

changing using partial population, 297-310
decoupling from behavior, 298
moving from one database to another, 170
serializing and deserializing, 109, 111, 126
single consistent view of, 293
Data component (Business Process), 139
Data flattening, 126
Data instances, containment of structures with, 92
Data manipulation, flexible, 297-310
Data models (Java), Observer pattern and, 189-191
Data objects, separation from process objects, 100-101
Data reconciliation, 5
Data retrieval, Data Transfer patterns for, 282
Data retrieval groups, 286
Data retrieval sequence for data transfer object, 285
Data transfer amount, minimizing, 176, 178
Data Transfer Collection pattern, 279-280, 283-284
extending, 299
Partial Population pattern and, 310
structure, 284
using from a Web Service, 291
Data transfer object
in the case study, 292-294
data retrieval sequence, 285
implementation listing, 290
listing of retrieving partially populated , 306
partially populated, 13, 306
using from a Web Service, 291-292
Data Transfer Object pattern, 279-295
collaborations, 284-285
components , 282-283
extending, 299
Partial Population pattern and, 310
and related patterns, 292, 295
structure, 282
Data Transfer patterns
implementing with Web Services, 288-292
with no behavior added to, 287
and Partial Population pattern, 302
in practice, 280-281
preparing to implement, 286-287
structure of, 281-285
use of the term , 280
Data transfer programs, 5
Database queries. See Query languages/mechanisms; SQL
Database systems, 105
integration of, 170
moving data between, 170
and Partial Population pattern, 297
polling for changes, 170
DataTransferCollection component, 300
DataTransferObject class/component, 282-285, 300
Delete (in service directory collaboration), 79
Design implementation (in software cycle), 8
Design patterns, defined, 15
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software , 6, 9, 14, 188, 192, 261
Design phase (software cycle), 8
Development, using faux implementation for, 246-247
Device management, 173, 178
Device status monitoring, 173
Devices, federations of, 207
Direct sales, as a business requirement, 19
Directories, lightweight, 53. See also Service Directory pattern
Directory component
in service directory, 78-81
in Service Factory pattern, 267
in service-oriented architecture, 40
Directory interface, standardized, 43
Distribution management application, 37
Documentation, 318
Dominant communication style, 59
Dominant structuring technique, 59
Dynamic applications, Service Factory pattern for, 261
Dynamic collection, 127
Dynamic reference to a single Web Service, 269

Web Service Patterns
Web Services Patterns: Java Edition
ISBN: 1590590848
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 190 © 2008-2017.
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