
When Java was first released, its user interface facilities were a significant weakness. The Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) was part of the JDK from the beginning, but it really wasn't sufficient to support a complex user interface. It supported everything you could do in an HTML form and provided free-standing frames, menus, and a few other objects, but you'd be hard-pressed to implement an application as complex as Quicken or Lotus Notes. AWT also had its share of portability problems; it relied heavily on the runtime platform's native user interface components, and it wasn't always possible to hide differences in the way these components behaved.

JDK 1.1 fixed a number of problems most notably, it introduced a new event model that was much more efficient and easier to use but it didn't make any major additions to the basic components. We got a ScrollPane and a PopupMenu, but that was about it. Furthermore, AWT still relied on the native components and therefore continued to have portability problems.

In April 1997, Sun's Java group (then called JavaSoft) announced the Java Foundation Classes, or JFC, which supersedes (and includes) AWT. A major part of the JFC was a set of much more complete, flexible, and portable user interface components called "Swing." (The JFC also includes a comprehensive facility for 2D graphics, printing, and Drag and Drop.) With Swing, you can design interfaces with tree components, tables, tabbed dialogs, tooltips, and a growing set of other features that computer users are accustomed to.

In addition to the new components, Swing made three major improvements to the AWT. First, Swing doesn't rely on the runtime platform's native components. It's written entirely in Java and creates its own components. This approach solved most of the portability problems since components don't inherit weird behaviors from the runtime environment or do they work against its grain. Second, because Swing is in complete control of the components, it's in control of the way components look on the screen and gives you more control over how your applications look. You can choose between several pre-built "look-and-feels" (L&Fs), or you can create your own if you want your software to show your personal style (more appropriate for games than for daily productivity software, of course). This feature is called "Pluggable Look-and-Feel," or PLAF. Third, Swing makes a very clear distinction between the data a component displays (the "model") and the actual display (the "view"). While the fine points of this distinction are appreciated mostly by computer scientists, it has important implications for all developers. This separation means that components are extremely flexible. It's easy to adapt components to display new kinds of data that their original design didn't anticipate or to change the way a component looks without getting tangled up in assumptions about the data it represents.

The first official release of Swing, for use with JDK 1.1, took place in the spring of 1998. Swing (and the rest of JFC) was built into Java 2 and revolutionized Java user interface development. The Swing components continue to evolve with Java, and Java 2 SDK 1.4 is the best version yet. This book shows you how to join the revolution.

Java Swing
Graphic Java 2: Mastering the Jfc, By Geary, 3Rd Edition, Volume 2: Swing
ISBN: 0130796670
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 289
Authors: David Geary © 2008-2017.
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