Converting Between Characters and Values


You want to see the ASCII code for a character, or transform an ASCII code into a string.


To see the ASCII code for a specific character as an integer, use the ? operator:

	?a # => 97
	?! # => 33
 # => 10

To see the integer value of a particular in a string, access it as though it were an element of an array:

	'a'[0] # => 97
	'bad sound'[1] # => 97

To see the ASCII character corresponding to a given number, call its #chr method. This returns a string containing only one character:

	97.chr # => "a"
	33.chr # => "!"
	10.chr # => "
	0.chr # => "00"
	256.chr # RangeError: 256 out of char range



Though not technically an array, a string acts a lot like like an array of Fixnum objects: one Fixnum for each byte in the string. Accessing a single element of the "array" yields a Fixnum for the corresponding byte: for textual strings, this is an ASCII code. Calling String#each_byte lets you iterate over the Fixnum objects that make up a string.

See Also

  • Recipe 1.8, "Processing a String One Character at a Time"



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