Index N

[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

naivete  2nd 
name resolution 
name server (NS) records, DNS 
name servers, DNS 
    forwarders  2nd 
    slave  2nd 
name service switch file 
named daemon  2nd 
named pipes 
NAT (network address translation) 
National Health Service (Scotland) 
ndc command 
ndd command 
negative query cache lifetime, DNS 
Nessus package 
net use command (Windows 2000) 
Net-SNMP package 
    access control  2nd 
    client utilities 
    configuration files 
    trap daemon 
NetSaint package 
    access control 
    configuration files 
    status maps utility 
netstat command  2nd 
nettl command (HP-UX) 
network address translation (NAT) 
network addresses, reserved 
Network File System  [See NFS]
Network Information Service (NIS) 
Network Management Station (NMS) 
network segment 
Network Time Protocol  [See NTP]
network-based attacks 
    backups and 
    boot activities for 
    collision rates 
    configuring new hosts 
    connectionless communication 
    connectivity testing  2nd 
    data unit names 
    interface configuration 
    interface names  2nd 
    management tools 
    maximum cable lengths 
    monitoring  2nd 
    OSI reference model 
    physical media 
    scripting with Stem 
    security issues 
    TCP/IP parameters  2nd 
    time synchronization 
    traffic  2nd 
newaliases command 
newfs command (FreeBSD) 
newfs command (HP-UX) 
newfs command (Solaris)  2nd 
newgrp command 
    Linux version  2nd 
news media 
newsyslog package 
newtask command (Solaris) 
    configuration files 
    daemons  2nd 
    exporting filesystems 
    hung processes and 
    mount options 
    mounting remote filesystems  2nd 
    security issues 
    TCP vs. UDP 
    Version 2 vs. 3 
nfsd daemon 
nfsiod daemon 
nfsstat command 
ngrep command 
nice numbers  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
Niemi, David 
NIS (Network Information Service) 
Nixon, D. J. 
nmap package 
NMS (Network Management Station) 
no command (AIX) 
nobody account 
nocanonify sendmail feature 
normal, recognizing 
npasswd command  2nd  3rd 
nroff text formatting system  2nd  3rd 
nslookup command 
nss_ldap module 
ntop package 
    huff 'n' puff filter 
    Internet server 
    reference clocks 
    servers  2nd  3rd 
ntpd command 
ntpdate command 
ntpdc command 
ntpq command 
Nugent, Tony 
null-modem cables 
nullclient sendmail feature 
numeric file modes  2nd 

Essential System Administration
Essential System Administration, Third Edition
ISBN: 0596003439
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 162 © 2008-2017.
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