1: |
Can you think of a system that cannot be described using a layered view? If a system is not layered, what would this say about its allowed-to-use relation? |
2: |
How does a UML class diagram relate to the styles given in this chapter? Does that diagram show decomposition, uses, generalization, or another combination? (Hint: We'll discuss this in some detail in Section 11.2.) |
3: |
We consciously chose the term generalization to avoid the multiple meanings that the term inheritance has acquired. Find two or three of these meanings, compare them, and discuss how they are both a kind of generalization. (Hint: You may wish to consult books by Booch and Rumbaugh, respectively.) |
4: |
Suppose that a portion of a system is generated with, for example, a user interface builder tool. Using one or more views in the module viewtype, how would you show the tool, the input to the toolthe user interface specificationand the output from the tool? |
Software Architectures and Documentation
Part I. Software Architecture Viewtypes and Styles
The Module Viewtype
Styles of the Module Viewtype
The Component-and-Connector Viewtype
Styles of the Component-and-Connector Viewtype
The Allocation Viewtype and Styles
Part II. Software Architecture Documentation in Practice
Advanced Concepts
Documenting Software Interfaces
Documenting Behavior
Choosing the Views
Building the Documentation Package
Other Views and Beyond
Rationale, Background, and Design Constraints