You want only certain pieces of a string.
To get a substring of a string, call its slice method, or use the array index operator (that is, call the [] method). Either method accepts a Range describing which characters to retrieve, or two Fixnum arguments: the index at which to start, and the length of the substring to be extracted.
s = 'My kingdom for a string!' s. slice(3,7) # => "kingdom" s[3,7] # => "kingdom" s[0,3] # => "My " s[11, 5] # => "for a" s[11, 17] # => "for a string!"
To get the first portion of a string that matches a regular expression, pass the regular expression into slice or []:
s[/.ing/] # => "king" s[/str.*/] # => "string!"
To access a specific byte of a string as a Fixnum, pass only one argument (the zerobased index of the character) into String#slice or [] method. To access a specific byte as a single-character string, pass in its index and the number 1.
s.slice(3) # => 107 s[3] # => 107 107.chr # => "k" s.slice(3,1) # => "k" s[3,1] # => "k"
To count from the end of the string instead of the beginning, use negative indexes:
s.slice(-7,3) # => "str" s[-7,6] # => "string"
If the length of your proposed substring exceeds the length of the string, slice or [] will return the entire string after that point. This leads to a simple shortcut for getting the rightmost portion of a string:
s[15…s.length] # => "a string!"
See Also
Date and Time
Files and Directories
Code Blocks and Iteration
Objects and Classes8
Modules and Namespaces
Reflection and Metaprogramming
Graphics and Other File Formats
Databases and Persistence
Internet Services
Web Development Ruby on Rails
Web Services and Distributed Programming
Testing, Debugging, Optimizing, and Documenting
Packaging and Distributing Software
Automating Tasks with Rake
Multitasking and Multithreading
User Interface
Extending Ruby with Other Languages
System Administration