As the world moves towards building more competitive products, it is important to put additional emphasis on reliability and maintainability (R&M), which support reduction of inventories and "build to schedule" targets.
The Quality Systems Requirements, Tooling & Equipment (TE) Supplement to QS-9000 was developed by Chrysler, Ford, General Motors, and Riviera Die & Tool to enhance quality systems while eliminating redundant requirements, facilitating consistent terminology, and reducing costs. It is important that everyone involved in the design or purchase of machinery be aware of this supplement and their responsibilities as outlined in the QS-9000 process. It is also important that everyone understand that the TE supplement defines machinery as tooling and equipment combined. Machinery is a generic term for all hardware, including necessary operational software, which performs a manufacturing process.
The TE goal is to improve the quality, reliability, maintainability, and durability of products through development and implementation of a fundamental quality management system. The supplement communicates additional common system requirements unique to the manufacturers of tooling and equipment as applied to the QS-9000 requirements. This particular chapter will emphasize the reliability and maintainability areas. Quality operating systems (QOS) and durability are equally important subjects but are beyond the scope of this work. The reader is encouraged to review Volume IV ” the material on machine acceptance.