ChapterTHREE.At Your Destination

Chapter THREE. At Your Destination

Home, sweet temporary home. Whether you're staying at a hotel or with friends or family, the first thing you'll probably want to do is throw yourself onto the bed and breathe "ahhhh" in sheer relief. Next you might plug in and charge your laptop and cell phone so that they can have that same "ahhhh, home" feeling. And finally, if you haven't had the chance to check your email while on the road, you probably want to connect to the Internet using the nearest available connection, be it wireless or wired.

If you're staying at a hotel and you weren't able to find one that offers wireless access (see Chapter 1), you can create your own Wi-Fi hotspot right in your room to increase your mobility. If not, you'll probably have to suffer through being attached at the hip (or Ethernet port) to the desk in your roomor worse (shudder), using your laptop's built-in dial-up modem with a phone cable.

    Global Mobile. Computing without Walls, without Wires, without Borders
    Global Mobile. Computing without Walls, without Wires, without Borders
    ISBN: N/A
    EAN: N/A
    Year: 2003
    Pages: 78 © 2008-2017.
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