Index M

[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

m4 command 
m4 macro facility  2nd  3rd 
MAC address 
macros, sendmail  [See also FEATURE macros]
    MAILER  2nd 
    summary table 
magnetic tape 
magneto-optical disks 
mail  [See electronic mail]
Mail Abuse Prevention System (MAPS) 
mail exchange (MX) records, DNS  2nd  3rd 
    wildcards in 
mail hub configuration  2nd 
mail submission agents 
mail.local program, sendmail 
MAIL_HUB macro 
MAILER macro 
MAILER_* macros 
mailer_MAILER_MAX macro 
mailing lists 
    security alert 
mailstats command 
maintenance mode 
maintenance, sendmail 
major numbers, for special files 
make xconfig command (Linux) 
make_recovery command (HP-UX) 
MAKEDEV command 
makemap command 
makewhat command (Solaris) 
makewhatis command 
Mammoth-2 tape 
man command 
    configuration files  2nd 
    section search order 
man pages
    directory tree 
    example source for  2nd 
    index, creating 
Management Information Bases  [See MIBs]
managing packages 
Manilow, Barry 
masquerade_envelope sendmail feature 
masquerading, mail
master name servers, DNS 
master password file (FreeBSD) 
Matzigkeit, Gordon 
maximum transmission unit (MTU) 
MBR, restoring DOS  2nd 
McCanne, Steven 
McDonald, Dan 
McGough, Nancy 
McKusick, Marshall Kirk 
MD5 passwords  2nd 
md5sum command (GNU) 
Media Access Control (MAC) address 
media for backups  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th  7th 
    capacities of 
    comparing types 
    lifetimes  2nd 
    security of 
media libraries 
memory resources
    data cache use 
    determining amount of 
    managing  2nd 
    page size 
    recognizing shortages  2nd 
menu-based administration tools 
mesg command 
message of the day 
message stores, mail 
    boot  2nd 
    disabling  2nd 
    hardware error  2nd  3rd 
    system  2nd 
messages (network data unit) 
metadata  2nd  3rd  4th 
    update performance in file systems 
metadb command (Solaris) 
metainit command (Solaris) 
metaparam command (Solaris) 
metareplace command (Solaris) 
metattach command (Solaris) 
Metz, Craig 
mgetty daemon (Linux) 
mh package 
    enterprise numbers  2nd 
    MIB II 
mice, USB script (OpenLDAP) 
Mills, David L. 
minimal routing 
minimum privilege 
minor numbers, for special files 
mirrored volumes 
mirrorvg command (AIX) 
mistakes, common  2nd 
mk_kernel command (HP-UX) 
mkdir command 
mke2fs command (Linux) 
mkfile command (Solaris) 
mkfs command (Linux)  2nd 
mkgroup command (AIX) 
mklv command (AIX)  2nd 
mknod command  2nd 
mkpsmkps command (AIX) 
mkraid command (Linux) 
mkreiserfs command (Linux) script (Samba) 
mkswap command (Linux) 
mksysb command (AIX) 
mktcpip command (AIX) 
mkuser command (AIX)  2nd  3rd 
mkvg command (AIX) 
/mnt directory 
modes, file  2nd 
    octal  2nd 
    special purpose 
modifying configuration files 
modifying user accounts 
modinfo command
modprobe command (Linux) 
modules, kernel 
    Linux  2nd  3rd  4th 
modutils package (Linux) 
    accounting system and 
    CPU resources 
    disk I/O 
    disk space usage 
    historical data 
    log files 
    memory resources 
    modification times 
    network performance 
    password file  2nd  3rd 
    Postfix  2nd 
    restrospective data 
    security  2nd 
    setuid/setgid files 
    vulnerability scanning 
Moore, James 
mount command  2nd  3rd 
mountd daemon 
mounting filesystems  2nd  3rd  4th 
    remote  2nd 
mpage command 
msp sendmail feature 
mt command 
mtools package 
MTU (maximum transmission unit) 
Multi-Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG) 
multicast addresses 
multiple access 
multiuser mode 
mutt package  2nd 
    POP and IMAP with 
MX records  [See mail exchange records]

Essential System Administration
Essential System Administration, Third Edition
ISBN: 0596003439
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 162 © 2008-2017.
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