Writing a DBI program, you want an efficient way to see how many rows were returned by a query.
A do command returns the number of rows affected by the command, so that ones easy. To demonstrate, Ill create a database table that keeps track of my prized collection of lowercase letters:
require cookbook_dbconnect with_db do |c| c.do %{drop table if exists letters} c.do %{create table letters(id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, letter CHAR(1) NOT NULL)} letter_sql = (a..z).collect.join("),(") c.do %{insert into letters(letter) values ("#{letter_sql}")} end # => 26
When you execute a query, you get back a StatementHandle object representing the request. If you e using a MySQL database, you can call rows on this object to get the number of rows in the result set:
vowel_query = %{select id from letters where letter in ("a","e","i","o","u")} with_db do |c| h = c.execute vowel_query "My collection contains #{h.rows} vowels." end # => "My collection contains 5 vowels."
If you e not using MySQL, things are a bit trickier. The simplest thing to do is simply retrieve all the rows as an array, then use the arrays size as the number of rows:
with_db do |c| vowels = c.select_all(vowel_query) "My collection still contains #{vowels.size} vowels." end # => "My collection still contains 5 vowels."
But this can be disastrously inefficient; see below for details.
When you select some items out of a Ruby array, say with Array#grep, Ruby gives you the results in a brand new array. Once the array has been created, theres no cost to checking its size by calling Array#size.
A database query acts differently. Your query might have matched millions of rows, and each result might contain kilobytes of data. This is why normally you iterate over a result set instead of using select_all to get it as an array. Getting the whole result set at once might use a huge amount of memory, which is why using select_all can be disastrous.
Youve got two other options. If you e going to be iterating over the entire dataset anyway, and you don need the count until you e all done, you can count the rows as you go. This will save memory over the fetch_all approach:
with_db do |c| rows = 0 c.execute(vowel_query).each do |row| rows += 1 # Process the row… end "Yup, all #{rows} vowels are still there." end # => "Yup, all 5 vowels are still there."
Otherwise, your only choice is to run two queries: the actual query, and a slightly modified version of the query that uses SELECT COUNT instead of SELECT. A method like this will work for simple cases (cases that don contain GROUP BY statements). It uses a regular expression to turn a SELECT query into a SELECT COUNT query, runs both queries, and returns both the count and the query handle.
module DBI class DatabaseHandle def execute_with_count(query, *args) re = /^s*select .* from/i count_query = query.sub(re, select count(*) from) count = select_one(count_query) [count, execute(query)] end end end with_db do |c| count, handle = c.execute_with_count(vowel_query) puts "I can believe none of the #{count} vowels " + "have been stolen from my collection!" puts Here they are in the database: handle.each do |r| puts "Row #{r[id]}" end end # I can believe none of the 5 vowels have been stolen from my collection! # Here they are in the database: # Row 1 # Row 5 # Row 9 # Row 15 # Row 21
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