JarInputStream is a subclass of ZipInputStream that reads data from JAR archives.
public class JarInputStream extends ZipInputStream
Two constructors chain the JAR input stream to an underlying input stream:
public JarInputStream(InputStream in) throws IOException public JarInputStream(InputStream in, boolean verify) throws IOException
By default, any signatures present in the JAR archive will be verified, and an IOException will be thrown if verification fails. However, you can turn off this behavior by passing false as the second argument to the constructor. For example:
FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream("javaio.jar"); JarInputStream jin = new JarInputStream(fin, false);
When the JarInputStream object is constructed, the manifest, if present, is read from the stream and stored inside the class as a Manifest object. You do not get an opportunity to read the manifest from the stream yourself. However, you can retrieve the Manifest object with the getManifest( ) method:
public Manifest getManifest( )
Otherwise, a JAR input stream is used almost exactly like a zip input stream. You position the stream on a particular entry in the file and read data from it using the normal read( ) methods. Any necessary decompression is performed transparently. When you've finished reading an entry, you close it and position the stream on the next entry. Two methods, getNextEntry( ) and read( ), are overridden so that verification of signatures can be performed. A getNextJarEntry( ) method that returns a JarEntry instead of a ZipEntry is also available. This method can be used in place of getNextEnTRy( ), if you like:
public ZipEntry getNextEntry( ) throws IOException public int read(byte[] data, int offset, int length) throws IOException public JarEntry getNextJarEntry( ) throws IOException
Basic I/O
Introducing I/O
Output Streams
Input Streams
Data Sources
File Streams
Network Streams
Filter Streams
Filter Streams
Print Streams
Data Streams
Streams in Memory
Compressing Streams
JAR Archives
Cryptographic Streams
Object Serialization
New I/O
Nonblocking I/O
The File System
Working with Files
File Dialogs and Choosers
Character Sets and Unicode
Readers and Writers
Formatted I/O with java.text
The Java Communications API
The J2ME Generic Connection Framework
Character Sets