -------------- Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) -------------- SET sql_mode='TRADITIONAL' -------------- Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) -------------- SELECT concat_example_ansi(null,'F','Mary',null,'Smith') -------------- +---------------------------------------------------+ | concat_example_ansi(null,'F','Mary',null,'Smith') | +---------------------------------------------------+ | Ms Mary Smith | +---------------------------------------------------+ |
9.1.5. CONCAT_WS
string1 =CONCAT_WS (delimiter ,string2 [,... ])
CONCAT_WS acts like the CONCAT function, but it inserts the specified delimiter between each string. Note in Example 9-3 that we manually inserted single space characters between each string, as shown below:
SET l_name_string=CONCAT(l_title,' ',in_firstname,' ', in_middle_initial,' ',in_surname);
Using CONCAT_WS, we could simplify this statement as follows:
SET l_name_string=CONCAT_WS(' ',l_title ,in_firstname , in_middle_initial,in_surname);
9.1.6. INSERT
string =INSERT (original_string ,position ,length ,new_string )
INSERT inserts new_string into the original_string at the specified position, optionally overwriting up to length characters of the original string.
Example 9-5 shows how we might use the INSERT function to emulate the MySQL REPLACE function to implement "search and replace" functionality. We first use the INSTR function to find the location of the "find string" and then replace it with the "replace string." We set length to the length of the find string so that the find string is overwritten with the replace string, even if the two strings are of different lengths.
Example 9-5. Using the INSERT function
CREATE FUNCTION my_replace (in_string VARCHAR(255), in_find_str VARCHAR(20), in_repl_str VARCHAR(20)) RETURNS VARCHAR(255) BEGIN DECLARE l_new_string VARCHAR(255); DECLARE l_find_pos INT; SET l_find_pos=INSTR(in_string,in_find_str); IF (l_find_pos>0) THEN SET l_new_string=INSERT(in_string,l_find_pos,LENGTH(in_find_str),in_repl_str); ELSE SET l_new_string=in_string; END IF; RETURN(l_new_string); END -------------- Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) -------------- SELECT my_replace('We love the Oracle server','Oracle','MySQL') -------------- +----------------------------------------------------------+ | my_replace('We love the Oracle server','Oracle','MySQL') | +----------------------------------------------------------+ | We love the MySQL server | +----------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) |
9.1.7. INSTR
position =INSTR (string ,substring )
INSTR returns the location of the first occurrence of a substring within a string. If no occurrence of the substring is found, INSTR returns 0.
In Example 9-5 we used INSTR to locate the "find string" within a string prior to using INSERT to replace that string with the "replace string."
9.1.8. LCASE
string1 =LCASE (string2 )
LCASE returns an input string with any of its uppercase letters translated to lowercase. Nonalphabetic characters are ignored.
Here are some examples of the effect of LCASE:
SET a=LCASE('McTavish Jewelers');'mctavish jewelers SET b=LCASE('23rd June');
'23rd june
9.1.9. LEFT
string =LEFT (string2 ,length )
LEFT returns the leftmost characters (the number is specified by length) in the input string.
SET a=LEFT('Hi There',2);'Hi
9.1.10. LENGTH
characters =LENGTH (string )
LENGTH returns the number of bytes in the input string. For single-byte character sets (e.g., English, Swedish), this is equivalent to the number of characters in the string. However, for multibyte character sets (e.g., Kanji, Klingon), you may be better off using the CHAR_LENGTH function, which returns the number of characters rather than the number of bytes.
0 SET c=LENGTH('Guy');
3 SET d=LENGTH('Guy ');
9.1.11. LOAD_FILE
string =LOAD_FILE (file_name )
LOAD_FILE loads the contents of the specified file into a variable of a suitable data typeusually BLOB or TEXT. The file has to be accessible to the MySQL serverthat is, the file needs to exist on the machine that hosts the MySQL server, and the server needs to have sufficient permissions to read the file.
Example 9-6 shows how we can use the LOAD_FILE function to load the contents of an operating system file and report the number of bytes loaded. Note that on Windows we need to use double-backslash characters, \, instead of single slashes as directory separators. Thus, in order to specify the file 'c: mpmydata.txt' we specified 'c:\tmp\mydata.txt'.
Example 9-6. Using LOAD_FILE to read an OS file
CREATE PROCEDURE filesize(in_file_name VARCHAR(128)) BEGIN DECLARE mytext TEXT; SET mytext=LOAD_FILE(in_file_name); SELECT in_file_name||' contains '||length(mytext)||' bytes' AS output; END -------------- Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) -------------- CALL filesize('c:\tmp\mydata.txt') -------------- +-------------------------------------+ | output | +-------------------------------------+ | c: mpmydata.txt contains 98 bytes | +-------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.02 sec) |
9.1.12. LOCATE
position =LOCATE (substring , string [,start_position ] )
LOCATE is similar to the INSTR function in that it searches for the location of a substring within a string. However, it also allows us to specify a starting position for the search. If the substring is not found, LOCATE returns 0.
In Example 9-7 we use LOCATE to count the number of occurrences of a substring within a string. Once we find an instance of the substring, we set the starting position to just past that string and repeat until all instances of the substring have been found.
Example 9-7. Using LOCATE to find substrings
CREATE FUNCTION count_strings (in_string VARCHAR(256),in_substr VARCHAR(128)) RETURNS INT DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE l_count INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE l_start INT DEFAULT 1; DECLARE l_pos INT; MainLoop: LOOP SET l_pos=LOCATE(in_substr,in_string,l_start); IF l_pos=0 THEN LEAVE MainLoop; ELSE SET l_count=l_count+1; SET l_start=l_pos+1; END IF; END LOOP; RETURN(l_count); END -------------- Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) -------------- SELECT count_strings('She sells sea shells by the sea shore','sea') as count -------------- +-------+ | count | +-------+ | 2 | +-------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) |
9.1.13. LPAD
string1 =LPAD (string2 ,length ,pad )
LPAD adds occurrences of the pad string to the input string until the output string reaches the specified length.
SET a=LPAD('Hello',10,'.');'.....Hello SET b=lpad('hi',10,'( )');
'()()()( )hi
9.1.14. LTRIM
string1 =LTRIM (string2 )
LTRIM TRims any leading spaces from a string.
SET a=LTRIM(' Hello');'Hello
9.1.15. REPEAT
string1 =REPEAT (string2 ,count )
REPEAT returns a string in which the input string is repeated count times.
SET a=REPEAT('Dive! ',3);'Dive! Dive! Dive!'
9.1.16. REPLACE
string1 =REPLACE (string2 ,search_string ,replace_string )
REPLACE returns a string in which all occurrences of the search_string are replaced by the replace_string.
SET a=REPLACE('Monty & David','&','and');'Monty and David
9.1.17. RPAD
string1 =RPAD (string2 ,length ,pad )
RPAD adds a sequence of pad characters to the string up to the specified length.
SET var1=RPAD("MySQL",10,".") ;MySQL.....
9.1.18. RTRIM
string1 =RTRIM (string2 )
RTRIM trims any trailing spaces from a string.
SET a=RTRIM('Guy ');'Guy
9.1.19. STRCMP
position =STRCMP (string1 ,string2 )
STRCMP compares two strings and determines if the first string is "before" or "after" the second string in the ASCII collation sequence. The function returns -1 if the first string is before the second string, 1 if the first string collates after the second string, and 0 if the two strings are identical.
SET a=STRCMP('Guy','Guy')0 SET b=STRCMP('Guy','Steven')
-1 SET c=STRCMP('Steven','Guy')
string1 =SUBSTRING (string2 , position [,length ])
SUBSTRING returns a portion of the supplied string starting at the specified position from the beginning of the string (starting at 1). If a negative position is specified, then the substring commences from the end of the string; for example, -2 indicates the second to last character of the string. If length is omitted, SUBSTRING returns all of the remaining portion of the input string.
9.1.21. TRIM
string1=trIM([[BOTH|LEADING|TRAILING] [padding] FROM]string2)
trIM strips leading and/or trailing characters from a string. By default, it trims both leading and trailing spaces.
SET a=TRIM(LEADING '>' FROM '>>>>>>>>>Fred');'Fred SET b=TRIM(BOTH '-' FROM '---------Fred-------');
'Fred SET c=TRIM(BOTH FROM ' Guy ')
'Guy; SET d=TRIM(' Guy ');
9.1.22. UCASE
string1 =UCASE (string2 )
UCASE converts a string to uppercase.
9.1.23. Other String Functions
Table 9-1 lists the string functions not covered in previous sections. Some of these functions are aliases for functions we have already discussed, while others are rarely used in mainstream MySQL programming. You can find out more about these functions by reading the section "Functions and Operators" in the MySQL Reference Manual, available online.
Function |
Syntax |
Description |
string1=BINARY(string2) |
Returns the binary representation of a string. This function can be used to force case-sensitive comparisons when they would otherwise not occur. |
bits=BIT_LENGTH(string) |
Returns the number of bits in a string. |
length=CHAR_LENGTH(string) |
Returns the number of characters in a string. Like LENGTH, except that it returns the number of characters, rather than the number of bytes, for multibyte character sets. |
length=CHARACTER_LENGTH(string) |
Alias for CHAR_LENGTH. |
string1=COMPRESS(string2) |
Returns a compressed version of a string. |
string1=DECODE(string2,password) |
Decrypts a string that has been encrypted with ENCRYPT . |
string1=ELT(number,string2[,...]) |
Returns one of the elements in a list. |
string1=ENCODE(string2,password) |
Encrypts a string. The string can be decrypted with DECODE. |
string1=ENCRYPT(string2,seed) |
Encrypts a string. The string cannot be decrypted with DECODE. |
string=ENCODE_SET(number,on_string, off_string,seperator,no_of_bits) |
Returns the binary representation of a number encoded with strings for on and off bits. |
number=FIELD(string1,string2[,...]) |
Searches for a string in a list of strings. |
number=INET_ATON(IPAddress) |
Converts an IP address into a numeric representation. |
IPAddress=INET_NTOA(number) |
Converts a number into a corresponding IP address. |
string1=LOWER(string2) |
Synonym for LCASE. |
string1=MID(string2,start [,length]) |
Returns a substring. Similar to SUBSTR. |
length=OCTET_LENGTH(string) |
Alias for LENGTH. |
position=ORD(string) |
Returns the ordinal value of the character in the ASCII character set. |
string1=PASSWORD(string2) |
Encrypts the given string as a MySQL password. |
position=POSITION(substring IN string) |
Returns the position of the substring in the string. Similar to LOCATE. |
string1=QUOTE(string2) |
Returns a string with special characters preceded by an escape character. |
string1=REVERSE(string2) |
Reverses the order of characters in a string. |
string1=RIGHT(string2,length) |
Returns the rightmost portion of a string. |
string1=SHA(string2) |
Returns a 160-bit Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) checksum for the string. |
SHA1 |
string1=SHA1(string2) |
Alias for SHA. |
string1=SOUNDEX(string2) |
Returns the SOUNDEX for a string. In theory, two strings that "sound alike" will have similar SOUNDEX values. |
spaces=SPACE(count) |
Returns the specified number of space characters. |
string1=SUBSTRING_INDEX(string2, delimiter,count) |
Returns a string from a character-delimited set of strings. |
length=UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH( compressed_string) |
Returns the length of a compressed string as if it were decompressed. |
string1=UNCOMPRESS(string2) |
Reverses the effect of COMPRESS. |
character=UNHEX(HexNumber) |
Converts a hexadecimal number to its ASCII equivalent. |
string1=UPPER(string2) |
Converts a string to uppercase. Synonym for UCASE. |
Part I: Stored Programming Fundamentals
Introduction to MySQL Stored Programs
MySQL Stored Programming Tutorial
Language Fundamentals
Blocks, Conditional Statements, and Iterative Programming
Using SQL in Stored Programming
Error Handling
Part II: Stored Program Construction
Creating and Maintaining Stored Programs
Transaction Management
MySQL Built-in Functions
Stored Functions
Part III: Using MySQL Stored Programs in Applications
Using MySQL Stored Programs in Applications
Using MySQL Stored Programs with PHP
Using MySQL Stored Programs with Java
Using MySQL Stored Programs with Perl
Using MySQL Stored Programs with Python
Using MySQL Stored Programs with .NET
Part IV: Optimizing Stored Programs
Stored Program Security
Tuning Stored Programs and Their SQL
Basic SQL Tuning
Advanced SQL Tuning
Optimizing Stored Program Code
Best Practices in MySQL Stored Program Development