Quick! Show Me Your Value
Quick! Show Me Your Value
ISBN: 1562863657
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 157
Theresa Seagraves
Table of Contents
Quick Show Me Your Value
How Can This Book Help?
Help Navigating This Book
The Monster Under the Bed
Part I: Identifying Value
Chapter 1: The Golden Key - Finance
Shouldn t the Value of WLP Be Obvious?
The Eye of the Beholder
Michael s Story
But, I HATE Numbers
Familiar, Comfortable, Confident
Let s Review:
Chapter 2: Decoding Value
How the ROI Game Works
Cascading Metrics
The Financial Value Chain
Translating Value Through the Chain
How to Translate Value
Financial Value Timeframes
Building Financial Value Chains
Let s Review:
Chapter 3: An Overview of What an Organization Will Value
A Note About the Financial Examples
Depth of Detail
Beginning the Chain: Financial Imperatives
Let s Review:
Chapter 4: Profit
The Income Statement
Create Your Own Value Chain
Let s Review:
Chapter 5: Position
Balance Sheet Versus Income Statement
Dissecting a Balance Sheet
Examining Assets
Examining Liabilities and Owner s Equity
Checking the Balance: Ratios
Help I m Overwhelmed
Examples of Asset Financial Value Chains
Examples of Liability Financial Value Chains
Create Your Own Value Chain
Let s Review:
Chapter 6: Cash
The Reverse Flip
What About the Cash?
Create Your Own Value Chain
Let s Review:
Chapter 7: Business Intelligence: Researching What an Organization Will Value
Research Roadblocks
Internal Versus External Views
Research Takes Time
Business Intelligence: Senior Level
Business Intelligence: Mid Level
Business Intelligence: 1stOps Level and Individual Level
What if You Can t Get Enough?
The Road to Success
Other Paths to Success
Create Your Research Notes
The Benefits of Good Business Intelligence
Let s Review:
Part II: Positioning, Delivering, and Measuring Value
Chapter 8: What Have You Done for Me Lately?
Are You Matching a Need to an Intervention or an Intervention to a Need?
Clarifying Perceptions
Meet Marcella
Why the Disconnect?
Constantly Thinking About the Numbers
Choose Your Focus and Note Perceptions
Let s Review:
Chapter 9: The Financial Imperatives Scorecard
Building and Using a Financial Imperatives Scorecard
Challenging Situations: A Few Pointers
Create Your Own Financial Imperatives Scorecard
Let s Review:
Chapter 10: Value and the Levels of Evaluation
Crossing the Threshold
A Little Background on Evaluation
What Your Audience Wants to Know
What Does Senior Management Need?
Aligning Value at the Senior Level
Senior Management and Optimization
But, Who Has the Time?
What s the Answer?
A Story to Illustrate the Point
Your Turn
Let s Review:
Part III: Communicating Value
Chapter 11: Building Your Context Plan
Fiscal Lifecycle
New Product Introduction Lifecycle
Seasonal Lifecycle
Planning Communication Within Context
Making Your Plan
Let s Review:
Chapter 12: Your Communication Base: Value Themes
Types of Value Communication: Themes and Statements
Financial and Performance Comparisons
An Example to Help You
Shortened Value Chains
The Value Theme Layout
Why Do You Want a Theme?
Why Is This Any Different From What You Already Do?
Create Your Own Value Themes
Let s Review:
Chapter 13: Creating Financial Value Statements
Picturing Value Communication
Introducing the Four Segments
A Few Recommendations
Can You Make Value Statements in 30 Seconds or Less?
Other Ways to Use Your Financial Value Statements
Creating Your Own Financial Value Statements
Let s Review:
Chapter 14: Putting It All Together
A Seat at the Table
Is This Last Step Really Necessary?
The Financial Value Process
Let s Review:
Chapter 15: Conclusion: The Courage to Begin
Glossary of Terms
Additional Resources
Management and Organization Analysis
Workplace Learning and Performance ROI
Websites and Organizations
Sales and Communicating Value
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Exercises
CD Content
Quick! Show Me Your Value
ISBN: 1562863657
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 157
Theresa Seagraves
Cisco IP Communications Express: CallManager Express with Cisco Unity Express
Voice Mail Deployment Considerations
Step 4: Configuring Extensions and Phones
Integrating Cisco CME with Cisco Unity Voice Mail
The dialbyextension.aef Script
WebLogic: The Definitive Guide
Configuring Web Applications
Using Other JavaMail Providers
Combined-Tier Architecture
The Security Provider Architecture
C++ GUI Programming with Qt 3
Implementing the File Menu
Subclassing QTableItem
Inter-Process Communication
Container Classes
Presenting Data in Tabular Form
Logistics and Retail Management: Emerging Issues and New Challenges in the Retail Supply Chain
Retail Logistics: Changes and Challenges
Fashion Logistics and Quick Response
Logistics in Tesco: Past, Present and Future
The Development of E-tail Logistics
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems: Issues in Implementation
What is Lean Six Sigma
Key #1: Delight Your Customers with Speed and Quality
Key #3: Work Together for Maximum Gain
When Companies Start Using Lean Six Sigma
Making Improvements That Last: An Illustrated Guide to DMAIC and the Lean Six Sigma Toolkit
The Experience of Making Improvements: What Its Like to Work on Lean Six Sigma Projects
Telecommunications Essentials, Second Edition: The Complete Global Source (2nd Edition)
Wide Area Networking
The Next-Generation Network Infrastructure
Wireless Communications Regulations Issues
4G: Wireless Broadband
The Handset Revolution © 2008-2017.
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