Python Standard Library (Nutshell Handbooks) with
ISBN: 0596000960
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 252
Fredrik Lundh
Core Modules
Core Modules
The _ _builtin_ _ Module
The exceptions Module
The os Module
The os.path Module
The stat Module
The string Module
The re Module
The math Module
The cmath Module
The operator Module
The copy Module
The sys Module
The atexit Module
The time Module
The types Module
The gc Module
More Standard Modules
More Standard Modules
The fileinput Module
The shutil Module
The tempfile Module
The StringIO Module
The cStringIO Module
The mmap Module
The UserDict Module
The UserList Module
The UserString Module
The traceback Module
The errno Module
The getopt Module
The getpass Module
The glob Module
The fnmatch Module
The random Module
The whrandom Module
The md5 Module
The sha Module
The crypt Module
The rotor Module
The zlib Module
The code Module
Threads and Processes
Threads and Processes
The threading Module
The Queue Module
The thread Module
The commands Module
The pipes Module
The popen2 Module
The signal Module
Data Representation
Data Representation
The array Module
The struct Module
The xdrlib Module
The marshal Module
The pickle Module
The cPickle Module
The copy_reg Module
The pprint Module
The repr Module
The base64 Module
The binhex Module
The quopri Module
The uu Module
The binascii Module
File Formats
The xmllib Module
The xml.parsers.expat Module
The sgmllib Module
The htmllib Module
The htmlentitydefs Module
The formatter Module
The ConfigParser Module
The netrc Module
The shlex Module
The zipfile Module
The gzip Module
Mail and News Message Processing
Mail and News Message Processing
The rfc822 Module
The mimetools Module
The MimeWriter Module
The mailbox Module
The mailcap Module
The mimetypes Module
The packmail Module
The mimify Module
The multifile Module
Network Protocols
Network Protocols
The socket Module
The select Module
The asyncore Module
The asynchat Module
The urllib Module
The urlparse Module
The cookie Module
The robotparser Module
The ftplib Module
The gopherlib Module
The httplib Module
The poplib Module
The imaplib Module
The smtplib Module
The telnetlib Module
The nntplib Module
The SocketServer Module
The BaseHTTPServer Module
The SimpleHTTPServer Module
The CGIHTTPServer Module
The cgi Module
The webbrowser Module
The locale Module
The unicodedata Module
The ucnhash Module
Multimedia Modules
The imghdr Module
The sndhdr module
The whatsound Module
The aifc Module
The sunau Module
The sunaudio Module
The wave Module
The audiodev Module
The winsound Module
The colorsys Module
Data Storage
Data Storage
The anydbm Module
The whichdb Module
The shelve Module
The dbhash Module
The dbm Module
The dumbdbm Module
The gdbm Module
Tools and Utilities
The dis Module
The pdb Module
The bdb Module
The profile Module
The pstats Module
The tabnanny Module
Platform-Specific Modules
The fcntl Module
The pwd Module
The grp Module
The nis Module
The curses Module
The termios Module
The tty Module
The resource Module
The syslog Module
The msvcrt Module
The nt Module
The _winreg Module
The posix Module
Implementation Support Modules
Implementation Support Modules
The dospath Module
The macpath Module
The ntpath Module
The posixpath Module
The strop Module
The imp Module
The new Module
The pre Module
The sre Module
The py_compile Module
The compileall Module
The ihooks Module
The linecache Module
The macurl2path Module
The nturl2path module
The tokenize Module
The keyword Module
The parser Module
The symbol Module
The token Module
Other Modules
Other Modules
The pyclbr Module
The filecmp Module
The cmd Module
The rexec Module
The Bastion Module
The readline Module
The rlcompleter Module
The statvfs Module
The calendar Module
The sched Module
The statcache Module
The grep Module
The dircache Module
The dircmp Module
The cmp Module
The cmpcache Module
The util Module
The soundex Module
The timing Module
The posixfile Module
The bisect Module
The knee Module
The tzparse Module
The regex Module
The regsub Module
The reconvert Module
The regex_syntax Module
The find Module
Python Standard Library (Nutshell Handbooks) with
ISBN: 0596000960
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 252
Fredrik Lundh
FileMaker Pro 8: The Missing Manual
Switching Between Layouts
Validate Data Entry with a Calculation
Branching and Looping in Scripts
Developer Utilities
Appendix B. FileMaker Error Codes
A Practitioners Guide to Software Test Design
Control Flow Testing
Data Flow Testing
Section III - Testing Paradigms
Scripted Testing
Test Planning
SQL Hacks
Date Handling
Hack 40. Calculate Rank
Hack 77. Fill in Missing Values in a Pivot Table
Hack 78. Break It Down by Range
Sharing Data Across the Internet
Lean Six Sigma for Service : How to Use Lean Speed and Six Sigma Quality to Improve Services and Transactions
Success Story #1 Lockheed Martin Creating a New Legacy
Seeing Services Through Your Customers Eyes-Becoming a customer-centered organization
Success Story #2 Bank One Bigger… Now Better
Success Story #4 Stanford Hospital and Clinics At the forefront of the quality revolution
First Wave Service Projects
The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook. A Quick Reference Guide to Nearly 100 Tools for Improving Process Quality, Speed, and Complexity
Using DMAIC to Improve Speed, Quality, and Cost
Working with Ideas
Descriptive Statistics and Data Displays
Variation Analysis
Selecting and Testing Solutions
Java All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies
Using Layout Managers
Working with Files
Using File Streams
Using JDBC to Connect to a Database
Working with XML © 2008-2017.
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