To choose the appropriate set of views, you must identify the stakeholders that depend on software architecture documentation. You must also understand each stakeholder's information needs.
The set of stakeholders will vary, depending on the organization and the project. The list of stakeholders in this section is suggestive but is not intended to be complete.
The documents mentioned for those stakeholders are ones in which they probably are interested, but the need for other documentation will vary from case to case. For instance, a project manager might not be interested in any C&C view. But a product with a Web-based client-server architecture might have a C&C view showing parts of the client-server architecture that are of interest to the project manager. So take the following lists as a starting point and adapt them according to the needs of your project.
A project manager cares about schedule, resource assignments, and perhaps contingency plans to release a subset of the system for business reasons. This person is not interested in the detailed design of any element or the exact interface specifications beyond knowing whether those tasks have been completed. But the manager is interested in the system's overall purpose and constraints; its interaction with other systems, which may suggest an organization-to-organization interface that the manager will have to establish; and the hardware environment, which the manager may have to procure.
The project manager might create or help create the work assignment view, in which case he or she will need a decomposition view to do it but will certainly be interested in monitoring it. As shown in Figure 9.1, a project manager, then, will likely be interested in
Figure 9.1. A project manager usually creates the work assignments and therefore needs some overview information of the software.
A member of the development team, for whom the architecture provides marching orders, is given constraints on how that person does his or her job. Sometimes, a developer is given responsibility for an element he or she did not implement, such as a commercial off-the-shelf product. Someone still has to be responsible for that element, to make sure that it performs as advertised and to tailor it as necessary. This person will want to know
As shown in Figure 9.2, a developer, then, is likely to want to see
A context diagram containing the module(s) he or she has been assigned: module viewtype
A decomposition, uses, and layered view: module viewtype
A view showing the component(s) the developer is working on and how they interact with other components at runtime: C&C viewtype
A mapping between views, showing the module(s) as components: module viewtype, C&C viewtype
The interface specification(s) of the developer's element(s) and the interface specifications of those elements with which they interact: module viewtype, C&C viewtype
The variability guide to implement required variability: module viewtype
An implementation view to find out where the assets he or she produces must go: allocation viewtype
A generalization view showing other modules that the developer can use to accomplish his or her work assignment: module viewtype
A deployment view: allocation viewtype
The documentation that applies beyond views, including a system overview
Rationale and constraints
Figure 9.2. Developers have interest mainly in the software itself, and therefore create detailed module and C&C views and have some interest in allocation viewtypes.
Testers and integraters are stakeholders for whom the architecture specifies the correct black-box behavior of the pieces that must fit together. A unit tester of an element will want to see the same information as a developer of that element, with an emphasis on behavior specifications. A black-box tester will need to see the interface specification for the element. Integraters and system testers need to see collections of interfaces, behavior specifications, and a uses view so they can work with incremental subsets.
As shown in Figure 9.3, testers and integraters, then, are likely to want to see
Figure 9.3. Testers and integraters need context and interface information, along with information about where the software runs and how to build incremental parts.
Designers of other systems with which this one must interoperate are stakeholders. For these people, the architecture defines the set of operations provided and required, as well as the protocols for their operation. As shown in Figure 9.4, these stakeholders will likely want to see
Figure 9.4. Designers of other systems are interested in interface specifications and important system behavior.
Maintainers use architecture as a starting point for maintenance activities, revealing the areas a prospective change will affect. Maintainers will want to see the same information as developers, for they both must make their changes within the same constraints. But maintainers will also want to see a decomposition view that allows them to pinpoint the locations where a change will need to be carried out and perhaps a uses view to help build an impact analysis to fully scope out the effects of the change. Maintainers will also want to see design rationale that will give them the benefit of the architect's original thinking and save them time by letting them see already discarded design alternatives.
As shown in Figure 9.5, a maintainer, then, is likely to want to see
Figure 9.5. A maintainer has the same information needs as a developer but with a stronger emphasis on design rationale and variability.
Application builders in a software product line tailor the core assets according to preplanned and built-in variability mechanisms, add whatever special-purpose code is necessary, and instantiate new members of the product line. Application builders will need to see the variability guides for the various elements, to facilitate tailoring. After that, application builders need to see largely the same information as integraters do.
As shown in Figure 9.6, a product line application builder, then, is likely to want to see
Figure 9.6. This person needs to understand what adaptations to make in order to build new products.
Customers are the stakeholders who pay for the development of specially commissioned projects. Customers are interested in cost and progress and convincing arguments that the architecture and resulting system will meet the quality and functional requirements. Customers will also have to support the environment in which the system will run and will want to know that the system will interoperate with other systems in that environment.
As shown in Figure 9.7, the customer, then, is likely to want to see
Figure 9.7. A customer is interested mainly in how the software works in the desired environment.
End users do not need to see the architecture, which is, after all, largely invisible to them. But they often gain useful insights about the system, what it does, and how they can use it effectively by examining the architecture. If end users or their representatives review your architecture, you may be able to uncover design discrepancies that would otherwise have gone unnoticed until deployment.
To serve this purpose and as shown in Figure 9.8, an end user is likely to be interested in
Figure 9.8. An end user needs to have an overview of the software, how it runs on the platform, and how it interacts with other software.
Analysts are interested in the ability of the design to meet the system's quality objectives. The architecture serves as the fodder for architectural evaluation methods and must contain the information necessary to evaluate such quality attributes as security, performance, usability, availability, and modifiability. For performance engineers, for example, architecture provides the model that drives such analytical tools as rate-monotonic real-time schedulability analysis, simulations and simulation generators, theorem provers, and model-checkers. These tools require information about resource consumption, scheduling policies, dependencies, and so forth.
Recently, architecture evaluation and analysis methods have emerged as repeatable, robust, low-cost ways to make sure that an architecture will deliver the required quality attributes before the project commits to implementation based on it. The Architecture Trade-off Analysis Method (ATAM) exemplifies this new breed of methods. ATAM relies on suitable architecture documentation to do its work. Although ATAM does not prescribe specific documents that are required, it does offer general guidelines.
As shown in Figure 9.9, an ATAM practitioner is likely to be interested in
Figure 9.9. An analyst needs information from all viewtypes. Depending on the specific analysis, other, more detailed information might be required.
In addition to generalized analysis, architectures can be evaluated for the following and other quality attributes, each of which suggests certain documentation obligations.
Infrastructure support personnel set up and maintain the infrastructure that supports the development and build of the system. You need to provide documentation about the parts that are accessible in the infrastructure. Those parts are usually elements shown in a decomposition and/or implementation view. Especially for configuration management, you have to provide a variability guide.
As shown in Figure 9.10, infrastructure support people likely want to see
Figure 9.10. Infrastructure support people need to understand the software artifacts produced to provide tool support.
New stakeholders will want to see introductory, background, and broadly scoped information: top-level context diagrams, architectural constraints, overall rationale, and root-level view packets as shown in Figure 9.11. In general, anyone new to the system will want to see the same kind of information as his or her counterparts who are more familiar with the system but will want to see it in less detail.
Figure 9.11. New stakeholders need to have the same information as their counterparts.
Future architects are the most avid readers of architectural documentation, with a vested interest in everything. After the current architect has been promoted for producing the exemplary documentation, the replacement will want to know all the key design decisions and why they were made. As shown in Figure 9.12, future architects are interested in it all but will be especially keen to have access to comprehensive and candid rationale and design information.
Figure 9.12. A future architect has strong interest in all the architecture documentation.
To summarize, the views you choose depend on the views you expect to use. For most nontrivial systems, you should expect to choose at least one view from each of the three viewtypes presented in this book: module, component-and-connector, and allocation. Beyond that, choose specific views based on anticipated uses by your stakeholders. The guidelines presented in this section are rules of thumb with which to begin. Remember that each view you select comes with a benefit but also a cost. You will undoubtedly wish to combine some views or to have one view serve in another's place; for instance, a work assignment view includes the information in a decomposition view, so you may not need both. Table 9.1 summarizes these guidelines.
PERSPECTIVESArchitecture Trade-off Analysis Method Until recently, there were no reliable methods that would let us subject an architecture to a test to see whether it would deliver the required functionality and, at least as important, the required quality attributes of performance, modifiability, usability, security, availability, and so forth. The architect had to rely on his or her own past experience, styles and patterns in books, or, more likely, folklore. Only when code was developed, whether prototype or production, could the architecture be validated: Code testing served as architecture testing. But by then, changing the architecture was often prohibitively expensive. Now, however, architecture evaluation methods have emerged that let us validate an architecture while it is still a paper design, before it has been hardened into code. As architecture evaluation matures to become a standard part of architecture-based development methods, architecture documentation takes on an additional use: serving as the fuel for an evaluation. One of the most mature evaluation methods is the Architecture Trade-off Analysis Method (ATAM). Under ATAM, a four- or five-person evaluation team is gathered along with a set of stakeholders for the system whose architecture is being evaluated: designers, maintainers, end users, system administrators, and so forth. The analysis phase consists of nine steps.
ATAM outputs are
A savvy architect can and should turn these outputs into part of the project's documentation legacy, which brings us full circle: The effort to prepare documentation to support an evaluation is paid back in full. Not only is the architecture validated or weaknesses discovered in time for repair, but also these outputs can be incorporated into the documentation as a part of the design rationale and analysis results. P. C. C. |
DEFINITIONATAM (Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method) is an architecture evaluation method developed by the Software Engineering Institute. |
Software Architectures and Documentation
Part I. Software Architecture Viewtypes and Styles
The Module Viewtype
Styles of the Module Viewtype
The Component-and-Connector Viewtype
Styles of the Component-and-Connector Viewtype
The Allocation Viewtype and Styles
Part II. Software Architecture Documentation in Practice
Advanced Concepts
Documenting Software Interfaces
Documenting Behavior
Choosing the Views
Building the Documentation Package
Other Views and Beyond
Rationale, Background, and Design Constraints