Previous chapters took a cursory look at Quartz jobs, but now we go through a more formal discussion of Quartz jobs and how to use them.
What Is a Quartz Job?
Quite simply, a Quartz job is a Java class that performs a task on your behalf. This task can be anything that you can code in Java. Here are a few examples to make the point:
These examples are just a few; you surely can come up with your own. Anything that you can do in Java can become a job.
The org.quartz.Job Interface
The only requirement that Quartz puts on your Java class is that it must implement the org.quartz.Job interface. Your job class can implement any other interfaces that it wants or extend any class that it needs, but it or a superclass must implement the job interface. The job interface defines a single method:
public void execute(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException;
When the Scheduler determines that it is time to run the job, the execute() method is called, and a JobExecutionContext object is passed to the job. The only contractual obligation that Quartz puts on the execute() method is that if there's a serious problem with the job, you must throw an org.quartz.JobExecutionException.
When the Scheduler calls a job, a JobExecutionContext is passed to the execute() method. The JobExecutionContext is an object that gives the job access to the runtime environment of Quartz and the details of the job itself. This is analogous to a Java Web application in which a servlet has access to the ServletContext. From the JobExecutionContext, the job can access everything about its environment, including the JobDetail and trigger that were registered with the Scheduler for the job. Listing 4.4 shows a job called PrintInfoJob that prints some information about the job.
As you can see from Listing 4.4, Quartz jobs can be very basic. The PrintInfoJob gets the JobDetail object, which is stored in the JobExecutionContext, and prints some basic details about the job. The JobDetail class deserves a little more discussion.
Listing 4.4. The PrintInfoJob Shows How to Access the JobExecutionContext
public class PrintInfoJob implements Job { static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(PrintInfoJob.class); public void execute(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException { // Every job has its own job detail JobDetail jobDetail = context.getJobDetail(); // The name and group are defined in the job detail String jobName = jobDetail.getName();"Name: " + jobDetail.getFullName()); // The name of this class configured for the job"Job Class: " + jobDetail.getJobClass()); // Log the time the job started + " fired at " + context.getFireTime());"Next fire time " + context.getNextFireTime()); } } |
You first saw the org.quartz.JobDetail class back in Chapter 3. A JobDetail instance is created for every job that is scheduled with the Scheduler. The JobDetail serves as the definition for a job instance. Notice in Listing 4.5 that the job isn't the object registered with the Scheduler; it's actually the JobDetail instance.
Listing 4.5. A JobDetail Is Registered with the Scheduler, Not the Job
public class Listing_4_5 { static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(Listing_4_5.class); public static void main(String[] args) { Listing_4_5 example = new Listing_4_5(); example.runScheduler(); } public void runScheduler() { try { // Create a default instance of the Scheduler Scheduler scheduler = StdSchedulerFactory.getDefaultScheduler();"Scheduler starting up..."); scheduler.start(); // Create the JobDetail JobDetail jobDetail = new JobDetail("PrintInfoJob", Scheduler.DEFAULT_GROUP, PrintInfoJob.class); // Create a trigger that fires now and repeats forever Trigger trigger = TriggerUtils.makeImmediateTrigger( SimpleTrigger.REPEAT_INDEFINITELY, 10000); trigger.setName("PrintInfoJobTrigger"); // register with the Scheduler scheduler.scheduleJob(jobDetail, trigger); } catch (SchedulerException ex) { logger.error(ex); } } } |
You can see in Listing 4.5 that the JobDetail gets added to the Scheduler, not the job. The job class is part of the JobDetail but is not instantiated until the Scheduler is ready to execute it.
Setting Job State Using the JobDataMap Object
You can define state for a job using org.quartz.JobDataMap. The JobDataMap implements java.util.Map through its superclass, org.quartz.utils.DirtyFlagMap. You can store key/value pairs within the JobDataMap, and those data pairs can be passed along and accessed from within your job class. This is a convenient way to pass configuration information to your job. Listing 4.6 illustrates this approach using a job we created especially for this purpose, called PrintJobDataMapJob.
Listing 4.6. Use the JobDataMap to Pass Configuration Information to Your Job
public class Listing_4_6 { static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(Listing_4_6.class); public static void main(String[] args) { Listing_4_6 example = new Listing_4_6(); example.runScheduler(); } public void runScheduler() { Scheduler scheduler = null; try { // Create a default instance of the Scheduler scheduler = StdSchedulerFactory.getDefaultScheduler(); scheduler.start();"Scheduler was started at " + new Date()); // Create the JobDetail JobDetail jobDetail = new JobDetail("PrintJobDataMapJob", Scheduler.DEFAULT_GROUP, PrintJobDataMapJob.class); // Store some state for the Job jobDetail.getJobDataMap().put("name", "John Doe"); jobDetail.getJobDataMap().put("age", 23); jobDetail.getJobDataMap().put("balance", new BigDecimal(1200.37)); // Create a trigger that fires once Trigger trigger = TriggerUtils.makeImmediateTrigger(0, 10000); trigger.setName("PrintJobDataMapJobTrigger"); scheduler.scheduleJob(jobDetail, trigger); } catch (SchedulerException ex) { logger.error(ex); } } } |
In Listing 4.6, the information that we want to pass to the PrintJobDataMapJob is stored in the JobDataMap within the JobDetail. Because the JobDataMap implements the java.util.Map interface, we store state there using a key/value pair configuration. The JobDataMap includes niceties to make it easier to deal with object conversion. Normally with maps, you have to explicitly convert from object to the known type. The JobDataMap includes methods that do this on your behalf.
When the Scheduler eventually calls the job, the job can use the JobDetail to access and use the key/value pairs from the JobDataMap. Listing 4.7 shows the PrintJobDataMapJob.
Listing 4.7. The Job Can Access the JobDataMap THRough the JobExecutionContext Object
public class PrintJobDataMapJob implements Job { static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(PrintJobDataMapJob.class); public void execute(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException {"in PrintJobDataMapJob"); // Every job has its own job detail JobDataMap jobDataMap = context.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap(); // Iterate through the key/value pairs Iterator iter = jobDataMap.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object key =; Object value = jobDataMap.get(key);"Key: " + key + " - Value: " + value); } } } |
When you obtain the JobDataMap, you can use its methods as you might any map instance. Normally, you access the data within the JobDataMap using a predefined key of your choice. You can also iterate through the map itself, as Listing 4.7 shows.
For jobs such as PrintJobDataMapJob, the properties within the JobDataMap become an informal contract obligation between the client scheduling the job and the job itself. Job creators should document very carefully which properties are required and which are optional. This helps ensure that jobs get reused by other members of your team.
Stateful Versus Stateless Jobs
You learned from the previous section that information can be inserted into the JobDataMap and accessed by your jobs. For every job execution however, a new instance of the JobDataMap is created with the values that have been stored (for example, in a database) for the particular job. Therefore, there's no way to hold that information between job invocationsthat is, unless you use a stateful job.
In the same way that stateful session beans (SFSB) in J2EE keep their state between calls, the Quartz StatefulJob can hold its state between job executions. However, just like SFSBs, Quartz stateful jobs have some downsides when compared with their stateless counterparts.
Using Stateful Jobs
The Quartz framework offers the org.quartz.StatefulJob interface when you need to maintain state between job executions. The StatefulJob interface extends the standard job interface and adds no methods that you have to implement. You simply implement the StatefulJob interface using the same execute() method as the job interface. If you have an existing job class, all you have to do is change the job interface to org.quartz.StatefulJob.
Two key differences exist between a job and StatefulJob as they are used by the framework. First, the JobDataMap is repersisted in the JobStore after each execution. This ensures that changes that you make to the job data are kept for the next execution.
The other important difference between stateless and stateful jobs is that two or more stateful JobDetail instances can't execute concurrently. Say that you have created and registered a stateful JobDetail with the Scheduler. You also have set up two triggers that fire the job: one that fires every minute and another that fires every five minutes. If the two triggers tried to fire the job at the same time, the framework would not allow that to occur. The second trigger would be blocked until the first one completed.
This requirement has to do with the JobDataMap storage. Because the JobDataMap is stored along with the JobDetail that defines the job instance, thread-safety issues must be taken into consideration. Only one thread can run and update the JobDataMap storage at a time. Otherwise, the data would be erroneous because the second trigger could try to execute the job before the first had a chance to update the storage. Even stranger results could occur if the second execution completed before the first, which is possible, depending on what your job does.
Because of these differences, you should use the StatefulJob carefully. When you need to prevent concurrent executions of a job, the stateful job is your easiest bet. In the J2EE world, stateful has developed a somewhat negative connotation, but this is not true for Quartz.
Volatility, Durability, and Recoverability |
Scheduling in the Enterprise
Getting Started with Quartz
Hello, Quartz
Scheduling Jobs
Cron Triggers and More
JobStores and Persistence
Implementing Quartz Listeners
Using Quartz Plug-Ins
Using Quartz Remotely
Using Quartz with J2EE
Clustering Quartz
Quartz Cookbook
Quartz and Web Applications
Using Quartz with Workflow
Appendix A. Quartz Configuration Reference