
The coding for these two implementations is similar to what you studied in previous chapters. The following are statement-by-statement explanations.

On the CD You will find the code for the two shopping cart applications on the CD-ROM in the folder named chapter14code. This folder contains a subfolder named images with image files for several origami models.

The PHP and MySQL Implementation

The opendbo.php file is included (using the require function) in all the scripts to establish the connection to the database. The calculated $link value and the $DBname value will be used in the script that requires opendbo.php and are declared as global variables. The script is shown in Table 14.1.

Table 14.1: PHP Script to Establish Connection to Database


Start PHP

global $DBname, $link;

Make these two global


Set $host


You will need to change this


You will need to change this


You might need to change this

$link=mysql_connect($host,$user, $password);

Establish the connectiono


Select the database



For the PHP/MySQL system, define the tables using a script: createordertables as shown in Table 14.2.

Table 14.2: PHP Script for Creating the Tables for the Shopping Cart

<?php Start PHP function createtable($tname,$fields) {

Function for creating tables

global $DBname, $link;

Use global values

$query="CREATE TABLE ".$tname." (".$fields.")";

Defines the query using the parameter values

if (mysql_db_query($DBname,$query, $link)) {

Execute the MySQL operation. Check if it succeeded

print ("The table, $tname, was created successfully.<br>\n");

Print success message


Close out true clause

else {

Start else clause

print ("The table, $tname, was not created. <br>\n");

Print out not a success (for example, if the table was already created)


End else clause


End definition of function


Close PHP

<html><head><title>Creating order project tables </title></head>

Normal HTML




Start PHP


Include the connecting script

$tname = "customers";

Set name of table, first to be defined

$fields="id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, fname char(30), lname char(30), billing TEXT, emailaddress char(50), pass char(30)";

Set definition of fields

createtable($tname, $fields);

Call function to create the customers table


Set name of table

$fields="id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, customer_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, o_date DATE, status ENUM('open','set','billed', 'shipped'), total FLOAT(2)";

Set definition of fields


Call function to create orders table


Set name of table

$fields="id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, p_name CHAR(30), picture CHAR(50), cost FLOAT(2)";

Set definition of fields


Call function to create orders table


Set name of table

$fields="order_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, p_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, quantity INT NOT NULL";

Set definition of fields


Call function to create orders table


Close link







The inputproducts.php script, shown in Table 14.3, lets authorized staff add a product to the catalog. This script is a form handler and a display of the form.

The previous script created a new database record containing a field with the address of a product image file. Table 14.4 shows the code for uploading an image file to the server, fileupload.php. See Chapter 12, Files, for more explanation and to the CD-ROM folder for Chapter 12 for the code for fileupload.php.

Table 14.3: PHP Script to Add a New Product to the Catalog Table

<html><head><title>Adding products to catalog table db</title></head>





Start PHP


Include connecting script

$tname = "catalog";

Set table name

// need sign in procedure

Comment indicating a place to improve this process

if (@($submitted)) {

Is this the form handler

  • $p_name = trim($p_name);

  1. Trim the inputted product name

$picture= trim($picture);

Trim the inputted name of the image file

$pattern="(http://)?([[:alnum:] \.,-_?/&=])\.((gif)|(jpg))$";

Prepare a regular expression pattern to check if this is a good file address including being an appropriate file extension for images

if (!eregi($pattern,$picture)){

Perform the check

print ("Please submit a valid address for a picture.<br>");

Print a message indicating the need to submit a valid image file address

print ("Use the BACK function on your browser to return to the form.");

Print instructions


Close clause for bad picture address

else {

Else clause

$picture = AddSlashes($picture); // should check for valid address

Add escaping for slashes in the file name

// should check $cost to be valid number

Possible improvement

$query = "INSERT INTO $tname values ('0','".$p_name."', '".$picture."', ".$cost.")";

Create insert query

$result = mysql_db_query($DBname, $query, $link);

Perform insert query

if ($result) {

Check if good result

print("The product was successfully added.<br>\n");

Print out message


End clause

else {

Start else clause

print ("The product was NOT successfully added. <br>\n");

Print out message for no success


End clause

$submitted = FALSE;

Reset to allow new submission


Close link

print ("<a href=\"inputproducts. php\">Submit another product. </a><br>");

Display link to return to script again.

} //ends if good URL

Ends if clause for good picture file address

} //ends if submitted

Ends if handler

else {

Start else for displaying form

print ("<h1>Add a product to the catalog <br>\n </h1> ");

Print heading

print ("<form action=\"inputproducts.php\" method=post>\n");

Print form tag

print ("Name of product <input type=text name=\"p_name\" size=30><br>\n");

Print input tag for product name

print ("File name of picture <input type=text name=\"picture\" size=50><br>\n");

Print input tag for picture file address

print ("Cost of product <input type=text name=\"cost\" size=6><br>\n");

Print input tag for cost

print ("<input type=hidden name=\"submitted\" value=\"True\"><br>\n");

Print input tag for submitted flag

print ("<input type=submit name=\"submit\" value=\"Submit product!\"><br>\n");

Print button tag

print ("</form><br>\n");

Print end of form


Close the else clause





Table 14.4: PHP Script for Uploading Image File to Illustrate a Product

<html><head><title>File upload test </title></head><body>



Start PHP

if (@$file) {

Check if this is to handle the form (previous examples used a special form input value named


print ("uploading file named $file_name <br>");

Print message letting the person know what is going on

print ("File size is $file_size <br>");

Print message on file size

$abspath = $PATH_TRANSLATED;

Set the variable to be the path to the current script

$stub=ereg_replace("\\fileupload. php","\\",$abspath);

Modify the variable to take out the name of the current script

$fullname = $stub . $file_name;

Add in the filename. This is the line you might need to alter for your application

print ("fullname is: $fullname.<br>");

Debugging message, letting user know where the file was placed


Use PHP command to extract information on file. This only makes sense for image files

print ("Dimensions are: ".$size[0]." by ".$size[1]." pixels. <br>");

Print out file information

$area = $size[0]*$size[1];

Compute area

print ("Area is $area pixels.<br>");

Print out area

if (copy($file,$fullname)) {

This contains the critical step: copying the file to the proper place. Check if successful…

print ("file successfully uploaded. <br>");}

Print out message

else { print (“file could not be copied.”); }

Else clause: problem in copying file


End connection to the file in temporary storage


Close clause that this was handler

print ("<br>upload a file to the server<br>\n");

Print out heading



<form action='fileupload.php' method=POST ENCTYPE="multipart/ form-data">

Form tag. The ENCTYPE is required for forms that have a file as one of the inputs

File <input type=file name="file"><br>

Input tag for file. This will generate a Browse button

<input type=submit name="submit" value="upload file">

Input tag for Submit button


End form


End body



Now it is on to implementing ordering products. The orderproduct.php script is the first of four scripts that accomplishes the task for accepting and recording an order. An order is represented in the database by one record in the orders table, and one or more entries in the ordereditems table. The orderproduct script presents the products as a table. Each row of the table holds a product name and a product picture. The name is a hyperlink with the href attribute of the <a> tag set to makeorder.php followed by a question mark and the product ID. The orderproduct script, shown in Table 14.5, uses the currentcustomer cookie, if it is defined, to greet a returning customer by name.

Table 14.5: Initial PHP Script to Display Products to Customer

<html><head><title>Presenting products</title></head><body>

HTML start

<h1>Origami model store </h1><p>

HTML heading


Start PHP

require ("opendbo.php");

Include connecting script

if (@$currentcustomer) {

If current customer is defined via a cookie (this will be the ID)

print("currentcustomer id is: $currentcustomer<br>");

Debugging message

$query="SELECT fname FROM customers where id=$currentcustomer";

Define query to find customer’s name

$result=mysql_db_query($DBname,$query, $link);

Invoke query

$Num_past = mysql_num_rows($result);

Compute number returned

  • if ($Num_past!=0) {

  1. If the number isn’t zero

$fname=mysql_result($result,0, 'fname');

Take the first one (there should only be one)

print("Welcome back, $fname!<br>");

Print customized welcome message


Close if customer found


Close if cookie defined



Select product:



Start table


Start PHP

$query="Select * from catalog";

Define query

$result=mysql_db_query($DBname, $query, $link);

Invoke query to get all the products

while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

While loop to iterate through the products

print ("<tr><td><a href= makeorder.php");

Start of printing to make the table item be an <a> tag with a call to makeorder.php

print ("?p_td" width="51%" align="left">

…with a query string carrying as


…the value of the id field of the record


Close <a…> tag


Print out the name of the product


Print out </a> tag and close table datum element

print("<td><img src=\"");

Print out next table datum: start of img tag


Store the value of the picture field of the record in a variable


Continue with img tag: the src value will be in the images folder, a folder parallel (subfolder of parent folder) of this script


Print closing table datum and table row tags


Close of while loop

print ("</table>");

Print </table> tag to end the table


Close link to database




Closing HTML

The orderproduct script invokes the makeorder script, shown in Table 14.6, with a query string holding the ID of the product that the customer has clicked. The customer is given a chance to enter the quantity of the product.

Table 14.6: Present Individual Product for Customer to Enter Quantity

<html><head><title>Presenting products</title></head><body>

Starting HTML


Start PHP


Including connecting to database



<h1>Indicate quantity and confirm order </h1>

HTML header




Start PHP

$query="Select * from catalog where id=$p_id";

Define query to get the record in the database corresponding to the $p_id value from the query string sent over by the call from orderproducts

$result=mysql_db_query($DBname,$query, $link);

Invoke query


Define product name variable

$picture=mysql_result($result,0, "picture");

Define picture file name variable


Define cost variable

print ("<center><img src=\"../images/$picture\">");

Print out tags to display picture


Print line break


Print out product name



<form action=shoppingcart.php method=get>

HTML for form: note that this does not require any PHP

Quantity <input type=text size=3 name="quantity">

Field for quantity

<input type=submit value="Submit quantity" >

Submit button

<input type=hidden name=productid value='

Start of HTML to define a hidden variable to carry along the productid

<? print($p_id);

Restart PHP to output the $p_id value




Need this quotation mark after $p_id value


Closing HTML

The makeorder script calls the shoppingcart script, shown in Table 14.7, which makes use of the cart session variable. The latest product ordered with the quantity is added to cart as a key/value pair. The total contents of the shopping cart—that is, everything ordered so far—is displayed. The customer is given the option of clicking on either of two links: one to continue shopping, and the other to check out.

Table 14.7: PHP Script to Display Current Shopping Cart


Start PHP

if (!session_is_registered(“cart”)) {

Check if cart is not yet registered as a session variable

$cart = array();

Initialize $cart to be an empty array


Register “cart” as a session variable


End the clause to initialize the cart


Close PHP

<html><head><title>Shopping Cart</title>

HTML tags


Start PHP


Include the file holding the function to display the cart


Close PHP


HTML tag


HTML body


Start PHP


Make connection to database

  1. ?>

  1. Close PHP

<h1>Shopping cart</h1>

HTML heading




Start PHP

if (@$productid){

If a $productid is defined

$cart[$productid] = $quantity;

Set the value in the associative array $cart for this product ID to be the $quantity value



Call the displaycart function


Close PHP


Horizontal rule

<a href="submitorder.php"> Checkout (submit order)! </a>&nbsp; &nbsp;

Link to complete order by going to submitorder script

<a href="orderproduct.php"> More shopping! </a>

Link to more shopping by going to orderproduct


Closing HTML

The shoppingcart.php script and the submitorders.php script each have calls to the require function to include the displaycartfunction.php shown in Table 14.8.

Table 14.8: Script to Display the Contents of the Shopping Cart


Start PHP

//assumes that opendbo called, and session started when call is made.

Comment? on context of call

function displaycart() {

Function header

global $cart, $DBname, $link, $totalprice;

Function will use the global values set outside of the function

print ("<table>");

Print table tag

print ("<tr><td> Product ID </td><td> Product Name </td><td> Quantity </td><td> Total cost </td></tr>");

Print table tags for column headings

$items = 0;

Initialize $items. This will hold the number of products ordered

$totalprice = 0.00;

Initialize $totalprice. This will hold the dollar total

foreach (@$cart as $pid => $qty) {

A loop to iterate through all the key/value pairs in the $cart array

$items += $qty;

Increment the number of items by the $qty value. This is equivalent to $items=$items + $qty;

$query="Select * from catalog where id=$pid";

Define the query to get the record for the product with ID equal to $pid

$result = mysql_db_query($DBname, $query, $link);

Invoke the query

$item_price = mysql_result($result,0, "cost");

Set a variable with the item’s cost

$item_name = mysql_result($result,0, "p_name");

Set a variable with the item’s name

$item_total_price = $item_price * $qty;

Calculate the cost for the number of items ordered

$totalprice += $item_total_price;

Add this value to the variable holding the total

$item_total_pricef = number_format($item_total_price,2);

Prepare a formatted string with the total (two decimal places)

print ("<tr><td> $pid </td><td> $item_name </td><td> $qty </td><td>&nbsp;$item_total_pricef </td></td> ");

Print out the results


End the foreach iterating over each item in the cast

$totalpricef = "$" . number_format($totalprice,2);

Prepare a formatted string for the over all total

print("<tr><td> TOTALS </td><td></td><td> $items items</td><td>$totalpricef </td></tr></table>");

Print out the totals


End the definition of the function



The shoppingcart.php script contains a link to the submitorders.php script, shown in Table 14.9, for immediate checkout or the ordersproduct script for more shopping. The submitorders.php script presents a form and handles the form An If test determines which of the two to do.

Table 14.9: PHP Script to Display and Handle Form for Customer Data


Start PHP


Re-start the session


Include the connection to the database


Include the displaycartfunction code

$today = Date("Y-m-d");

Set $today to be the date in Year-month-day format

if (!@$submitconfirm) {

If form not yet submitted

print ("Please give information for ordering or confirm information present.<br>");

Print out instructions

print ("<form action=\"$PHP_SELF\" method=post><br>");

Print out form tag. Notice the use of $PHP_SELF to indicate this script

$ofname=""; $olname=""; $obilling=""; $oemail="";

Initialize several variables to empty strings. They will be used as is if there is not a current customer cookie

if (@$currentcustomer)

Check if there is a currentcustomer cookie (which would hold a customer ID)

{$query="SELECT * from customers where id=$currentcustomer";

Define a query to get that customer’s record

$result=mysql_db_query($DBname, $query,$link);

Invoke the query

$Num_past = mysql_num_rows($result);

Find out the number of records

if ($Num_past>0) {

If there is at least one record (there would be zero or 1 since IDs are unique)

$obilling=mysql_result($result,0, "billing");

Get the billing information

$olname = mysql_result($result,0, "lname");

Get the customer name

$oemail=mysql_result($result,0, "emailaddress");

Get the mail information

print ("<input type=hidden name=oldcustomer value=TRUE>");

Print out hidden input tag holding a variable that flags that the form has information from a current customer

print("<br>INFO OKAY <input type=\"radio\" name=\"choices\" value=\"OKAY\" CHECKED >");

Print out radio buttons: the information is either okay, which is the default

print ("<br>CHANGE MY INFO <input type=\"radio\" name=\"choices\" value=\"CHANGE\" >");

… radio button indicating change, which the customer clicks if he or she puts in new information

print ("<br>NEW CUSTOMER <input type=\"radio\" name=\"choices\" value=\"NC\"><br>");

Radio button for a new customer


Ends clause for customer in database


Ends clause for existence of cookie

print ("First Name <input type=text name='fname' value='".$ofname."'><br>");

Print out input tag. There might or might not be a displayed value

print ("Last Name <input type=text name='lname' value='".$olname."'><br>");

Print out input tag as above

print ("Billing information <input type=text name='billing' value='".$obilling."'><br>");

Print out input tag as above

print ("E mail address <input type=text name='email' value='".$oemail. "'><br>");

Print out input tag as above

print ("<input type=hidden name='submitconfirm' value=TRUE>");

Print out a hidden input tag to flag that form has been submitted

print ("<input type=submit name='submit' value='SUBMIT/CONFIRM INFORMATION'>");

Print out the Submit button

print ("</form>");

Print out the form end tag

  • }

  1. Ends clause for displaying form

else {

Else (handle form)

if (!@$oldcustomer) {

If it was not a case of an old customer

$query="INSERT INTO customers VALUES ('0','".$fname;

Define query to add a new record

$query=$query."','".$lname."','".$billing."','".$email."','X')" ; // X for pass now

Construction of query takes two statements

$result=mysql_db_query($DBname, $query,$link); //need error handling.

Invoke query


The mysql_insert_id function returns returns the id of the record just inserted.

setcookie("currentcustomer",$currentcustomer); //sets permanent cookie

Set the cookie to be this new value


End if not old customer

else {

Start clause for it being the case of an old customer

if (@$choices=='CHANGE') {

If the customer changed information

$query="UPDATE customers set fname='".$fname ;

Create a query for changing (updating) the information

$query = $query . "', lname='".$lname."', billing='".$billing;

Continue construction of query

$query = $query . "', emailaddress='".$email ."' where id=$currentcustomer";


mysql_db_query($DBname,$query, $link);

Invoke query


End old customer/new information clause

else if (@$choices=='NC') {

Start clause for choice to make new customer

$query="INSERT INTO customers VALUES ('0','".$fname;

Create query

$query=$query."','".$lname."', '".$billing."','".$email."','X')" ; // X for pass now

Continue constructing query

$result=mysql_db_query($DBname, $query,$link); //need error handling.

Invoke query


Obtain ID of record just created

$duration = 90 * 24 * 60* 60; //90 days

Time period for this cookie will be 90 days

setcookie("currentcustomer",$currentcustomer, time()+$duration); //sets long term

Set cookie with duration parameter


End if changed to new customer


End else clause for it being an old customer

print("Welcome, $fname <br>");

Print out welcome

print ("Today is $today <br>\n");

Print out date

print ("Here is your order.<hr>");

Print out heading


Invoke displaycart function to display the whole cart

print ("<hr> We are billing it using the following information: <br>$billing<br>");

Print out information on billing

$query = "INSERT INTO orderlist VALUES ('0', '";

Start construction of query to insert record into the orderlist table

$query = $query . $currentcustomer."', '".$today."', 'set',".$totalprice.")";

Continue construction

mysql_db_query($DBname, $query, $link);

Invoke query


Obtain ID of record just created

foreach ($cart as $pid=>$qty) {

Use foreach to iterate over cart to insert insert records into the ordereditems table

$query="INSERT INTO ordereditems values ('".$orderid."','".$pid."',". $qty.")";

Create the query


Invoke query

} //ends the foreach

End iteration through cart


Unregister the cart session variable

unset($cart); $cart

This returns any space used by


Stop the session


Ends handling of form—the else clause on if submitconfirm


Close PHP


Closing HTML tags

The ASP and Access Implementation

The ASP implementation bears the same relationship to the PHP implementation as prior projects. Our suggestion is to create the database with all the tables in stand-alone mode; that is, directly in Access. This means that there is no ASP file that corresponds to the createtables.php file.

The openconn.asp script shown in Table 14.10, holds the code for connecting to the database named orders.mdb located in the folder as these scripts. It is of the DSN-less type.

Table 14.10: The ASP/JavaScript Script to Connect to the Database


Start ASP

Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB. Connection");

Create connection object

Conn.Mode = 3 ;

Set mode to read/write

strConnect = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" + "DBQ=" + Server.MapPath("orders.mdb") ;

Define the connection string to point to the appropriate driver and database

Conn.Open (strConnect, "admin", "") ;

Make the connection, using a general user and no password


Close ASP

The inputproduct.asp file, shown in Table 14.11, is used to input products.

Table 14.11: The ASP/JavaScript Script for Inputting a New Product

<%@ Language=JavaScript %>

Set language

<html><head><title> Adding products to catalog table </title></head><body>


<!— #include file="openconn.asp" —>

Include file to establish connection


Start ASP

var submitted=String(Request.Form ("submitted"));

Extract from form input the variable that flags if this is form or handler

if (submitted !="undefined") {

Check submitted

var pname=String(Request. Form("pname"));

Extract pname from form input

var picture=String(Request. Form("picture"));

Extract picture file name from form input

var cost=Request.Form("cost");

Extract cost

if (picture=="") {

Check if picture not given

Response.Write("Please submit a valid address for a picture.<br>");

Error message

Response.Write("Use the browser BACK to return to the form.<br>");

Instructions to return to form


End clause

else {


queryf = "(p_name, picture, cost)";

Part of setting up insert query

queryv = " VALUES ('" + pname + "','" + picture +"', " + cost + ")";

Part of setting up insert query

query="INSERT INTO catalog " + queryf + querytv;

Part of setting up insert query

if (Conn.Execute(query))

Execute query and do IF test

{Response.Write("<br>Product was successfully entered. <br>");}

Write out success

else {Response.Write("Product was NOT entered.<br>");

Write out failure


End clause


End connection

Response.Write("<a href=\"inputproducts.asp\">Another product? </a><br>");

Display a link to go to submit another product


Ends if good picture

} // ends if submitted

Ends if handling form

else {

Else: present form


Stop ASP

<h1>Add product to the catalog<br></h1>

HTML heading

<form action="inputproducts.asp" method="POST"><br>

Form tag

Product name <input type=text name="pname" size=50><br>

Input field for product name

Picture file <input type=text name="picture" size=50><br>

Input field for picture file name

Cost <input type=text name="cost" size=6><br>

Input field for cost

<input type=hidden name="submitted" value="True"><br>

Input field for submitted, which works as a flag indicating form is to be handled

<input type=submit name="submit" value="Enter product!"><br>

Submit button


Form close tag


Restart ASP


Close else clause for submitting form




HTML closing tags

Now we get to the set of scripts for ordering products. The first one is orderproduct.asp, shown in Table 14.12.

Table 14.12: The ASP/JavaScript Script for Ordering Products

<%@ Language=JavaScript %>

Set language

<!— #include file="openconn.asp" —>

Include file for connecting to the database

<html><head><title>Presenting Products </title><head><body>

HTML starting tags

<h1>Origami model store </h1>



Start ASP

currentcustomer = String(Request. Cookies("currentcustomer"));

Extract cookie holding currentcustomer

if (currentcustomer!="") {

If cookie was set

query="SELECT fname FROM customers WHERE customer_td" width="44%" align="left">

Creating query to get that customer record

result=Server.CreateObject("ADODB. RecordSet");

Create recordset object


Invoke query


Extract the fname field from that record

Response.Write("Welcome back, "+fname+"<br>");

Display customized greeting


End if cookie set



Select Product:



HTML table tag


Start ASP

query="SELECT * from catalog";

Define query

rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB. RecordSet");

Create recordset object


Invoke query

while (!rs.EOF) {

While loop to iterate through all the items in the catalog

Response.Write("<tr><td><a href=makeorder.asp?p_td" width="44%" align="left">

Start to display, as first item in row of table, an a tag, with the href value for the link makeorder.asp plus the start of a query string


The rest of the query string is the product identifier


Close up the <a> tag


Write out the product name as the visible part of the link

Response.Write("</a></td><td><img src="/books/2/886/1/html/2/);

Output the </a> tag along with more table tags and the start of an img tag


Output the picture file


Output the table tags closing up the row


Advance in the record set


Close up the while loop


Output the closing table tag


Close the connection to the database




HTML tags

The orderproduct script contains tags with links to the makeorder.asp script. A query string holds the product ID value for the link the customer clicks. The makeorder script, shown in Table 14.13, allows the customer to indicate the quantity.

Table 14.13: The ASP/JavaScript Script for Specifying the Quantity

<%@ Language=JavaScript %>

Set language

<!— #include file="openconn.asp" —>

Include code to connect to database

<!— #include file="moneyformat.asp" —>

Include code to format money

<html><head><title>Input quantity </title></head><body>

HTML tags

<h1>Indicate quantity and confirm order </h1><p>

HTML heading


Start ASP

p_id = Request("p_id");

Extract the product ID from the query string

query="Select * from catalog where p_td" width="40%" align="left">

Create query for selecting that record

result=Server.CreateObject("ADODB. RecordSet");

Create a recordset object

result.Open(query, Conn);

Invoke query


Extract product name


Extract picture filename


Extract cost

Response.Write("<center><img src='/books/2/886/1/html/2/"+picture+"'>");

Write out HTML to display image


Write out line break


Write out product name

Response.Write("<i> price @ item </i> ");

Write out text


Write out cost formatted as money



<form action=shoppingcart.asp method=post>

Form field. The script indicated to handle the form is shoppingcart.asp

Quantity <input type=text size=3 name="quantity"><br>

Quantity field

<input type=submit name=submit value="Submit Quantity">

Submit button

<input type=hidden name=productid value='

The productid is passed along as an additional form value


Start ASP


Write out product ID




Output quotation mark to follow product ID


End form


End body



The moneyformat script, shown in Table 14.14, does not add a dollar sign, but does make sure that the amount is given with two decimal places.

Table 14.14: The ASP/JavaScript Script Holding the Function for Formatting Money


Start ASP

function money( raw) {

Function definition header. The parameter is named raw

var thirdd = 0.0050000001;

Set third to be used for rounding up

var dandc = "" + ( raw + thirdd );

The dandc is set by first adding raw and thirdd as numbers and then concatenated with the empty string to produce a string

var dp = dandc.indexOf ( '.' );

Find the decimal point

var zeros;

The variables zeroes will be used later

if ( dp < 0 ) {

If there is no decimal point

dandc = dandc + '.00'; }

…concatenate two zeros to the end of dandc

else {

Else (there was a decimal point)

dandc = dandc.slice ( 0, dp + 3 );

If there are two or more decimal places, this reduces the string to extend just two places past the decimal point

zeros = 3 - ( dandc.length - dp );

Zeros will be greater than zero only if the string had less than two decimal places

for ( var i=0; i<zeros; i++ ) {

For loop: if zeros is greater than zero

dandc = dandc + '0'; }

Add zero to the end, as needed


End for loop

return dandc;

Return dandc


End function



The shoppingcart.asp, shown in Table 14.15, script displays all items bought so far and gives the customer a chance to complete the order (checkout) or return for more shopping.

Table 14.15: The ASP/JavaScript Script Displaying the Shopping Cart

<%@ Language=JavaScript %>

Set language

<!— #include file="openconn.asp" —>

Include file to make connection to database

<!— #include file="displaycartfunctions. asp" —>

Include file with function to display the cart

<html><head><title> Start or add to shopping cart </title></head><body>

HTML tags


Start ASP

npid = String(Request.Form("productid"));

Extract product ID from form input

nqty = parseInt(Request.Form("quantity"));

Extract quantity from form input

Session(npid) = nqty;

Add to the session information a key/value pair, with the key being the product ID and the value being the quantity


Initialize variable holding total quantity of items to zero

totalcost = 0.00;

Initialize variable holding total cost to zero


Call displaycart function


Close connection


Close ASP


Line break

<a href="orderproduct.asp"> Enter new item </a>

Link for more shopping


Line break

<a href="submitorder.asp"> Complete order </a>

Link to complete order


Closing HTML tags

The displaycartfunctions script, shown in Table 14.16, holds the one function displaycart.

Table 14.16: The ASP/JavaScript Script Holding the displaycart Function

<!— #include file="moneyformat.asp" —>

Include the moneyformat function


Start ASP

function displaycart() {

Function header


Create a recordset object


Output horizontal rule


Output table tag


Output more table tags

Response.Write("<th>Name <th> Unit Cost <th> Quantity <th> Cost <TBODY>");

Table column headings

for (i=1; i<=Session.Contents. Count;i++) {

For loop to iterate through the Session.Contents

itemn = Session.Contents. key(i);

Set itemn to be a key value

query="Select p_name, cost from catalog where p_td" width="33%" align="left">

Create a query to get that record

rs.Open(query, Conn);

Invoke the query


Extract the product name

pc=parseFloat(rs.fields. item("cost"));

Extract the cost and convert to a decimal number


Close the recordset (it may be re-used)


Obtain the quantity from the Session information. Convert to be an integer


Add to the running total quantity variable

ptotal = pc*pqty;

Compute the cost


Add to the running total cost variable

Response.Write("<tr><td>" + pn + " </td>");

Output table tags plus the product name

Response.Write("<td>" + money(pc) + "</td>");

Output table tags plus the formatted (unit) cost

Response.Write("<td>" + pqty + " </td>");

Output table tags plus the quantity

Response.Write("<td>" + money(ptotal) + " </td>\n </tr>");

Output the formatted total cost for this product


Close loop through shopping cart

Response.Write("<tr><td> Totals </td><td></td><td>"+ tqty+"</td><td>");

Output as the last row of the table the totals

Response.Write("<b>$ " +money(totalcost));

Continue outputting last row


Finish up last row


Close function definition


Close ASP

The script that actually stores the order information in the database is submitorders.asp, shown in Table 14.17. It first displays a form and requests that the customer confirm, change, or enter new customer information. The same script then handles the form information.

Table 14.17 : The ASP/JavaScript Script to Collect and Handle Customer Information

<%@ Language="JavaScript" %>

Set language

<!— #include file="openconn.asp" —>

Include connecting to database

<!— #include file="displaycartfunctions. asp" —>

Include code to display shopping cart


Start ASP

dx= new Date();

Define dx as a date object holding today’s date

today = dx.getDate()+"-"+ dx.getMonth()+"-"+dx.getFullYear();

Define today as a string with formatted information from dx

var submitted=String(Request. Form("submitted"));

Extract submitted flag to check if this

if (submitted =="undefined") {

Check if handler or form. The positive if test is to display the form

Response.Write("Please confirm or give new information.<br>");

Output instructions to customer

Response.Write("<form action=\"submitorder.asp\" method=post><br>");

Output form header

ofname=""; olname=""; obilling=""; oemail="";

Initialize variables to be used in the display

currentcustomer = String(Request. Cookies("currentcustomer"));

Extract cookie value

if (currentcustomer!="") {

Check if cookie was set

query="SELECT * FROM customers WHERE customer_td" width="36%" align="left">

Define query to get this customer’s record from the database


Define a recordset object


Invoke query


Set ofname with the value from the database


Set olname with the value from the database


Set obilling with the value from the database


Set oemail with the value from the database

Response.Write("<input type=hidden name=oldcustomer value='TRUE'>");

Write out as a hidden tag that there was information from an “old’” customer

Response.Write("<br>Okay<input type=\"radio\" name=\"choices\" value=\"OKAY\" CHECKED >");

Write out as radio button with the default, that the information was okay

Response.Write("Change<input type=\"radio\" name=\"choices\" value=\"CHANGE\" >");

Write out as radio that the information needed to change (but for the same, “old,” customer)

Response.Write("New Customer<input type=\"radio\" name=\"choices\" value=\"NC\" >");

Write out as radio button the choice that this is a new customer


Close if clause for cookie existing

Response.Write("<br>First Name <input type=text name='fname' value='" +ofname+ "'><br>");

Output input tag for first name. The value showing is taken from ofname. It is empty if the cookie did not exist

Response.Write("Last Name <input type=text name='lname' value='"+ olname + "'><br>");

Output input tag for last name

Response.Write("Billing <input type=text name='billing' value='"+ obilling + "'><br>");

Output input tag for billing

Response.Write("Email <input type=text name='email' value='" + oemail+ "'><br>");

Output input tag for e-mail

Response.Write("<input type=hidden name='submitted' value='TRUE'>");

Output as hidden form tag the submitted value

Response.Write("<input type=submit name='submit' value='SUBMIT/CONFIRM INFORMATION'>");

Output Submit button


Output form close


End clause for the situation to present the form


Else clause: form handler


Extract oldcustomer value. This is the hidden value indicating if there was an “old customer”


Extract fname value


Extract lname


Extract billing


Extract e-mail

if (oldcustomer!='TRUE') {

If there was not an old customer

fieldsx = "(fname, lname, billing, emailaddress)";

Start to prepare query to insert a new customer record

valuesx = " ('" + fname +"','" + lname + "','" + billing + "','"+ email+ "')";

Continue with preparation of query

query="INSERT INTO customers "+ fieldsx + " VALUES " + valuesx;

Define query


Execute query

query="SELECT max(customer_id) as maxid from customers";

This produces the id of the record just added to the table

rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB. RecordSet");

Define a new recordset

rs.Open(query, Conn);

Invoke query

currentcustomer=rs.fields. item("maxid");

This is the ID of the customer whose record was just inserted (added)


Ends if not old customer; i.e., new customer

  • else {

  1. Else (old customer)

currentcustomer = String (Request.Cookies("currentcustomer"));

Extract the current customer ID from the form

choices = Request.Form("choices");

Extract the value of choices

if (choices=="CHANGE") {

If choices indicates a change

query="UPDATE customers set fname ='"+fname+"', lname='" +lname;

Start creation of the query to update (change) the customer information

query= query+"', billing='"+billing+"', emailaddress='"+email+"'";

Continue with query

query= query +" where customer_id ="+currentcustomer;

Complete creation of query


Invoke query


Ends change info but same currentcustomer

else if (choices=='NC') {

Else if new customer

fieldsx = "(fname, lname, billing, emailaddress)";

Start to prepare query for insertion

valuesx = " ('" + fname +"', '" + lname + "','" + billing + "', '" + email+ "')";

Continue preparing query

query="INSERT INTO customers "+ fieldsx + " VALUES " + valuesx;

Complete query


Invoke query

query="SELECT max(customer_id) as maxid from customers";

Define query to obtain the ID for the record just inserted

rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB. RecordSet");

Define new recordset

rs.Open(query, Conn);

Invoke query

currentcustomer=rs.fields. item("maxid");

Extract value. This is the ID for the record just created


Ends make new currentcustomer


Ends old customer

Response.Write("Welcome, "+fname);

Output greeting

Response.Write("<br>Today is "+ today);

Output date

Response.Write("<br>Here is your order. <hr>");

Output message


Initialize variable that will hold total quantity

totalcost = 0.00;

Initialize variable that will hold total cost


Call displaycart

Response.Write("We are billing it using: <br>"+billing+"<br>");

Output message on billing

fieldsx="(customer_id, o_date, status, total)";

Start to prepare query for insertion into orders table

valuesx="('"+ currentcustomer+"', '"+ today+"','set',"+ totalcost+")";


query="INSERT INTO orderlist "+ fieldsx + " VALUES "+ valuesx;

Complete query


Invoke query

query="SELECT max(order_id) as maxid from orderlist";

Define new query to get ID of record just added to orderlist

rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB. RecordSet");

Define new recordset

rs.Open(query, Conn);

Invoke query


Extract value of order_id

fieldsx="(order_id, p_id, quantity)";

Start preparation of query for insertion into ordereditems table. This same string will be part of the query for each item

for (i=1; i<=Session.Contents. Count;i++) {

For loop: for each product ordered. The iteration is over the Sessions.Contents

itemn = Session.Contents. key(i);

Extract product ID


Extract the associated quantity and convert to be integer

valuesx = "("+order_id+","+itemn+","+pqty+")";

Continue with preparation of query

query="INSERT INTO ordereditems "+fieldsx+ "VALUES"+valuesx;

Complete definition of query


Invoke query


Close for loop


Close connection


Destroys all session variables; that is, the cart


Ends handling of form




Closing HTML tags

Creating Database Web Applications with PHP and ASP
Creating Database Web Applications with PHP and ASP (Charles River Media Internet & Web Design)
ISBN: 1584502649
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 125
Authors: Jeanine Meyer

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