Adding Transitions to Your Movie

Most movies consist of multiple scenes. With each scene on a different video clip, you can add smooth transitions between scenes, just as the professionals do. For example, as you switch scenes, you can create the effect of turning a page, or you can have the current scene flip away and the next scene flip in. It's simple to do with Movie Maker's built-in transitions.

Add the Transitions

With Movie Maker running and your current project open, make sure that all your video clips are arranged on the Storyboard exactly as you want them. If the Storyboard isn't displayed, choose Storyboard from the View menu.

Choose Transitions from the Location drop-down list to display all the available video transitions.

Select a transition you might want to use.

Click the Play button to preview the transition.

If the transition is what you want, drag it onto the Transition box between the clips.

Repeat steps 3 through 5 to add more transitions.

See Also

"Preparing to Produce a Movie" on pages 156157 for information about separating your scenes into different clips.

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