The Ruby Way, Second Edition: Solutions and Techniques in Ruby Programming (2nd Edition)
The Ruby Way, Second Edition: Solutions and Techniques in Ruby Programming (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0672328844
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 269
Hal Fulton
The Ruby Way: Solutions and Techniques in Ruby Programming, Second Edition
Table of Contents
About the Author
Chapter 1. Ruby in Review
Section 1.1. An Introduction to Object Orientation
Section 1.2. Basic Ruby Syntax and Semantics
Section 1.3. OOP in Ruby
Section 1.4. Dynamic Aspects of Ruby
Section 1.5. Training Your Intuition: Things to Remember
Section 1.6. Ruby Jargon and Slang
Section 1.7. Conclusion
Chapter 2. Working with Strings
Section 2.1. Representing Ordinary Strings
Section 2.2. Representing Strings with Alternate Notations
Section 2.3. Using Here-Documents
Section 2.4. Finding the Length of a String
Section 2.5. Processing a Line at a Time
Section 2.6. Processing a Byte at a Time
Section 2.7. Performing Specialized String Comparisons
Section 2.8. Tokenizing a String
Section 2.9. Formatting a String
Section 2.10. Using Strings As IO Objects
Section 2.11. Controlling Uppercase and Lowercase
Section 2.12. Accessing and Assigning Substrings
Section 2.13. Substituting in Strings
Section 2.14. Searching a String
Section 2.15. Converting Between Characters and ASCII Codes
Section 2.16. Implicit and Explicit Conversion
Section 2.17. Appending an Item Onto a String
Section 2.18. Removing Trailing Newlines and Other Characters
Section 2.19. Trimming Whitespace from a String
Section 2.20. Repeating Strings
Section 2.21. Embedding Expressions Within Strings
Section 2.22. Delayed Interpolation of Strings
Section 2.23. Parsing Comma-Separated Data
Section 2.24. Converting Strings to Numbers (Decimal and Otherwise)
Section 2.25. Encoding and Decoding rot13 Text
Section 2.26. Encrypting Strings
Section 2.27. Compressing Strings
Section 2.28. Counting Characters in Strings
Section 2.29. Reversing a String
Section 2.30. Removing Duplicate Characters
Section 2.31. Removing Specific Characters
Section 2.32. Printing Special Characters
Section 2.33. Generating Successive Strings
Section 2.34. Calculating a 32-Bit CRC
Section 2.35. Calculating the MD5 Hash of a String
Section 2.36. Calculating the Levenshtein Distance Between Two Strings
Section 2.37. Encoding and Decoding base64 Strings
Section 2.38. Encoding and Decoding Strings (uuencodeuudecode)
Section 2.39. Expanding and Compressing Tab Characters
Section 2.40. Wrapping Lines of Text
Section 2.41. Conclusion
Chapter 3. Working with Regular Expressions
Section 3.1. Regular Expression Syntax
Section 3.2. Compiling Regular Expressions
Section 3.3. Escaping Special Characters
Section 3.4. Using Anchors
Section 3.5. Using Quantifiers
Section 3.6. Positive and Negative Lookahead
Section 3.7. Accessing Backreferences
Section 3.8. Using Character Classes
Section 3.9. Extended Regular Expressions
Section 3.10. Matching a Newline with a Dot
Section 3.11. Using Embedded Options
Section 3.12. Using Embedded Subexpressions
Section 3.13. Ruby and Oniguruma
Section 3.14. A Few Sample Regular Expressions
Section 3.15. Conclusion
Chapter 4. Internationalization in Ruby
Section 4.1. Background and Terminology
Section 4.2. Coding in a Post-ASCII World
Section 4.3. Using Message Catalogs
Section 4.4. Conclusion
Chapter 5. Performing Numerical Calculations
Section 5.1. Representing Numbers in Ruby
Section 5.2. Basic Operations on Numbers
Section 5.3. Rounding Floating Point Values
Section 5.4. Comparing Floating Point Numbers
Section 5.5. Formatting Numbers for Output
Section 5.6. Formatting Numbers with Commas
Section 5.7. Working with Very Large Integers
Section 5.8. Using BigDecimal
Section 5.9. Working with Rational Values
Section 5.10. Matrix Manipulation
Section 5.11. Working with Complex Numbers
Section 5.12. Using mathn
Section 5.13. Finding Prime Factorization, GCD, and LCM
Section 5.14. Working with Prime Numbers
Section 5.15. Implicit and Explicit Numeric Conversion
Section 5.16. Coercing Numeric Values
Section 5.17. Performing Bit-level Operations on Numbers
Section 5.18. Performing Base Conversions
Section 5.19. Finding Cube Roots, Fourth Roots, and so on
Section 5.20. Determining the Architecture s Byte Order
Section 5.21. Numerical Computation of a Definite Integral
Section 5.22. Trigonometry in Degrees, Radians, and Grads
Section 5.23. More Advanced Trigonometry
Section 5.24. Finding Logarithms with Arbitrary Bases
Section 5.25. Finding the Mean, Median, and Mode of a Data Set
Section 5.26. Variance and Standard Deviation
Section 5.27. Finding a Correlation Coefficient
Section 5.28. Generating Random Numbers
Section 5.29. Caching Functions with memoize
Section 5.30. Conclusion
Chapter 6. Symbols and Ranges
Section 6.1. Symbols
Section 6.2. Ranges
Section 6.3. Conclusion
Chapter 7. Working with Times and Dates
Section 7.1. Determining the Current Time
Section 7.2. Working with Specific Times (Post-epoch)
Section 7.3. Determining the Day of the Week
Section 7.4. Determining the Date of Easter
Section 7.5. Finding the Nth Weekday in a Month
Section 7.6. Converting Between Seconds and Larger Units
Section 7.7. Converting To and From the Epoch
Section 7.8. Working with Leap Seconds: Don t
Section 7.9. Finding the Day of the Year
Section 7.10. Validating a DateTime
Section 7.11. Finding the Week of the Year
Section 7.12. Detecting Leap Years
Section 7.13. Obtaining the Time Zone
Section 7.14. Working with Hours and Minutes Only
Section 7.15. Comparing DateTime Values
Section 7.16. Adding Intervals to DateTime Values
Section 7.17. Computing the Difference in Two DateTime Values
Section 7.18. Working with Specific Dates (Pre-epoch)
Section 7.19. Interconverting Between Time, Date, and DateTime
Section 7.20. Retrieving a DateTime Value from a String
Section 7.21. Formatting and Printing DateTime Values
Section 7.22. Time Zone Conversions
Section 7.23. Determining the Number of Days in a Month
Section 7.24. Dividing a Month into Weeks
Section 7.25. Conclusion
Chapter 8. Arrays, Hashes, and Other Enumerables
Section 8.1. Working with Arrays
Section 8.2. Working with Hashes
Section 8.3. Enumerables in General
Section 8.4. Conclusion
Chapter 9. More Advanced Data Structures
Section 9.1. Working with Sets
Section 9.2. Working with Stacks and Queues
Section 9.3. Working with Trees
Section 9.4. Working with Graphs
Section 9.5. Conclusion
Chapter 10. IO and Data Storage
Section 10.1. Working with Files and Directories
Section 10.2. Performing Higher-Level Data Access
Section 10.3. Using KirbyBase
Section 10.4. Connecting to External Databases
Section 10.5. Conclusion
Chapter 11. OOP and Dynamic Features in Ruby
Section 11.1. Everyday OOP Tasks
Section 11.2. More Advanced Techniques
Section 11.3. Working with Dynamic Features
Section 11.4. Conclusion
Chapter 12. Graphical Interfaces for Ruby
Section 12.1. RubyTk
Section 12.2. RubyGTK2
Section 12.3. FXRuby (FOX)
Section 12.4. QtRuby
Section 12.5. Other GUI Toolkits
Section 12.6. Conclusion
Chapter 13. Threads in Ruby
Section 13.1. Creating and Manipulating Threads
Section 13.2. Synchronizing Threads
Section 13.3. Conclusion
Chapter 14. Scripting and System Administration
Section 14.1. Running External Programs
Section 14.2. Command-Line Options and Arguments
Section 14.3. The Shell Library
Section 14.4. Accessing Environment Variables
Section 14.5. Scripting in Microsoft Windows
Section 14.6. The Windows One-Click Installer
Section 14.7. Libraries You Need to Know About
Section 14.8. Working with Files, Directories, and Trees
Section 14.9. Miscellaneous Scripting Tasks
Section 14.10. Conclusion
Chapter 15. Ruby and Data Formats
Section 15.1. Parsing XML with REXML
Section 15.2. Working with RSS and Atom
Section 15.3. Manipulating Image Data with RMagick
Section 15.4. Creating PDF Documents with PDF::Writer
Section 15.5. Conclusion
Chapter 16. Testing and Debugging
Section 16.1. Testing with Test::Unit
Section 16.2. The ZenTest Tools
Section 16.3. Using the Ruby Debugger
Section 16.4. Using irb As a Debugger
Section 16.5. Measuring Code Coverage
Section 16.6. Measuring Performance
Section 16.7. Prettyprinting Objects
Section 16.8. Conclusion
Chapter 17. Packaging and Distributing Code
Section 17.1. Using RDoc
Section 17.2. Installation and Packaging
Section 17.3. RubyForge and the RAA
Section 17.4. Conclusion
Chapter 18. Network Programming
Section 18.1. Network Servers
Section 18.2. Network Clients
Section 18.3. Conclusion
Chapter 19. Ruby and Web Applications
Section 19.1. CGI Programming with Ruby
Section 19.2. Using FastCGI
Section 19.3. Ruby on Rails
Section 19.4. Web Development with Nitro
Section 19.5. An Introduction to Wee
Section 19.6. Web Development with IOWA
Section 19.7. Ruby and the Web Server
Section 19.8. Conclusion
Chapter 20. Distributed Ruby
Section 20.1. An Overview: Using drb
Section 20.2. Case Study: A Stock Ticker Simulation
Section 20.3. Rinda: A Ruby Tuplespace
Section 20.4. Service Discovery with Distributed Ruby
Section 20.5. Conclusion
Chapter 21. Ruby Development Tools
Section 21.1. Using RubyGems
Section 21.2. Using Rake
Section 21.3. Using irb
Section 21.4. The ri Utility
Section 21.5. Editor Support
Section 21.6. Integrated Development Environments
Section 21.7. Conclusion
Chapter 22. The Ruby Community
Section 22.1. Web Resources
Section 22.2. Newsgroup and Mailing Lists
Section 22.3. Blogs and Online Magazines
Section 22.4. Ruby Change Requests
Section 22.5. IRC Channels
Section 22.6. Ruby Conferences
Section 22.7. Local Ruby Groups
Section 22.8. Conclusion
Page #268 (Index)
The Ruby Way, Second Edition: Solutions and Techniques in Ruby Programming (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0672328844
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 269
Hal Fulton
A Practitioners Guide to Software Test Design
Pairwise Testing
Test Planning
Section IV - Supporting Technologies
Defect Taxonomies
Section V - Some Final Thoughts
Cisco IOS in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (OReilly))
Setting the Router Name
Networking Technologies
Passive Interfaces
Cisco Voice Gateways and Gatekeepers
Implementing H.323 Gateways
Connecting to PBXs
Analog Trunks
Cisco CallManager Fundamentals (2nd Edition)
Call Routing
Miscellaneous Solutions
H.323 Gateways
Call Detail Records
Accessing CDR Data in the Central CDR Database
The New Solution Selling: The Revolutionary Sales Process That Is Changing the Way People Sell [NEW SOLUTION SELLING 2/E]
Chapter One Solutions
Chapter Twelve Controlling the Buying Process
Chapter Fourteen Getting Started with the Process
Chapter Sixteen Creating and Sustaining High-Performance Sales Cultures
Appendix A Value Justification Example
Quantitative Methods in Project Management
Project Value: The Source of all Quantitative Measures
Organizing and Estimating the Work
Risk-Adjusted Financial Management
Expense Accounting and Earned Value
Special Topics in Quantitative Management © 2008-2017.
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