Writing an XML-RPC Client

Credit: John-Mason Shackelford


You want to call a remote method through the XML-RPC web service protocol.


Use Michael Neumanns xmlrpc4r library, found in Rubys standard library.

Heres the canonical simple XML-RPC example. Given a number, it looks up the name of a U.S. state in an alphabetic list:

	require xmlrpc/client
	server = XMLRPC::Client.new2(http://betty.userland.com/RPC2)
	server.call(examples.getStateName, 5) # => "California"


XML-RPC is a language-independent solution for distributed systems that makes a simple alternative to SOAP (in fact, XML-RPC is an ancestor of SOAP). Although its losing ground to SOAP and REST-style web services, XML-RPC is still used by many blogging engines and popular web services, due to its simplicity and relatively long history.

A XML-RPC request is sent to the server as a specially-formatted HTTP POST request, and the XML-RPC response is encoded in the HTTP response to that request. Since most firewalls allow HTTP traffic, this has the advantage (and disadvantage) that XML-RPC requests work through most firewalls. Since XML-RPC requests are POST requests, typical HTTP caching solutions (which only cache GETs) can be used to speed up XML-RPC requests or save bandwidth.

An XML-RPC request consists of a standard set of HTTP headers, a simple XML document that encodes the name of a remote method to call, and the parameters to pass to that method. The xmlrpc4r library automatically converts between most XML-RPC data types and the corresponding Ruby data types, so you can treat XML-RPC calls almost like local method calls. The main exceptions are date and time objects. You can pass a Ruby Date or Time object into an XML-RPC method that expects a dateTime.iso8601 parameter, but a method that returns a date will always be represented as an instance of XMLRPC::DateTime.

Table 16-1 lists the supported data types of the request parameters and the response.

Table 16-1. Supported data types

XML-RPC data type


Ruby equivalent


Four-byte signed integer

Fixnum or Bignum


0 (false) or 1 (true)

TrueClass or FalseClass


Text or encoded binary data; only the characters < and & are disallowed and rendered as HTML entities



Double-precision signed floating point number



Date/time in the format YYYYMMDDTHH:MM:SS (where T is a literal)



base64-encoded binary data



An unordered set of key value pairs where the name is always a String and the value can be any XML-RPC data type, including netsted a nested struct or array



A series of values that may be of any of XML-RPC data type, including a netsted struct or array; multiple data types can be used in the context of a single array


Note that nil is not a supported XML-RPC value, although some XML-RPC implementations (including xmlrpc4r) follow an extension that allows it.

An XML-RPC response is another XML document, which encodes the return value of the remote method (if you e lucky) or a "fault" (if you e not). xmlrpc4r parses this document and transforms it into the corresponding Ruby objects.

If the remote method returned a fault, xmlrpc4r raises an XMLRPC::FaultException. A fault contains an integer value (the fault code) and a string containing an error message. Heres an example:

	rescue XMLRPC::FaultException => e
	 puts "Error: fault code #{e.faultCode}"
	 puts e.faultString
	# Error: fault code 7
	# Can	 evaluate the expression because the name "noSuchMethod" hasn	 been defined.

Heres a more interesting XML-RPC example that searches an online UPC database:

	def lookup_upc(upc)
	 server = XMLRPC:: 
	 response = server.call(lookupUPC, upc)
	 return response[found] ? response : nil
	 rescue XMLRPC::FaultException => e
	 puts "Error: "
	 puts e.faultCode
	 puts e.faultString

	product = lookup_upc(18787765654)
	product[description] # => "Dr Bronners Peppermint Oil 
	product[size] # => "128 fl oz"

o such UPC) # => nil

See Also

  • Michael Neumanns xmlrpc4rHOWTO (http://www.ntecs.de/projects/xmlrpc4r/howto.html)
  • The XML-RPC Specification (http://www.xmlrpc.com/spec)
  • The extension to XML-RPC that lets it represent nil values (http://ontosys.com/xml-rpc/extensions.php)
  • The Ruby Developers Guide, published by Syngress and edited by Michael Neumann, contains over 20 pages devoted to implementing XML-RPC clients and servers with xmlrpc4r.
  • Recipe 15.8, "Creating a Login System," shows how to serve XML-RPC requests from within a Rails application



Date and Time



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