AAA (authentication, authorization, accounting) Model, 639
ABR (area border routers), 419
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), 45
anonymous, 109110
default IIS options, 377
Deny Access to This Computer from the Network right, 466
group strategy for accessing resources, 490495
Network Access Quarantine Control and, 670
registry, securing, 615
removable media, 108
user , securing, 615
wireless using IAS, 669
access control. see also data access control
audit requirement analysis, 534541
domain local groups and, 520
files/folders design strategy, 617
registry access control, 541553
access control entries (ACEs), 513514
Access Control List Editor, 533
Access Control Lists (ACLs)
NTFS/share permissions, 455457, 496
data access and, 509
overview of, 513
access control strategy
account security policies, 463474
administrative and service accounts, 460462
auditing user account activity, 480486
delegation strategy, 487490
for directory services, designing, 454457, 499
important points about, 496
password policies, designing, 462
password security, 474480
rights/permissions, assigning, 458460
risks to directory services, 457458
access design strategy, 455
Access This Computer from the Network right, 464
accidental network access, 317, 343
Account Group/ACL (AG/ACL), 517518, 621622
Account Group/Resource Group (AG/RG), 518
Account lockout duration setting, 479
Account Lockout policy
creating, 478480
duration, 68
password security and, 477
Restricted groups, 470472
scenario, 503504
user rights assignments, 463470
Account lockout threshold setting, 479
account logon event, 537538
account policies, 6769, 145
account security policies
implementing via Group Policy, 463
Kerberos policy, creating, 472474
Restricted groups, 470472
user rights assignments, 463470
administrator, 645
local system, 512
naming conventions, securing, 646
user, securing, 645646
ACEs (access control entries), 513514
ACL. see Access Control Lists
Act as Part of the Operating System right, 464
Active Directory (AD)
certificate temples and, 188
DNS RR in, 302303
domains, 133
IAS servers and, 666
IPSec policy stored in, 273274
for network infrastructure security, 246
role-based delegation with, 198
WLAN network infrastructure requirement, 322
Active Directory Client Services extensions, 7475
Active Directory security
access control strategy for directory services, 454457
account security policies, 463474
administrative and service accounts, 460462
auditing user account activity, 480486
delegation strategy, 487490
group strategy for accessing resources, 490495
overview of, 454
password policies, designing, 462
password security, 474480
rights/permissions, assigning, 458460
risks to directory services, 457458
Active Directory Users and Computers Snap-in
Account Lockout policy creation with, 479480
Audit policy creation with, 482
setting Password Complexity policy with, 477478
Active Directory-Integrated zones, 300301
ad hoc wireless network
described, 315
scenario, 347
when to use, 343
Add Workstations to the Domain right, 464
Adjust Memory Quotas for a Process right, 464
administration delegation strategy, 487490
Administrative account, 461462
administrative credentials, 283
administrative policies, 4
administrator accounts, 645, 646
authority delegation for, 197199
credentials restriction of, 195196, 231
delegation strategy, 487490
securing tools for, 197199
security policies for administrators/IT personnel, 197
advanced digest authentication, 385386
Advanced Digest Security, 407
AG/ACL (Account Group/ACL), 517518, 621622
AG/RG (Account Group/Resource Group), 518
defined, 454
described, 491, 498, 512
nesting groups, 493494
user rights and, 513
AGUDLP strategy, 491492, 498
AH. see Authentication Header
AIA (Authority Information Access) 168-169. see Authentication Header
All ICMP Traffic filter list, 269
All IP Traffic filter list, 269
Allow automatic administrative logon, 611, 612
Allow floppy copy and access to all drivers and all folders, 612
Allow Log On Locally right, 464465
Allow Log On through Terminal Services right, 465
anonymous access restriction, 109110
anonymous authentication, 362364
anti-virus protection, 630
APIPA (Automatic Private IP Addressing), 421
Application server mode, Terminal Services, 202
application servers, 129, 131
application sharing security, 250251
application-layer attack, 248
Apply Group Policy permissions, 215
area border routers (ABR), 419
AS boundary router (ASBR), 420
404 errors and, 406
IIS 6 authorization options, 388389
IIS hardening and, 382
ASR. see Automated System Recovery
asymmetric encryption, 153154. see also public key cryptography
ATM (Automatic Teller Machine), 153
attacks. see also specific type of attack
analysis of, 623
combating network, 18
external, motivations for, 22
network infrastructure security and, 247249
nontechnical, 20
overview of, 39
recognizing indicators of, 27
risk analysis and, 510511
threat to wireless networks, 317318
Audit account logon events setting, 480
Audit account management setting, 481
Audit directory service access setting, 481
audit events, domain controller, 108
Audit logon events policy, 482483
Audit logon events setting, 481
Audit object access setting, 481, 484485
Audit policy
creating, 482
Group Policy for, 497
Manage Auditing and Security Log right, 468
on Web server, 501
what to include in, 503
Audit policy change setting, 481
Audit privilege use setting, 481
Audit process tracking setting, 481
audit requirement analysis, 534541
Audit system events setting, 481
of account logon events, 537538
attack indicators and, 27
of Directory Service access events, 538
enabling in IIS, 392396
enabling on CA server, 181183, 187
of logon events, 535537
of object access events, 539
overview of, 615
of policy change events, 540
policy for, 620
practices for data security, 511
of privilege use events, 538539
of process tracking events, 540
requirements analysis, 534535
of system events, 539
auditing data analysis, 485486
auditing user account activity
analyzing auditing data, 485486
Audit policy, creating, 482
Auditing settings, 480481
logon events, 482484
object access, 484485
AUP (Acceptable Use Policy), 45
anonymous, 362364
basic, 364365
client design strategy, 639640
client requirements analysis, 640641
digest, 366367
DLL for IIS security incident detection, 399
with EAP, 316
IEEE 802.1x, 347348
IIS 6.0, 401
IIS certificate, 362369, 400
IIS hardening and, 382
IIS RADIUS, 369375
IIS user, 353356
IIS Windows logon, 362369
logical authentication strategy, designing, 165167, 186187
multifactor , 645
mutual, 647
network, 641645
protocols for client access, 646651
protocols overview, 671
protocols supported by IAS, 663665
remotely managing wireless network, 348
selecting scope for users in trusts, 223224
strategy for clients , 672
strong, 127
via SSL/TLS, 304, 305
for wireless networks, 328336, 340
authentication data header, 261
Authentication Data, ESP authentication trailer, 263
authentication firewall, 224
Authentication Header (AH)
with ESP, 343
ESP vs. , 259
function of, 339
IPSec modes and, 256257, 260261
IPSec packet protection with, 257258
no confidentiality with, 263
authentication methods , 118, 254255
authentication profiles, 658
authentication traffic digital signatures, 110112
authority delegation, 197199
Authority Information Access (AIA), 168169
authorization framework, IIS 6.0, 388389
Authorization Manager snap-in, 533
authorization rules, role-based, 519
authorization, role-based, 519
Automated System Recovery (ASR)
vs. Emergency Management Console/Recovery Console, 621
when to use, 625
backup set, creating, 596598
backup set, described, 595
automatic mode, IPSec driver, 279
Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA), 421
Automatic Teller Machine (ATM), 153
Automatic Updates, SUS, 632633
autonomous system (AS), 420