This section discusses the most important image standards, most of them using the previously mentioned compression techniques. Most of them are also file types LabVIEW and IMAQ Vision can handle.
Windows Bitmap Format (BMP)
This device-independent format is primarily used by Windows operating systems. In particular, programs like Paintbrush or Microsoft Paint generate BMP files. The main parts of the BMP format are:
The BITMAP file header is structured according to Table 3.6. It is important that the first word of the header contains "BM" in order to indicate a valid BMP file.
Table 3.6. Structure of the BMP File Header
Offset |
Bytes |
Name |
Description |
00H |
2 |
bfType |
file ID ( BM ) |
02H |
4 |
bfSize |
file length (byte) |
06H |
2 |
reserved (must be 0) |
08H |
2 |
reserved (must be 0) |
0AH |
4 |
bfOffs |
offset to data area |
Following the BITMAP file header, which describes only the file itself, the BITMAP info header gives information about the image data (Table 3.7). Here, the field biBitCnt is of extra importance; it defines the number of colors in the image, using the following values:
1: |
defines 1 bit per pixel (binary image); |
4: |
defines an image with 16 colors; |
8: |
defines an image with 256 colors; |
24: |
defines an image with 16 million colors. The colors are coded directly in the image data area. |
Table 3.7. Structure of the BMP Info Header
Offset |
Bytes |
Name |
Description |
0EH |
4 |
biSize |
length of header (byte) |
12H |
4 |
biWidth |
width of bitmap in pixels |
16H |
4 |
biHeight |
height of bitmap in pixels |
1AH |
2 |
biPlanes |
color planes |
1CH |
2 |
biBitCnt |
number of bits per pixel |
1EH |
4 |
biCompr |
compression type |
22H |
4 |
biSizeIm |
image size (byte) |
26H |
4 |
biXPels |
horizontal resolution (pixels/m) |
2AH |
4 |
biYPels |
vertical resolution (pixels/m) |
2EH |
4 |
biClrUsed |
number of used colors |
32H |
4 |
biClrImp |
number of important colors |
The field biCompr defines the type of compression used:
0: |
no compression; |
1: |
RLE coding for 8 bit per pixel; |
2: |
RLE coding for 4 bit per pixel. |
Table 3.8 shows the RGB-QUAD block, which gives additional information about the image color.
Windows NT uses only the three fields from 36H to 3EH . Starting with Windows 95, a new format called BMP4 was introduced; it uses additional fields (second part of Table 3.8).
With BMP4 color spaces other than RGB can be used. One of them is the CIE model (Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage), which is the basis for all of the color models we discussed in Chapter 2.
The following data area contains the image data itself. Usually, the data is not compressed and is stored line by line. The compression options described above are seldom used.
Table 3.8. Structure of the BMP RGB-QUAD Block
Offset |
Bytes |
Name |
Description |
36H |
4 |
redMask |
mask of red color part |
3AH |
4 |
greenMask |
mask of green color part |
3EH |
4 |
blueMask |
mask of blue color part |
42H |
4 |
only BMP4 |
mask of alpha channel |
46H |
4 |
only BMP4 |
color space type |
4AH |
4 |
only BMP4 |
x coordinate red CIE end point |
4EH |
4 |
only BMP4 |
y coordinate red CIE end point |
52H |
4 |
only BMP4 |
z coordinate red CIE end point |
56H |
4 |
only BMP4 |
x coordinate green CIE end point |
5AH |
4 |
only BMP4 |
y coordinate green CIE end point |
5EH |
4 |
only BMP4 |
z coordinate green CIE end point |
62H |
4 |
only BMP4 |
x coordinate blue CIE end point |
66H |
4 |
only BMP4 |
y coordinate blue CIE end point |
5EH |
4 |
only BMP4 |
z coordinate blue CIE end point |
62H |
4 |
only BMP4 |
gamma red coordinate |
66H |
4 |
only BMP4 |
gamma green coordinate |
6AH |
4 |
only BMP4 |
gamma blue coordinate |
Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)
This format was developed by CompuServe and first released under the standard GIF87a in 1987 and two years later extended to GIF89a. Interesting features of the GIF format are the capabilities for animations (using multiple images) and for transparency. The typical structure of a GIF file is as follows :
A GIF file always starts with the header, using the simple structure shown in Table 3.9. Table 3.10 shows the structure of the subsequent logical screen descriptor block.
Table 3.9. Structure of the GIF Header
Offset |
Bytes |
Description |
00H |
3 |
signature "GIF" |
03H |
3 |
version "87a" or "89a" |
Table 3.10. Structure of the GIF Logical Screen Descriptor
The content of the logical screen descriptor block is valid for the entire GIF file. Starting from offset 04H , a bit field, called resolution flag , describes some definitions: Bit 7 indicates whether a global color map is present. If this bit is true, a global color map follows the logical screen descriptor block.
Bits 4 to 6 define how many bits are used for the color resolution. Bit 3 indicates whether the global color map is sorted (only GIF89a), and bits 0 to 2 define the number of bits per pixel.
The (optional) global color map contains the fundamental color table for all of the subsequent images. It is used if the image itself does not have its own color table. The maximum color resolution for each pixel is 8 bits (256 values).
Table 3.11. Structure of the GIF Image Descriptor Block
Each image of the GIF file starts with an image descriptor block (Table 3.11) that contains the most important image properties. The last byte again contains some flags; one of them is the local color map flag, which specifies whether a local color map block is present and follows the image descriptor block.
The optional extension block, which may follow the local color map, contains some data blocks starting with a byte that defines its length. The entire block starts with a header byte (ASCII 21H = '!') and ends with a terminator byte (ASCII 00H ).
The image data itself is structured in one or more raster data blocks (Table 3.12). The first byte defines the minimal code length for the used LZW coding (usually the number of color bits per pixel); the second byte gives the number of bytes in the following data block n .
Table 3.12. Structure of a GIF Raster Data Block
Bytes |
Description |
1 |
code size |
1 |
bytes in data block |
n |
data bytes |
The end of a GIF file is defined by a terminator block containing a single byte (ASCII 3BH = ';' ).
Tag Image File Format (TIFF 6.0)
The Tag Image File Format (TIFF; currently available in version 6.0) was defined by a few companies (among them Aldus, Hewlett-Packard, and Microsoft). The fundamental structure of a TIFF file is built by a header (Table 3.13) and a variable number of data blocks, which are addressed by pointers.
Table 3.13. Structure of the TIFF Header
Offset |
Bytes |
Description |
00H |
2 |
byte order ('II' = Intel, 'MM' = Motorola) |
02H |
2 |
version number |
04H |
4 |
pointer to first image file directory (IFD) |
Another important part of a TIFF file is built by the image file directory (IFD) blocks (Table 3.14). Their main function is to work as a directory and as a header for the specific data areas. The data block belonging to IFDs is addressed with a pointer.
Table 3.14. TIFF IFD Block Structure
Offset |
Bytes |
Description |
00H |
2 |
number of entries |
02H |
12 |
tag 0 (12 bytes) |
0EH |
12 |
tag 1 (12 bytes) |
... |
... |
12 |
tag n (12 bytes) |
... |
4 |
pointer to next IFD (0 if last) |
The next unit of a TIFF file is a tag , which is a 12-byte data structure containing information about the image data. The content of a tag is shown in Table 3.15; it ends with a pointer to the respective image data area. Table 3.16 defines the different data types.
Finally, Tables 3.17 “3.26 show the different tag groups. The definition of the tags is beyond the scope of this book; for more details, please read [30].
Table 3.15. TIFF Tag Structure
Offset |
Bytes |
Description |
00H |
2 |
tag type |
02H |
2 |
data type |
04H |
4 |
length of data area |
08H |
4 |
pointer to data area |
Table 3.16. Tag Data Types
Code |
Type |
Remarks |
01H |
Byte |
8-bit byte |
02H |
8-bit ASCII code |
03H |
16-bit (unsigned) integer |
04H |
32-bit (unsigned) integer |
05H |
2 LONGs: 1: Fraction, 2: Denominator |
06H |
8-bit (signed) integer |
07H |
8-bit anything |
08H |
16-bit (signed) integer |
09H |
32-bit (signed) integer |
0AH |
2 SLONGS: 1: Fraction, 2: Denominator |
0BH |
4-byte single precision IEEE floating point |
0CH |
8-byte double precision IEEE floating point |
Table 3.17. Image Organization Tags
Code |
Tag Group |
Data Type |
Values |
0FEH |
New subfile |
1 |
0FFH |
SubfileType |
1 |
100H |
ImageWidth |
1 |
101H |
ImageLength |
1 |
112H |
Orientation |
1 |
11AH |
XResolution |
1 |
11BH |
YResolution |
1 |
11CH |
PlanarConfiguration |
1 |
128H |
ResolutionUnit |
1 |
Table 3.18. Image Pointer Tags
Code |
Tag Group |
Data Type |
Values |
111H |
StripOffsets |
StripPerImage |
117H |
StripByteCounts |
StripPerImage |
116H |
RowsPerStrip |
1 |
142H |
TileWidth |
1 |
143H |
TileLength |
1 |
144H |
TileOffsets |
TilesPerImage |
145H |
TileByteCounts |
TilesPerImage |
Table 3.19. Pixel Description Tags
Code |
Tag Group |
Data Type |
Values |
102H |
BitsPerSample |
SamplesPerPixel |
106H |
PhotometricInterpretation |
1 |
107H |
Thresholding |
1 |
108H |
CellWidth |
1 |
109H |
CellLength |
1 |
115H |
SamplesPerPixel |
1 |
118H |
MinSampleValue |
SamplesPerPixel |
119H |
MaxSampleValue |
SamplesPerPixel |
122H |
GrayResponseUnit |
1 |
123H |
GrayResponseCurve |
2 BitsPerSample |
12CH |
ColorResponseUnit |
1 |
12DH |
ColorResponseCurves |
1 or N |
131H |
Software |
132H |
DateTime |
13BH |
Artist |
13CH |
HostComputer |
13DH |
Predictor |
1 |
13EH |
WhitePoint |
2 |
13FH |
PrimaryChromatics |
2 x SamplesPerPixel |
140H |
ColorMap |
3 x 2 BitsPerSample |
Table 3.20. Data Orientation Tags
Code |
Tag Group |
Data Type |
Values |
10AH |
FillOrder |
1 |
Table 3.21. Data Compression Tags
Code |
Tag Group |
Data Type |
Values |
103H |
Compression |
1 |
124H |
T4Options |
1 |
125H |
T6Options |
1 |
152H |
ExtraSamples |
n |
153H |
SampleFormat |
SamplesPerPixel |
154H |
SMinSampleValue |
SamplesPerPixel |
155H |
SMaxSampleValue |
SamplesPerPixel |
156H |
TransferRange |
6 |
Table 3.22. Document and Scanner Description Tags
Code |
Tag Group |
Data Type |
Values |
10DH |
DocumentName |
10EH |
ImageDescription |
10FH |
ScannerMake |
110H |
ScannerModel |
11DH |
PageName |
11EH |
XPosition |
11FH |
YPosition |
129H |
PageNumber |
2 |
298H |
Copyright |
Table 3.23. Storage Management Tags
Code |
Tag Group |
Data Type |
Values |
120H |
FreeOffsets |
121H |
FreeByteCounts |
Table 3.24. Ink Management Tags
Code |
Tag Group |
Data Type |
Values |
14CH |
InkSet |
1 |
14DH |
InkNames |
14EH |
NumberOfInks |
1 |
150H |
DotRange |
n |
151H |
TargetPrinter |
Table 3.25. JPEG Management Tags
Code |
Tag Group |
Data Type |
Values |
200H |
JPEGProc |
1 |
201H |
JPEGInterchangeFormat |
1 |
203H |
JPEGInterchangeFormatLength |
1 |
204H |
JPEGRestartInterval |
1 |
205H |
JPEGLossLessPredictors |
SamplesPerPixel |
206H |
JPEGPointTransforms |
SamplesPerPixel |
207H |
JPEGQTables |
SamplesPerPixel |
208H |
JPEGDCTables |
SamplesPerPixel |
209H |
JPEGACTables |
SamplesPerPixel |
Table 3.26. YC b C r Management Tags
Code |
Tag Group |
Data Type |
Values |
211H |
YCbCrCoefficients |
3 |
212H |
YCbCrSubSampling |
2 |
213H |
YCbCrPositioning |
1 |
The image data of a TIFF file can be uncompressed or compressed with one of the following algorithms:
Portable Network Graphics Format (PNG)
The PNG file format was originally defined to replace the GIF format because of the patented LZW coding used in GIF. PNG supports images with up to 16 bits per pixel for gray-scale values and up to 48 bits for color values.
The main elements of a PNG file (and also of some other formats) are CHUNKs, which are data blocks of variable length, thus quite similar to tags, with a structure according to Table 3.27.
Table 3.27. CHUNK Structure
Offset |
Bytes |
Description |
00H |
4 |
length of data area (bytes) |
04H |
4 |
CHUNK type |
08H |
n |
CHUNK data area |
...H |
4 |
CRC value of data area |
In general, a PNG file consists of a signature (8 bytes long) and at least three CHUNKs (IDHR, IDAT, and IEND). If the first letter of a CHUNK type is a capital letter, the CHUNK is a critical CHUNK, which must be supported by every program able to read PNG files. [11] All others are ancillary CHUNKs.
[11] The capitalizations of the other letters have specific meanings, but there is no need to discuss them here.
Four critical CHUNKs are possible:
Table 3.28. Header (IHDR) CHUNK
Offset |
Bytes |
Description |
00H |
4 |
image width (pixels) |
04H |
4 |
image height (pixels) |
08H |
1 |
bits per pixel (per sample) |
09H |
1 |
color type |
0AH |
1 |
compression type |
0BH |
1 |
filter type |
0CH |
1 |
interlace flag |
Table 3.29. Palette (PLTE) CHUNK
Offset |
Bytes |
Description |
00H |
3 |
palette value (1 byte each for red, green, blue) |
Tables 3.30 “3.33 show examples for ancillary CHUNKs. For more information about them and other possible CHUNKs, please read [30].
Table 3.30. Primary Chromacities and White Point (cHRM) CHUNK
Offset |
Bytes |
Description |
00H |
4 |
x value white point |
04H |
4 |
y value white point |
08H |
4 |
x value red |
0CH |
4 |
y value red |
10H |
4 |
x value green |
14H |
4 |
y value green |
18H |
4 |
x value blue |
1CH |
4 |
y value blue |
Table 3.31. Physical Pixel Dimension (pHYs) CHUNK
Offset |
Bytes |
Description |
00H |
4 |
pixels per unit ( x direction) |
04H |
4 |
pixels per unit ( y direction) |
08H |
1 |
flag: 0 = unit unknown, 1 = unit meter |
Table 3.32. Textual Data (tEXt) CHUNK
Offset |
Bytes |
Description |
00H |
n |
string with key word |
...H |
1 |
00H as separator |
...H |
n |
text |
Table 3.33. Image Last Modification Time (tIME) CHUNK
Offset |
Bytes |
Description |
00H |
2 |
year |
02H |
1 |
month (1 “ 12) |
03H |
1 |
day (1 “ 31) |
04H |
1 |
hour (0 “ 23) |
05H |
1 |
minute (0 “ 59) |
06H |
1 |
second (0 “ 60) |
The image data compression is a deflate/inflate compression, based on the LZ77 algorithm using a 32-kbyte sliding window. This algorithm is a license-free technique.
ZSoft Paintbrush File Format (PCX)
This image format is quite old; it was developed by ZSoft and usually used by the imaging software Paintbrush. Because of its great (former) popularity, it is still supported by almost all imaging programs. Table 3.34 shows the structure of a PCX header.
PCX uses the color definition by color planes as shown in Figure 1.5 on page 11. Older PCX versions use only 8 colors (16 with an intensity bit); this use corresponds to the color capabilites of CGA or EGA cards. Starting with version 3.0, PCX supports 256 colors (VGA support).
Table 3.34. PCX File Header
Offset |
Bytes |
Description |
00H |
1 |
identification: 0AH = PCX |
01H |
1 |
PCX Version: 0: 2.5, 2: 2.8, 3: 2.8 (w/o palette), 5: 3.0 |
02H |
1 |
compression flag: 0: no compression, 1: RLE |
03H |
1 |
bits per pixel (per plane) |
04H |
8 |
coordinates of original image: XMIN , YMIN , XMAX , YMAX |
0CH |
2 |
horizontal resolution of a point in dpi (dots per inch) |
0EH |
2 |
vertical resolution of a point in dpi (dots per inch) |
10H |
48 |
color map with color palette (16 x 3 byte field) |
40H |
1 |
reserved |
41H |
1 |
number of color planes (max. 4) |
42H |
2 |
bytes per image line (even number) |
44H |
2 |
palette data: 1: color, 2: gray |
46H |
58 |
empty |
The image data area itself is either RLE-compressed or uncompressed. The image is divided into its color and intensity information and processed line by line; that means that first the red value of line 1 is compressed and stored, followed by the green value, the blue value, and the intensity value. After that, the processing of line 2 starts.
The JPEG and JPEG2000 standards were already discussed as compression methods . JPEG uses DCT (discrete cosine transform), quantization, and Huffman encoding of the coefficients; JPEG2000 uses DWT (discrete wavelet transform), quantization, and arithmetic coding of the coefficients.
The file format used for JPEG coded files is called JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF); a JFIF file contains the following:
The entire image data is located in the SOF segments.
A JFIF file may also contain smaller images (called thumbnails ) for preview use. In this case, additional (extension) APP0 segments follow the first APP0 segment. A JFIF file always starts with an SOI segment and ends with an EOI segment.
Tables 3.35, 3.36, and 3.37 show the structures of SOI, EOI, and APP0 segments, respectively.
Table 3.35. JFIF SOI Segment
Offset |
Bytes |
Description |
00H |
2 |
SOI signature ( FFD8H ) |
Table 3.36. JFIF EOI Segment
Offset |
Bytes |
Description |
00H |
2 |
EOI signature ( FFD9H ) |
The (optional) extension APP0 segment (Table 3.38) contains an extension code that defines the structure of the thumbnail image:
Table 3.37. JFIF APP0 Segment
Offset |
Bytes |
Description |
00H |
2 |
APP0 signature ( FFE0H ) |
02H |
2 |
segment length |
04H |
5 |
09H |
2 |
version ( 0102H ) |
0BH |
1 |
units |
0CH |
2 |
x density |
0EH |
2 |
y density |
10H |
1 |
x thumbnail |
11H |
1 |
y thumbnail |
12H |
3 x n |
RGB thumbnail values |
Table 3.38. JFIF Extension APP0 Segment
Offset |
Bytes |
Description |
00H |
2 |
APP0 signature ( FFE0H ) |
02H |
2 |
segment length |
04H |
5 |
09H |
1 |
extension code |
0AH |
n |
data area |
The next tables show some details about the encoding: Table 3.39 describes the DHT segment, which specifies the Huffman table; Table 3.40 shows the DAC segment used for the coding of the color components . Finally, Table 3.41 shows the DQT segment that defines the JPEG quantization table.
Table 3.39. Define Huffman Table (DHT) Segment
Offset |
Bytes |
Description |
00H |
2 |
DHT signature ( FFC4H ) |
02H |
2 |
segment length |
04H |
1 |
color component index |
05H |
16 |
Huffman table length |
15H |
n |
Huffman table |
Table 3.40. Define Arithmetic Coding (DAC) Segment
Offset |
Bytes |
Description |
00H |
2 |
DAC signature ( FFCCH ) |
02H |
2 |
segment length |
04H |
1 |
color component index |
05H |
1 |
value |
Table 3.41. Define Quantization Table (DQT) Segment
Offset |
Bytes |
Description |
00H |
2 |
DQT signature ( FFDBH ) |
02H |
2 |
segment length |
04H |
1 |
index |
05H |
64 |
quantization table |
As mentioned above, the entire data is stored in SOF segments. JFIF allows a number of different SOF segments, each of them specifying a coding algorithm. Until now, only baseline DCT coding has been used.
Comparison of Image Standards
If we compare some of the discussed image standards, we may find file sizes as shown in Table 3.42. All of the files are enclosed on the CD; they were generated with the standard settings of Corel Photo Paint version 8.
Table 3.42. Comparison of Image Standards
J2K |
Compression: |
none |
none/LZW |
none |
LZ77 |
none |
Monochrome size (kbytes): |
76 |
76 |
75 |
67 |
77 |
23 |
2 |
Color size (kbytes): |
223 |
34 |
223 |
207 |
229 |
28 |
6 |
Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine (DICOM) |
Introduction and Definitions
Image Acquisition
Image Distribution
Image Processing
Image Analysis
About the CD-ROM