Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
Dates and times are ubiquitous in our lives. So too in computer programs. Programs are commonly used to gather and display date and time information. While it is always possible to use simple text boxes and labels to gather and display these values, and to painstakingly format and validate text strings to appear as valid date and time values, the .NET Framework provides several controls and classes to ease this chore and make it more robust. As an added benefit, these classes automatically take into account the time zone and regional settings on the end user's machine. This chapter will cover those controls and classes.
Windows Forms and the .NET Framework
Getting Started
Visual Studio .NET
Windows Forms
Dialog Boxes
Controls: The Base Class
Mouse Interaction
Text and Fonts
Drawing and GDI+
Labels and Buttons
Text Controls
Other Basic Controls
TreeView and ListView
List Controls
Date and Time Controls
Custom Controls
Menus and Bars
Updating ADO.NET
Exceptions and Debugging
Configuration and Deployment