Routing Messages to Other Services

The WCF runtime makes it a relatively simple matter to build a WCF service that accepts specific messages and sends them to another service for processing (I shall refer to this type of service as a front-end service from here on in this chapter). All you need to do is define a front-end service with a service contract that mirrors that of the target service. The methods defining the operations in the front-end service can perform any pre-processing required, such as examining the identity of the user making the request or the data being passed in as parameters, and then forward the request on to the appropriate target service.

However, creating a generalized WCF service that can accept any messages and route them to another service running on a different computer requires a little more thought. There are at least three issues that you need to handle:

  1. The service contract. A WCF service describes the operations it can perform by defining a service contract. For a service to accept messages, they must be recognized by the ContractFilter of one or more EndpointDispatcher objects. At first glance, therefore, it would appear that any front-end service that accepts messages and forwards them on to another service must implement a service contract that is the same as that of the target service. Though it is acceptable when routing messages to a single service, if a WCF service is acting as a front-end for many other services this situation can quickly become unmanageable, as the front-end service has to implement service contracts that match all of these other services.

  2. The contents of messages. In some ways this issue is related to the first problem. If a front-end service has to implement the service contracts for a vast array of other services, it also has to implement any data contracts that these other services use, describing how data structures are serialized into the bodies of the messages. Again, this can quickly become an unwieldy task.

  3. The contents of message headers. Apart from the data in the body, a message also contains one or more message headers. These message headers contain information such as encryption tokens, transaction identifiers, and many other miscellaneous items used to control the flow of data and manage the integrity of messages. A front-end service must carefully manage this information in order to appear transparent to the client application sending requests and the services that receive and process those requests.

Fortunately, there are reasonably simple solutions to at least some of these problems. In the following exercises, you will see how to build a very simple load-balancing router for the ShoppingCartService service. You will run two instances of the ShoppingCartService service, and the load-balancing router will direct requests from client applications transparently to them. The load-balancing routing will implement a very simple algorithm, sending alternate requests to each instance of the ShoppingCartService service. Although all three services in this exercise will be running on the same computer, it would be very easy to arrange for them to execute on different machines, enabling you to spread the workload across different processors.

You will start by re-familiarizing yourself with the ShoppingCartService service and modifying it to execute in a more traditional Internet environment.

Revisit the ShoppingCartService service

  1. Using Visual Studio 2005, open the ShoppingCartService solution in the Microsoft Press\WCF Step By Step\Chapter 13\Load-Balancing Router folder under your \My Projects folder.

    This solution contains a copy of the ShoppingCartService and ShoppingCartServiceHost projects from Chapter 7, “Maintaining State and Sequencing Operations,” and the ShoppingCartClient project containing a client application for testing the service in a multi-user environment.

  2. In the ShoppingCartService project, open the image from book ShoppingCartService.cs file. Examine the ServiceBehavior attribute for the ShoppingCartServiceImpl class. Note that this version of the service uses the PerCall instance context mode; this is the stateless version of the service. The operations in the service make use of the saveShoppingCart and restoreShoppingCart methods to serialize users’ shopping carts as XML files.

  3. Open the image from book Program.cs file in the ShoppingCartServiceHost project. This is the service host application. All it does is start the service running by using a ServiceHost object and then waiting for the user to press Enter to close the host.

  4. Open the image from book App.config file in the ShoppingCartServiceHost project. Notice that the service host creates an HTTP endpoint with the URI http://localhost:7080/ShoppingCartService/ShoppingCartService.svc. The endpoint uses the wsHttpBinding binding. The binding configuration specifies message level security; the client application is expected to provide a Windows username and a password for accessing the service. Close the image from book App.config file when you have finished examining it.

  5. Open the image from book Program.cs file in the ShoppingCartClient project. This is a multi-threaded client application. Each thread runs the doClientWork method. This version of the client application creates two threads.

    Examine the doClientWork method. You can see that this method creates a proxy for connecting to the ShoppingCartService service and provides credentials for Fred and Bert, depending on which thread the method is running in. The method then exercises the methods in the ShoppingCartService service.

  6. Open the image from book App.config file in the ShoppingCartClient project, and verify that the client application uses an endpoint with the same URI and binding as the service (http://localhost:7080/ShoppingCartService/ShoppingCartService.svc). Close the image from book App.config file when you have finished.

  7. Start the solution without debugging. In the client console window, press Enter when the message “Service running” appears in the service console window.

    As the two client threads perform their tasks, they output messages in the client console window displaying their progress. Both threads add two water bottles and a mountain seat assembly to the shopping basket, display it, and then invoke the Checkout operation. The result should look like this (your output might appear in a slightly different sequence):

    image from book

    After both “Goods purchased” messages have appeared, press Enter to close the client console window. In the service console window, press Enter to stop the service.

In an Internet environment, for reasons of speed and interoperability, you are more likely to protect the ShoppingCartService by using transport level security than message level security. In the next exercise, you will reconfigure the service and client application to use transport level security. You will reuse the HTTPS-Server certificate that you created in Chapter 4, “Protecting an Enterprise WCF Service,” to provide the necessary protection.


In general, you should avoid reusing the same certificate for protecting multiple services in a production environment. However, I don’t want you to have to uninstall too many test certificates on your computer when you have finished reading this book.

Reconfigure the ShoppingCartService service to use transport level security

  1. Using Microsoft Management Console and the Certificates snap-in, find the thumbprint of the HTTPS-Server certificate. (If you cannot remember how to do this, refer back to the exercise “Configure the WCF HTTP endpoint with an SSL certificate” in Chapter 4.)

  2. Open a Windows SDK CMD Shell window, and run the following command to associate the certificate with port 7080, replacing the string following the –h flag with the thumbprint of the HTTPS-Server certificate on your computer:

     httpcfg set ssl –i –h c390e7a4491cf97b96729167bf50186a4b68e052


    On Windows Vista, use the following command, replacing the value for the certhash parameter with the thumbprint of the HTTPS-Server certificate:

     netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash= c390e7a4491cf97b96729167bf50186a4b68e052 appid={}

  3. Leave the CMD Shell window open and return to Visual Studio 2005.

  4. Edit the image from book App.config file in the ShoppingCartServiceHost project by using the WCF Service Configuration editor.

    • Change the Address property of the ShoppingCartServiceHttpEndpoint endpoint in the Endpoints folder to use the https scheme.

    • Edit the ShoppingCartServiceHttpBindingConfig binding configuration in the Bindings folder, click the Security tab, and change the Mode property to Transport. Set the TransportClientCredentialType property to Basic.

    • Save the file and exit the WCF Configuration Editor.

  5. Open the image from book App.config file in the ShoppingCartClient project by using the WCF Service Configuration Editor.

    • In the Bindings folder, create a new binding configuration for the wsHttpBinding type. Set the Name property of the binding configuration to ShoppingCartClientHttpBindingConfig. Click the Security tab and set the security Mode property to Transport, and set the TransportClientCredentialType property to Basic.

    • Change the Address property of the WSHttpBinding_ShoppingCartService endpoint to use the https scheme, and set the BindingConfiguration property of the endpoint to ShoppingCartClientHttpBindingConfig.

    • Save the file and exit the WCF Configuration Editor.

  6. In Visual Studio 2005, edit the image from book Program.cs file in the ShoppingCartClient project. Because the certificate used to protect the communications with the service was not issued by a recognized certification authority, you need to add the code you used before (in Chapter 4), to bypass the certificate validation. Add the following using statements to the top of the file:

     using System.Security.Crytography.X509Certificates; using System.Net;

  7. Add the PermissiveCertificatePolicy class to the file, immediately after the Program class. The code for this class is available in the image from book PermissiveCertificatePolicy.txt file in the Chapter 13 folder.

  8. In the doClientWork method in the Program class, add the following statement shown in bold immediately before the code that creates the proxy object:

    PermissiveCertificatePolicy.Enact("CN=HTTPS-Server"); ShoppingCartServuceClient proxy =     new ShoppingCartServiceClient("WSHttpBinding_ShoppingCartService");  

  9. Change the statements that populate the ClientCredentials property of the proxy to provide the username and password for Fred and Bert as tokens available to Basic authentication rather than Windows authentication:

     … if (clientNum == 0) {     proxy.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "Bert";     proxy.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "Pa$$w0rd"; } else {     proxy.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "Fred";     proxy.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "Pa$$w0rd"; }  

  10. Start the solution without debugging. In the client console window, press Enter when the message “Service running” appears in the service console window.

    Verify that the client application runs exactly as before. When the client application has finished, press Enter to close the client console window. Press Enter to close the service console window.

You now have a version of the ShoppingCartService service that a client application can connect to by using transport level security. The next step is to run multiple instances of this service and create another service that routes messages from the client application transparently to one of these instances.

Create the ShoppingCartRouter service

  1. Add a new project to the ShoppingCartService solution using the WCF Service Library template (make sure you select the Visual C# project types). Name the project ShoppingCartServiceRouter, and save it in the Microsoft Press\WCF Step By Step\Chapter 13\Load-Balancing Router folder under your \My Projects folder.

  2. In the ShoppingCartServiceRouter project, rename the Class1.cs file as image from book ShoppingCartServiceRouter.cs.

  3. Open the image from book ShoppingCartServiceRouter.cs file. Add the following using statements to the list at the top of the file:

     using System.ServiceModel.Channels; using System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher; using System.ServiceModel.Description; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; using System.Net;

  4. Remove the extensive comments describing how to host the WCF service and the sample code for the IService1 service contract, the service1 class, and the DataContract1 data contract. Leave the empty ShoppingCartServiceRouter namespace in place.

  5. Add the service contract shown below to the ShoppingCartServiceRouter namespace:

     [ServiceContract(Namespace = "",                  Name = "ShoppingCartServiceRouter")] public interface IShoppingCartServiceRouter {     [OperationContract(Action="*", ReplyAction="*")]     Message ProcessMessage(Message message); }

    Understanding this rather simple-looking service contract is the key to appreciating how the router works.

    In the earlier discussion, you saw that the problems that you have to overcome when designing a generalized front-end service that can forward any message on to another service concern the service contract and the contents of messages passing through the service. A service contract defines the operations that the service can process. Under normal circumstances, the WSDL description for an operation combines the Namespace and Name properties from the ServiceContract attribute with the name of the operation to the generate identifier, or action, defining the request message that a client application should send to invoke the operation, and the identifier, or reply action, for the response message that the service will send back. For example, the AddItemToCart operation in the ShoppingCartService service is identified like this:

    When the WCF runtime constructs each EndpointDispatcher for a service, it adds the actions that the corresponding endpoint can accept to the table referenced by the ContractFilter property.

    If you explicitly provide a value for the Action property of the OperationContract attribute when defining an operation, the WCF runtime uses this value instead of the operation name. If you specify a value of “*” for the Action property, the WCF runtime automatically routes all messages to this operation, regardless of the value of the action specified in the header of the message sent by the client application. Internally, the WCF runtime for the service replaces the ActionMessageFilter object referenced by the ContractFilter property of the EndpointDispatcher object with a MatchAllMessageFilter object. The Match method of this object returns true for all non-null messages passed to it, so the EndpointDispatcher will automatically indicate that it can accept all requests sent to it (the AddressFilter property is still queried by the ChannelDispatcher, however). In this exercise, when the ShoppingCartClient application sends AddItemToCart, RemoveItemFromCart, GetShoppingCart, and Checkout messages to the ShoppingCartRouter service, it will accept them all and the EndpointDispatcher will invoke the ProcessMessage method.

    You should also pay attention to the signature of the ProcessMessage method. The WCF runtime on the client packages the parameters passed into an operation as the body of a SOAP message. Under normal circumstances, the WCF runtime on the service converts the body of the SOAP message back into a set of parameters that are then passed into the method implementing the operation. If the method returns a value, the WCF runtime on the service packages it up into a message and transmits it back to the WCF runtime on the client, where it is converted back into the type expected by the client application.

    The ProcessMessage method is a little different as it takes a Message object as input. In Chapter 10, you saw that the Message class provides a means for transmitting and receiving raw SOAP messages. When the WCF runtime on the service receives a message from the client application, it does not unpack the parameters but instead passes the complete SOAP message to the ProcessMessage method. It is up to the ProcessMessage method to parse and interpret the contents of this Message object itself.

    Similarly, the value returned by the ProcessMessage method is also a Message object. The ProcessMessage method must construct a complete SOAP message containing the data in the format expected by the client application and return this object. This response message must also include a ReplyAction in the message header corresponding to the ReplyAction expected by the WCF runtime on the client. Usually, the WCF runtime on the service adds a ReplyAction based on the name of the service and the operation. For example, the message that the ShoppingCartService service sends back to a client application in response to an AddItemToCart message is identified like this:

    If you set the ReplyAction property of the OperationContract attribute to “*”, the WCF runtime on the service expects you to provide the appropriate ReplyAction yourself and add it to the message header when you create the response message. In this case, you will pass the ReplyAction returned from the ShoppingCartService back to the client application unchanged.

  6. Add the ShoppingCartServiceRouterImpl class to the ShoppingCartServiceRouter namespace:

     [ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerCall,                  ValidateMustUnderstand = false)] public class ShoppingCartServiceRouterImpl : IShoppingCartServiceRouter { }

    This class will contain the implementation of the ProcessMessage method. If you are familiar with the SOAP protocol, you will be aware that you can include information in message headers that the receiving service must recognize and be able to process. In this example, the ShoppingCartServiceRouter service is not actually going to process the messages itself, it is simply going to forward them to an instance of the ShoppingCartService service. It therefore does not need to examine or understand the message headers and should pass them on unchanged. Setting the ValidateMustUnderstand property of the ServiceBehavior attribute to false turns off any enforced recognition and validation of message headers by the service.

  7. Add the following private fields to the ShoppingCartServiceRouterImpl class:

     private static IChannelFactory<IRequestChannel> factory = null; private EndpointAddress address1 = new EndpointAddress(     "https://localhost:7080/ShoppingCartService/ShoppingCartService.svc"); private EndpointAddress address2 = new EndpointAddress(     "https://localhost:7090/ShoppingCartService/ShoppingCartService.svc"); private static int routeBalancer = 1;

    The ShoppingCartServiceRouter service actually acts as a client application to two instances of the ShoppingCartService service, sending them messages and waiting for responses. The generalized nature of the ProcessMessage method requires you to connect to the ShoppingCartService service using the low-level techniques described in Chapter 10 rather than by using a proxy object. You will use the IChannelFactory object to create channel factory for opening channels to each instance of the ShoppingCartService. Notice that channels for sending messages over the HTTP transport use the IRequestChannel shape (refer back to Chapter 10 for a description of channel shapes).

    The EndpointAddress objects specify the URI for each instance of the ShoppingCartService service. You will configure the ShoppingCartServiceHost application to run two instances of the ShoppingCartService service at these addresses in a later step.

    The ProcessMessage method will use the routeBalancer variable to determine which instance of the ShoppingCartService service to send messages to.

  8. Add the static constructor shown below to the ShoppingCartServiceRouterImpl class:

     static ShoppingCartServiceRouterImpl() {     try     {         PermissiveCertificatePolicy.Enact("CN=HTTPS-Server");         WSHttpBinding service = new WSHttpBinding(SecurityMode.Transport);         factory = service.BuildChannelFactory<IRequestChannel>();         factory.Open();     }     catch (Exception e)     {         Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", e.Message);     } }

    The ShoppingCartServiceRouter service uses the PerCall instance context mode, so each request from the ShoppingCartClient application creates a new instance of the service (for scalability). The ProcessMessage method will use a ChannelFactory object to open a channel with the appropriate instance of the ShoppingCartService service. ChannelFactory objects are expensive to create and destroy, but all instances can reuse the same ChannelFactory objects. Building these objects in a static constructor ensures that they are created only once.

    Also, notice that the ChannelFactory object is constructed by using a WSHttpBinding object with the security mode set to Transport. This matches the security requirements of the ShoppingCartService service.


    The code also includes a statement that invokes the PermissiveCertificatePolicy.Enact method to bypass the security checks for the certificate used to protect communications with the ShoppingCartService service (you will add the PermissiveCertificatePolicy class to this service in a later step). You should not include this statement in a production environment.

  9. Add the ProcessMessage method to the ShoppingCartServiceRouterImpl class, as follows:

     public Message ProcessMessage(Message message) {     IRequestChannel channel = null;     Console.WriteLine("Action {0}", message.Headers.Action);     try     {         if (routeBalancer % 2 == 0)         {             channel = factory.CreateChannel(address1);             Console.WriteLine("Using {0}\n", address1.Uri);         }         else         {             channel = factory.CreateChannel(address2);             Console.WriteLine("Using {0}\n", address2.Uri);         }         routeBalancer++;                  channel.Open();         Message reply = channel.Request(message);         channel.Close();         return reply;     }     catch (Exception e)     {         Console.WriteLine(e.Message);         return null;     } }

    This method contains several Console.WriteLine statements that enable you to follow the execution in the service console window when the service runs.

    The if statement in the try block implements the load-balancing algorithm; if the value in the routeBalancer variable is even, the method creates a channel for forward requests to address1 (https://localhost:7080/ShoppingCartService/ShoppingCartService.svc), otherwise it creates a channel for address2 (https://localhost:7090/ShoppingCartService/ShoppingCartService.svc). The method then increments the value in the routeBalancer variable. In this way, the ProcessMessage method sends all requests alternately to one instance or the other of the ShoppingCartService service.

    The Request method of the IRequestChannel class sends a Message object through the channel to the destination service. The value returned is a Message object containing the response from the service. The ProcessMessage method returns this message unchanged to the client application.


    Note that the code explicitly closes the IRequestChannel object before the method finishes. This object is local to the ProcessMessage method and so is subject to garbage collection when the method finishes, and if it was open at that time, it would be closed automatically. However, you can never be sure when the Common Language Runtime is going to perform its garbage collection, so leaving the IRequestChannel object open holds a connection to the service open for an indeterminate period, possibly resulting in the service refusing to accept further connections if you exceed the value of MaxConcurrentInstances for the service (Refer back to Chapter 12, “Implementing a WCF Service for Good Performance,” for more details.)

    Remember that the Message object sent by the client application can contain security and other header information. The ProcessMessage method makes no attempt to examine or change this information, and so the destination service is not even aware that the message has been passed through the ShoppingCartServiceRouter service. Similarly, the ProcessMessage method does not modify the response in any way, and the router is transparent to the client application. However, there is nothing to stop you from adding code that modifies the contents of a message or a response before forwarding it. This opens up some interesting security considerations, and you should ensure that you deploy the ShoppingCartServiceRouter service in a secure environment.

  10. Add the PermissiveCertificatePolicy class to the file, immediately after the ShoppingCartServiceRouterImpl class. The code for the PermissiveCertificatePolicy class is available in the image from book PermissiveCertificatePolicy.txt file in the Chapter 13 folder.

  11. Build the ShoppingCartServiceRouter project.

Configure the ShoppingCartServiceHost application

  1. Edit the image from book App.config file for the ShoppingCartServiceHost project by using the WCF Service Configuration Editor.

  2. Click the Services folder in the left pane. In the right pane click the Create a New Service link. Use the values in the table below as the response to the various questions in the New Service Element Wizard:

    Open table as spreadsheet




    What is the service type of your service?

    Service type


    What service contract are you using?



    What binding configuration do you want to use?

    Existing binding configuration


    What is the address of your endpoint?




    Make sure you include the “s” in the “https” scheme when specifying the address of the endpoint.

  3. In the Services folder, note that there are now two services. Expand the Endpoint folder for the ShoppingCartService.ShoppingCartServiceImpl service. Select the ShoppingCartServiceHttpEndpoint service endpoint. In the right pane, change the name of this endpoint to ShoppingCartServiceHttpEndpoint1.

  4. Add another endpoint to the ShoppingCartService.ShoppingCartServiceImpl service. Use the values in the following table to set the properties for this endpoint.

    Open table as spreadsheet













  5. Save the configuration file and exit the WCF Service Configuration Editor.

  6. Using Solution Explorer, add a reference to the ShoppingCartServiceRouter project to the ShoppingCartServiceHost project.

  7. Edit the image from book Program.cs file in the ShoppingCartServiceHost project. In the Main method, add the following statements, shown in bold, which create and open a new ServiceHost object for the ShoppingCartServiceRouter service:

     … ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(…) host.Open(); ServiceHost routerHost = new ServiceHost(     typeof(ShoppingCartServiceRouter.ShoppingCartServiceRouterImpl)); routerHost.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Service running");  

  8. The ShoppingCartServiceRouter service listens to port 7070, and the second instance of the ShoppingCartService service listens to port 7090. Both of these services require transport level security. Return to the CMD Shell window you opened earlier, and run the following commands to associate the HTTPS-Server certificate with ports 7070 and 7090, replacing the string following the –h flag with the thumbprint of the HTTPS-Server certificate on your computer:

     httpcfg set ssl -i -h c390e7a4491cf97b96729167bf50186a4b68e052 httpcfg set ssl -i -h c390e7a4491cf97b96729167bf50186a4b68e052


    On Windows Vista, use the following commands, replacing the value of the certhash parameter with the thumbprint of the HTTPS-Server certificate:

     netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash= c390e7a4491cf97b96729167bf50186a4b68e052 appid={} netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash= c390e7a4491cf97b96729167bf50186a4b68e052 appid={}

  9. Close the CMD Shell window and return to Visual Studio 2005.

Reconfigure the client application to use the ShoppingCartRouter service

  1. Edit the image from book App.config file for the ShoppingCartClient project. Change the address of the WSHttpBinding_ShoppingCartService endpoint to refer to port 7070, like this:


    This is the address of the router.

  2. Save the configuration file.

  3. Start the solution without debugging. In the client console window, press Enter when the message “Service running” appears in the service console window.

    The client application should function exactly as before. However, if you examine the service console window, you can see that the router has forwarded the messages to the two instances of the ShoppingCartService service in turn; the addresses alternate between port 7090 and port 7080:

    image from book

  4. When the client application has finished, press Enter to close the client console window. Press Enter to close the service console window.

Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation Step by Step
Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation Step by Step (Step By Step Developer Series)
ISBN: 0735623368
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 105
Authors: John Sharp © 2008-2017.
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