You need to know the largest or smallest representable value for your platform for a numeric type, such as an int or double.
Use the numeric_limits class template in the header to get, among other things, the largest and smallest possible values for a numeric type (see Example 3-9).
Example 3-9. Getting numeric limits
#include #include using namespace std; template void showMinMax( ) { cout << "min: " << numeric_limits::min( ) << endl; cout << "max: " << numeric_limits::max( ) << endl; cout << endl; } int main( ) { cout << "short:" << endl; showMinMax( ); cout << "int:" << endl; showMinMax( ); cout << "long:" << endl; showMinMax( ); cout << "float:" << endl; showMinMax( ); cout << "double:" << endl; showMinMax( ); cout << "long double:" << endl; showMinMax( ); cout << "unsigned short:" << endl; showMinMax( ); cout << "unsigned int:" << endl; showMinMax( ); cout << "unsigned long:" << endl; showMinMax( ); }
Here's what I get on Windows XP using Visual C++ 7.1:
short: min: -32768 max: 32767 int: min: -2147483648 max: 2147483647 long: min: -2147483648 max: 2147483647 float: min: 1.17549e-038 max: 3.40282e+038 double: min: 2.22507e-308 max: 1.79769e+308 long double: min: 2.22507e-308 max: 1.79769e+308 unsigned short: min: 0 max: 65535 unsigned int: min: 0 max: 4294967295 unsigned long: min: 0 max: 4294967295
Example 3-9 shows a simple example for getting the minimum and maximum values for native numeric types. The numeric_limits class template has a specialization for all of the built-in types, including both numeric and nonnumeric. The standard mandates that all of the types I use in Example 3-9 have a specialization of numeric_limits, as well as these:
bool char signed char unsigned char wchar_t
min and max are static member functions in numeric_limits that return the highest and lowest values for the type parameter you pass in.
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