

gcc (compiler), 459

getAutoCommit() method (Java), 627

getBundle() method (Java), 625

getColumnCount() method (Java), 640

getColumnDisplaySize() method (Java), 640

getColumnName() method (Java), 640

getColumnType() method (Java), 640

getColumnTypeName() method (Java), 640

getConnection() method (Java), 626, 630

getCursorName() method (Java), 635

getErrorCode() method (Java), 641

getFetchSize() method (Java), 630, 635

get_info method (Perl DBI), 601

GET_LOCK() function, 563

getMaxFieldSize() method (Java), 630

getMaxRows() method (Java), 630

getMessage() method (Java), 642

getMetaData() method (Java), 627, 635

getMoreResults() method (Java), 631

getNextException() method (Java), 642

getNextWarning() method (Java), 642

getPrecision() method (Java), 640

getQueryTimeout() method Java), 631

getResultSet() method (Java), 631

getResultSetType() method (Java), 631

getRow() method (Java), 636

getScale() method (Java), 640

getSQLState() method (Java), 642

getStatement() method (Java), 636

getString() method (Java), 626–627

getTableName() method (Java), 640

getTransactionIsolation() method (Java), 627

getType() method (Java), 636

getTypeMap() method (Java), 628

getUpdateCount() method (Java), 631

getWarnings() method (Java), 636

getXXX() method (Java), 634–635

Gibson, Garth, 469

GLOBAL keyword, for SET statement, 391

GNU version of tar distribution, 456

GRANT privilege, 436, 447

GRANT REPLICATION_SLAVE ON statement, 339, 344

GRANT statement, 8, 424, 488

to manipulate permission tables, 428–438

GREATEST() function, 548

grep command (Unix), to locate data directory, 263

gunzip, 459

Mastering MySQL 4
Mastering MySQL 4
ISBN: 0782141625
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 230
Authors: Ian Gilfillan © 2008-2017.
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