This Chapter introduces you to Linux. Linux is used to power many of the servers found around the world. It is a robust, full-featured operating system. It is a hacker's favorite because it is easy to develop programs, and it is a great platform for building and testing security tools. We look at Linux basics, how passwords are stored, and the format they are stored in. Hacking Linux is also discussed, and you will get to see that although the hacking tools might change, the overall process remains the same as with Windows hacking.
The second half of the Chapter looks at automated assessment tools. If you have yet to perform any security assessments or penetration tests, you'll discover how valuable these tools can be. With limited manpower and time, automated security tools can be a big help with filling in the gaps. Automated assessment tools can be used to scan code, applications, or entire networks depending on their design. Some of the more popular automated assessment tools include Flawfinder, Nessus, Saint, and Metasploit. Each of these is examined in this Chapter.
Linux |
Part I: Exam Preparation
The Business Aspects of Penetration Testing
The Technical Foundations of Hacking
Footprinting and Scanning
Enumeration and System Hacking
Linux and Automated Security Assessment Tools
Trojans and Backdoors
Sniffers, Session Hijacking, and Denial of Service
Web Server Hacking, Web Applications, and Database Attacks
Wireless Technologies, Security, and Attacks
IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots
Buffer Overflows, Viruses, and Worms
Cryptographic Attacks and Defenses
Physical Security and Social Engineering
Part II: Final Review
Part III: Appendixes
Appendix A. Using the ExamGear Special Edition Software