Once you have SOAPpy installed, you can write a Twisted server that provides web services through SOAP.
5.6.1. How Do I Do That?
Because SOAP is based on HTTP, you enable SOAP web services by adding a special type of Resource to a twisted web server. Write a class that inherits from soap.SOAPPublisher and has methods starting with soap_. Make your class available as a web resource, as shown in Example 5-5, and you're ready to handle SOAP requests.
Example 5-5. soap_server.py
import wiki, rest_wiki from twisted.web import server, soap class WikiSoap(soap.SOAPPublisher): def _ _init_ _(self, wikiData): self.wikiData = wikiData def soap_hasPage(self, path): return self.wikiData.hasPage(path) def soap_listPages(self): return self.wikiData.listPages( ) def soap_getPage(self, path): return self.wikiData.getPage(path) def soap_getRenderedPage(self, path): return self.wikiData.getRenderedPage(path) def soap_setPage(self, path, data): self.wikiData.setPage(path, data) if __name__ == "_ _main_ _": import sys from twisted.internet import reactor datafile = sys.argv[1] wikiData = wiki.WikiData(datafile) siteRoot = rest_wiki.RootResource(wikiData) siteRoot.putChild('SOAP ', WikiSoap(wikiData)) reactor.listenTCP(8082, server.Site(siteRoot)) reactor.run( )
Run soap_server.py from the command line with the name of your Wiki datafile as an argument:
$ python soap_server.py wiki.dat
Once again, it will start up a web server on port 8082, but this time it will listen for SOAP requests at http://localhost:8082/SOAP. You should be able to test this using a SOAP library in any language; the next lab shows how to do so using a Twisted SOAP client.
5.6.2. How Does That Work?
The soap .SOAPPublisher class is the SOAP equivalent of the xmlrpc.XMLRPC class in Example 5-3. It's a subclass of Resource that parses the SOAP message in an incoming HTTP POST, runs the requested function, and then returns the SOAP-formatted result. Note that unlike XML-RPC, SOAP supports null values, so you don't have to avoid returning None from your methods.
Getting Started
Building Simple Clients and Servers
Web Clients
Web Servers
Web Services and RPC
Mail Clients
Mail Servers
NNTP Clients and Servers
Services, Processes, and Logging