Content filtering (URL, mobile code) is covered in Chapter 4, "Network Security Technologies." This section briefly covers security considerations around caching and CDNs.
Caching in the context of this section refers to storing data from servers in an intermediary device to speed responses to data queries. Caching in either forward proxy, transparent mode, or reverse proxy (each term is defined in the following sections) lowers bandwidth utilization and shortens response time for users. It is most commonly used to provide caching for local users accessing a remote location, but it can also be used to provide certain content to users on your own servers.
Security Considerations
The security issues around caching are minimal. The primary attack involves compromising the cache to cause it to distribute false information or to learn information stored in the cache that the attacker would ordinarily not be able to access. Secondary attacks include setting up a rogue caching system or running flooding attacks against the production caching servers. Rogue device threat mitigation is covered in Chapter 5, "Device Hardening," and DoS attack mitigation is covered in Chapter 6, "General Design Considerations." Protecting the cache server involves hardening the device as discussed in Chapter 5 and restricting the conversations with the cache when possible at the network level.
Forward Proxy Cache
Forward proxy cache deployments are identical to generic proxy server deployments as discussed in Chapter 7, "Network Security Platform Options and Best Deployment Practices." In a forward proxy cache, you are simply running a web cache on the same device as your proxy server. Caches can be deployed either behind the firewall (most common) or on a perimeter firewall interface.
Transparent Cache
In a transparent cache, the clients are not aware that any caching is functioning. Network devices (usually routers) redirect web queries to the cache over the Web Cache Control Protocol (WCCP). The cache can then either provide the content directly to the user, fetch the content and then provide it, or direct the user to download the information directly, in the case of noncacheable items. Because transparent caches require a routing device to deliberately send queries to the cache, the chances of a rogue transparent cache sneaking onto the network are limited. In addition, the system should be put on a dedicated router interface where it can be shielded from most direct attack.
Reverse Proxy Cache
In reverse proxy cache deployments, the cache is acting as a proxy for the server instead of the client. Reverse proxy cache can be deployed in transparent mode using WCCP or as a standalone proxy just like forward proxy caches.
The security issues around reverse proxy caches are the same as for any other cache, except the impact of the attack is greater. By compromising a reverse proxy cache at an organization, bogus data can be passed to the user without directly compromising the servers. Be sure to provide the same security vigilance for your reverse cache as you do the servers.
Content Distribution and Routing
Content distribution and routing refers to a broad area of networking concerned with efficient delivery of content to a diverse set of clients. You might have already used such a system when downloading a file or viewing streaming content on the web. Such systems generally work by creating several copies of a given piece of content in different geographic locations. The system determines your location on the network when you make a request and can therefore forward the copy of the content closest to you.
The security considerations around content distribution are less like a specific application's security considerations and more like an entire network's security considerations. Typically, in a CDN, you have several mechanisms, each of which needs some level of security:
Part I. Network Security Foundations
Network Security Axioms
Security Policy and Operations Life Cycle
Secure Networking Threats
Network Security Technologies
Part II. Designing Secure Networks
Device Hardening
General Design Considerations
Network Security Platform Options and Best Deployment Practices
Common Application Design Considerations
Identity Design Considerations
IPsec VPN Design Considerations
Supporting-Technology Design Considerations
Designing Your Security System
Part III. Secure Network Designs
Edge Security Design
Campus Security Design
Teleworker Security Design
Part IV. Network Management, Case Studies, and Conclusions
Secure Network Management and Network Security Management
Case Studies
Appendix A. Glossary of Terms
Appendix B. Answers to Applied Knowledge Questions
Appendix C. Sample Security Policies
INFOSEC Acceptable Use Policy
Password Policy
Guidelines on Antivirus Process