No software project is complete until it is properly configured and deployed on the end user's machine. Deploying and configuring Windows applications has, historically, been very difficult. One of .NET's great strengths is its easy configuration and deployment.
Configuration of .NET applications involves XML configuration files that provide a flexible and hierarchical configuration scheme. Configuration settings can apply to every application on the machine or to specific applications.
.NET's deployment is perhaps its greatest improvement over previous generations of development environments:
All these improvements are discussed in this chapter. In the meantime, shout it from the rooftops: "No more DLL Hell!"
Windows Forms and the .NET Framework
Getting Started
Visual Studio .NET
Windows Forms
Dialog Boxes
Controls: The Base Class
Mouse Interaction
Text and Fonts
Drawing and GDI+
Labels and Buttons
Text Controls
Other Basic Controls
TreeView and ListView
List Controls
Date and Time Controls
Custom Controls
Menus and Bars
Updating ADO.NET
Exceptions and Debugging
Configuration and Deployment