1.19.1 Problem
You want to start a name server.
1.19.2 Solution
Run the program named or, if you're using BIND 8, use ndc:
# named
# ndc start
1.19.3 Discussion
If root's path doesn't include the directory in which the named executable is installed (often /usr/sbin), you'll have to specify the full path:
# /usr/sbin/named
The pathname of the file ndc executes to start named is compiled-in. If it's not correct, you can edit the file Makefile.set and set the variable DESTSBIN to the directory in which named actually lives. Then recompile ndc with:
# cd bind-distribution-directory/src/bin/ndc # make clean # make ndc
The Makefile.set file you should modify is in the directory src/port/, where indicates the operating system you run (e.g., freebsd ).
If you need to start named with command-line arguments, you can specify them on the command-line:
# named -c /tmp/named.conf
Or, if you use ndc, you can specify them after the argument start:
# ndc start -c /tmp/named.conf
1.19.4 See Also
Section 3.2 for setting up and using ndc.
Getting Started
Zone Data
BIND Name Server Configuration
Electronic Mail
BIND Name Server Operations
Delegation and Registration
Interoperability and Upgrading
Resolvers and Programming
Logging and Troubleshooting