Workplace Learning and Performance ROI

Workplace Learning and Performance ROI


There are a number of excellent authors writing about how to measure ROI for WLP interventions. Some of my favorites include:

How to Measure Training Results: A Practical Guide to Tracking the Six Key Indicators . Phillips, J. J., and R. D. Stone. ( 2002 ). New York : McGraw-Hill .

Phillips is one of the premier authors on calculating training ROI. He has written and edited several books on the subject. This book is written in very straightforward terms with plenty of forms and examples. Pages 54 and 55 give excellent examples of hard and soft data that can be used in value chains. Once you ‚ ve targeted the value you want to provide, Phillips ‚ process is very helpful in proving that you actually provided it.

Linking Learning and Performance: A Practical Guide to Measuring Learning and On-the-Job Performance . Hodges, T. K. ( 2002 ). Boston : Butterworth-Heinemann .

This book outlines the links between the language of finance and the lan guage of performance. In Linking Learning and Performance , Hodges has done a masterful job of describing how to design learning and performance so that they can be consistently accomplished and measured within an organization. This book is an excellent reference to help you ensure that the value you are claiming you will create is actually accomplished on the job.

Performance Consulting: Moving Beyond Training . Robinson, D. G., and J. C. Robinson. ( 1995 ). San Francisco : Berrett-Koehler Publishers .

The Robinsons ‚ book is a classic in the field, focusing on the need to connect to the business concerns and describe the performance that must be delivered, and then suggesting ways that the WLP professional can meet the business and performance need. Their performance relationship maps and step-by-step instructions help both the members of our profession and the managers we work with in understanding the difference between training and performance.

Handbook of Human Performance Technology: Improving Individual and Organizational Performance Worldwide ( 2d edition ). Stolovitch, H. D., and E. J. Keeps (editors). ( 1999 ). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Pfeiffer .

This comprehensive volume has chapters by more than 65 distinguished WLP authors. The chapters offer a wide range of insights into a full range of performance challenges.

In Action: Measuring Return-on-Investment ( volumes 1 , 2 , 3 ). Phillips, J. J. (series editor). ( 1994 , 1997 , 2001 ). Alexandria, VA : ASTD .

The case studies in these books describe how WLP practitioners have accounted for costs, benefits, and ROI. They are excellent references to see how others have handled making the case for their value.

Quick Show Me Your Value
Quick! Show Me Your Value
ISBN: 1562863657
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 157 © 2008-2017.
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