
Text has two different components. The first is the content (the actual characters contained in the text string). The content typically consists of ASCII or Unicode characters entered in one of several ways:

  • Directly from the keyboard.
  • From the keyboard using the Alt key and a four-digit ASCII or Unicode decimal value.
  • Programmatically. (In C#, cast an ASCII or Unicode value to a character type [(char)n, where n is a decimal ASCII or Unicode value] or, in VB.NET, use a function such as Chr( ))

The second component of text is the format or appearance. This component is defined by the font, which dictates how the characters look. There are many different fonts, such as Times New Roman and Arial. In addition, most fonts can have style attributes applied, such as bold or italic.

Text and fonts are covered thoroughly in Chapter 9.

Windows Forms and the .NET Framework

Getting Started

Visual Studio .NET


Windows Forms

Dialog Boxes

Controls: The Base Class

Mouse Interaction

Text and Fonts

Drawing and GDI+

Labels and Buttons

Text Controls

Other Basic Controls

TreeView and ListView

List Controls

Date and Time Controls

Custom Controls

Menus and Bars


Updating ADO.NET

Exceptions and Debugging

Configuration and Deployment

Programming. NET Windows Applications
Programming .Net Windows Applications
ISBN: 0596003218
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 148

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