In our first chapter, we enter the domain of Security Management. Throughout this book, you will see that many Information Systems Security domains have several elements and concepts that overlap. Appendix D, “The Information Systems Security Engineering Professional (ISSEP) Certification,” has a lot of good information on security management. We’re going to refer to some of it here, but it’s a good idea to be familiar with the high-level ISSEP concepts, in particular Systems Security Engineering and the risk management process. This domain also introduces concepts that we look at in more detail in both the “Operations Security” (Chapter 6) and “Physical (Environmental) Security” (Chapter 10) domains.
The domain of Security Management incorporates the identification of information data assets with the development and implementation of policies, standards, guidelines, and procedures to protect those assets. It defines the management practices of data classification and risk management. It also addresses confidentiality, integrity, and availability by identifying threats, classifying the organization’s assets, and rating their vulnerabilities so that effective security controls can be implemented.
Since this is the first chapter of the CISSP and CAP Prep Guide, Platinum Edition, let’s take a minute to describe our approach to the CISSP material. The CISSP certification is not an entry-level certification; there are other certifications that work quite well for newcomers, such as CompTIA’s Security+.[*]
The purpose of this text is to aid the CISSP in studying for the demanding CISSP exam. This is not a beginner’s primer about information systems security, with cartoons and funny stories. We believe our readers are focused, ambitious, and ready to take a big step in their career.
Throughout this CISSP and CAP Prep Guide we assume that the reader either has some familiarity with general security concepts or refers to them in their daily work. We do, however, describe each fundamental information systems security element thoroughly, so that the information is accessible to the wide variety of practitioners of the various disciplines.
One reason the CISSP certification is so popular is that it is obtainable by lawyers, ISSOs, auditors, cryptologists, IT integrators, system developers, and many others. The CISSP certification has been described as “ten miles wide and a mile deep.” This means that the information is not the most comprehensive information, or the latest ground-breaking technology, but covers a wide variety of information security (InfoSec) disciplines.
We’ve yet to find a security professional who is completely comfortable with all domains; everyone has a focus area. Therefore the CISSP Prep Guide allows certification candidates to lightly review the areas that they are strong in and spend more time examining the areas with which they are less familiar.
A CISSP professional will be expected to know the following:
Therefore, we will examine the domain of Security Management by using the following elements:
Note |
The three core components of security management, policies, awareness, and risk management, create the foundation of an organization’s security program and help define its Security Posture. |
[*]And we have a book for that, the Security+ Prep Guide, from John Wiley and Sons, ISBN: 0764525999.
Under the heading of Information Security Management concepts, we will discuss the following:
Security, like other aspects of an IT system, is best managed if planned for throughout the IT system life cycle. There are many models for the IT system life cycle, but most contain five basic phases: initiation, development/acquisition, implementation, operation, and disposal. The order of these phases is:[*]
Throughout this book, you will read about the three tenets of security: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (C.I.A.), as shown in Figure 1-1. These concepts represent the three fundamental principles of information security, which define the organization’s security posture. All the information security controls and safeguards and all the threats, vulnerabilities, and security processes are subject to the C.I.A. yardstick.
Figure 1-1: The C.I.A. triad.
Note |
The reverse of confidentiality, integrity, and availability is disclosure, alteration, and destruction (D.A.D.). |
There are also several other important concepts and terms that a CISSP candidate must fully understand. These concepts include identification, authentication, accountability, authorization, and privacy and are found frequently throughout the book:
NIST 33 Security Principles
In June 2001 the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) published NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-27, “Engineering Principles for Information Technology Security (EP-ITS)” to assist in the secure design, development, deployment, and life cycle of information systems. It presents 33 security principles that start at the design phase of the information system or application and continue through the system’s retirement and secure disposal. Some of the 33 principles that are most applicable to security management are:[*]
Security designs should consider a layered approach to address or protect against a specific threat or to reduce vulnerability. For example, the use of a packet-filtering router in conjunction with an application gateway and an intrusion detection system combine to increase the work-factor an attacker must expend to successfully attack the system. The need for layered protections is important when commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) products are used. The current state of the art for security quality in COTS products does not provide a high degree of protection against sophisticated attacks. It is possible to help mitigate this situation by placing several controls in levels, requiring additional work by attackers to accomplish their goals.
Source: NIST SP 800-27, “Engineering Principles for Information Technology Security (A Baseline for Achieving Security).”
Trade-Off Analysis (TOA)
The simplest examples of a trade-off analysis are the choices we make every minute of every day, often subconsciously, weighing the pros and cons of any action, and the benefit versus the cost of each decision. In security management, this cost-versus-benefit analysis is a very important process. The need for, or value of, a particular security control must be weighed against its impact or resource allocation drain and its usefulness. Any company can have exemplary security if it has an infinite budget, but there is always a point of diminishing returns, when the security demands interfere with the primary business. Making the financial case to upper management for various security controls is a very important part of a security manager’s function.
A trade-off analysis can be formal or informal, depending upon the audience and the intent of the analysis. If the audience of the TOA is higher management or a client, often a formalized TOA, supported by objective evidence, documentation, and reports, will be necessary. If the TOA is intended to be examined by internal staff or department, often it can be less formal. But the fundamental concepts and principles still apply in either case.
TOA Elements
The steps in a TOA are similar to the steps in the systems engineering methodology of the ISSEP certification (see Appendix D). The general steps in the TOA (formal or informal) are:
The detailed steps in a formal trade-off analysis process include:
The objective of security controls is to reduce vulnerabilities to a tolerable level and minimize the effect of an attack. To achieve this, the organization must determine the impact that an attack might have on an organization and the likelihood that the loss could occur. The process that analyzes various threat scenarios and produces a representative value for the estimated potential loss is constituted in the Risk Analysis (RA).
Controls function as countermeasures for vulnerabilities. There are many kinds, but generally they are categorized into four types:[*]
To visualize the effect of security controls, it might help to create a matrix wherein the y-axis represents the level of impact of a realized threat and the x-axis represents the likelihood of the threat being realized. When the matrix is created, it produces the graph shown in Figure 1-2. A properly implemented control should move the plotted point from the upper right - the threat value defined before the control was implemented - to the lower left (that is, toward 0,0) after the control is implemented. This concept is also useful when determining a control’s cost/benefit ratio.
Figure 1-2: Simple threat matrix.
The Office of Management and Budget Circular A-130, revised November 30, 2000, requires that a review of the security controls for each major government application be performed at least every three years. For general support systems, OMB Circular A-130 requires that the security controls be reviewed by either an independent audit or self review. Audits can be self-administered or independent (either internal or external). The essential difference between a self-audit and an independent audit is objectivity; however, some systems may require a fully independent review. More information on auditing can be found in Chapter 6.
Therefore, an improperly designed or implemented control will show very little to no movement in the point before and after the control’s implementation. The point’s movement toward the 0,0 range could be so small (or in the case of badly designed controls, in the opposite direction) that it does not warrant the expense of implementation.
The goal, the 0,0 point (no threat with no likelihood), is obviously impossible to achieve, because a very unlikely threat could still exist and have some measurable impact. For example, the possibility that a flaming pizza delivery van will crash into the operations center is extremely unlikely; however, this situation would likely have a fairly serious impact on the availability of computing resources.
[*]Source: NIST Special Publication 800-14, “Generally Accepted Principles and Practices for Securing Information Technology Systems.”
[*]Source: NIST Special Publication 800-27, “Engineering Principles for Information Technology Security (A Baseline for Achieving Security),” and “Federal Systems Level Guidance for Securing Information Systems,” James Corrie, August 16, 2001.
[*]Source: Introduction to Risk Analysis, C & A Security Risk Analysis Group, and NIST Special Publication 800-30, “Risk Management Guide for Information Technology Systems.”
The first major process that we examine in this chapter is the concept of Information Classification. The Information Classification process is related to the domain of Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery Planning because both focus on business risk and data valuation, yet Information Classification is still a fundamental concept in its own right - one that a CISSP candidate must understand.
There are several good reasons to classify information. Not all data has the same value to an organization. Some data is more valuable to the people who are making strategic decisions because it aids them in making long-range or short-range business direction decisions. Some data, such as trade secrets, formulas, and new product information, is so valuable that its loss could create a significant problem for the enterprise in the marketplace by creating public embarrassment or by causing a lack of credibility.
For these reasons, it is obvious that Information Classification has a higher, enterprise-level benefit. Information can have an impact on a business globally, not just on the business unit or line operation levels. Its primary purpose is to enhance confidentiality, integrity, and availability and to minimize the risks to the information. In addition, by focusing the protection mechanisms and controls on the information areas that need it the most, you achieve a more efficient cost-to-benefit ratio.
Information classification has the longest history in the government sector. Its value has long been established, and it is a required component when securing trusted systems. In this sector, information classification is used primarily to prevent the unauthorized disclosure of information and the resultant failure of confidentiality.
You can also use information classification to comply with privacy laws or to enable regulatory compliance. A company might wish to employ classification to maintain a competitive edge in a tough marketplace. There might also be sound legal reasons for a company to employ information classification, such as to minimize liability or to protect valuable business information.
In addition to the reasons mentioned previously, employing information classification has several clear benefits to an organization. Some of these benefits are as follows:
The information that an organization processes must be classified according to the organization’s sensitivity to its loss or disclosure. The information system owner is responsible for defining the sensitivity level of the data. Classification according to a defined classification scheme enables the security controls to be properly implemented.
Classification Terms
The following definitions describe several governmental data classification levels ranging from the lowest level of sensitivity to the highest:
In all of these categories, in addition to having the appropriate clearance to access the information, an individual or process must have a “need to know” the information. Thus, an individual cleared for Secret or below is not authorized to access Secret material that is not needed for him or her to perform assigned job functions.
In addition, the following classification terms are also used in the private sector (see Table 1-1):
Public Use |
Information that is safe to disclose publicly |
Internal Use Only |
Information that is safe to disclose internally but not externally |
Company Confidential |
The most sensitive need-to-know information |
An organization may use the high, medium, or low (H/M/L) classification scheme based upon its C.I.A. needs and whether it requires high, medium, or low protective controls. For example, a system and its information may require a high degree of integrity and availability, yet have no need for confidentiality.
The designated owners of information are responsible for determining data classification levels, subject to executive management review. Table 1-2 shows a simple H/M/L data classification for sensitive information.
High |
Could cause loss of life, imprisonment, or major financial loss or require legal remediation if the information is compromised |
Medium |
Could cause noticeable financial loss if the information is compromised |
Low |
Would cause only minor financial loss or require minor administrative action for correction if the information is compromised |
Source: NIST Special Publication 800-26, “Security Self-Assessment Guide for Information Technology Systems.” |
Classification Criteria
Several criteria may be used to determine the classification of an information object:
Information Classification Procedures
There are several steps in establishing a classification system. These are the steps in priority order:
Distribution of Classified Information
External distribution of classified information is often necessary, and the inherent security vulnerabilities will need to be addressed. Some of the instances when this distribution is necessary are as follows:
The roles and responsibilities of all participants in the information classification program must be clearly defined. A key element of the classification scheme is the role that the users, owners, or custodians of the data play in regard to the data. These roles are important to remember.
Various officials and organizational offices are typically involved with computer security. They include the following groups:
Senior management has the final responsibility through due care and due diligence to preserve the capital of the organization and further its business model through the implementation of a security program. While senior management does not have the functional role of managing security procedures, it has the ultimate responsibility to see that business continuity is preserved.
An Information Owner might be an executive or manager of an organization. This person is responsible for the information assets that must be protected. An owner is different from a custodian. The owner has the final corporate responsibility of data protection, and under the concept of due care, the owner might be liable for negligence because of the failure to protect this data. The actual day-to-day function of protecting the data, however, belongs to a custodian.
The responsibilities of an Information Owner could include the following:
The Information Owner for information stored within, processed by, or transmitted by a system may or may not be the same as the System Owner. Also, a single system may utilize information from multiple Information Owners. The Information Owner is responsible for establishing the rules for appropriate use and protection of the subject data/information (rules of behavior). The Information Owner retains that responsibility even when the data/information are shared with other organizations.[*]
The System Owner is responsible for ensuring that the security plan is prepared and for implementing the plan and monitoring its effectiveness. The System Owner is responsible for defining the system’s operating parameters, authorized functions, and security requirements.
The owner of information delegates the responsibility of protecting that information to the Information Custodian. IT systems personnel commonly execute this role. The duties of a custodian might include the following:
The custodian might also have additional duties, such as being the administrator of the classification scheme.
In the information classification scheme, an end user is considered to be anyone (such as an operator, employee, or external party) who routinely uses the information as part of his or her job. This person can also be considered a consumer of the data - someone who needs access to the information to execute daily tasks. The following are a few important points to note about end users:
Organizations should ensure an effective administration of users’ computer access to maintain system security, including user account management, auditing, and the timely modification or removal of system access.[*] This includes:
Employee Termination
Although employee termination is actually under the purview of Human Resources, it’s important that the information security officer (ISO) understand the impact of employee terminations on the integrity of the computer systems. Normally there are two types of terminations, friendly and unfriendly, and both require specific actions.
Friendly terminations should be accomplished by implementing a standard set of procedures for outgoing or transferring employees.[*] This normally includes:
Given the potential for adverse consequences during an unfriendly termination, organizations should do the following:
The term open view refers to the act of leaving classified documents out in the open where an unauthorized person can see them, thus violating the information’s confidentiality. Procedures to prevent open view should specify that information is to be stored in locked areas or transported in properly sealed containers, for example.
In either scenario, network access and system rights must be strictly controlled.
[*]Source: NIST Special Publication 800-18, “Guide for Developing Security Plans for Information Technology Systems.”
[*]Source: NIST Special Publication 800-14, “Generally Accepted Principles and Practices for Securing Information Technology Systems.”
[*]Source: NIST Special Publication 800-14, “Generally Accepted Principles and Practices for Securing Information Technology Systems.”
Security policies are the foundation of a sound security implementation. Often, organizations will implement technical security solutions without first creating this foundation of policies, standards, guidelines, and procedures, thus unintentionally creating unfocused and ineffective security controls.
We discuss the following questions in this section:
Policy is one of those terms that can mean several things. For example, there are security policies on firewalls, which refer to the access control and routing list information. Standards, procedures, and guidelines are also referred to as policies in the larger sense of a global information security policy.
A good, well-written policy is more than an exercise created on white paper - it is an essential and fundamental element of sound security practice. A policy, for example, can literally be a lifesaver during a disaster, or it might be a requirement of a governmental or regulatory function. A policy can also provide protection from liability due to an employee’s actions, or it can control access to trade secrets.
NIST categorizes computer system security policies into three basic types:
Program policies and issue-specific policies both address policy from a broad level, usually encompassing the entire organization. Program policy is traditionally more general and strategic; for example, the organization’s overall computer security program may be defined in a program policy. An issue-specific policy is a nontechnical policy addressing a single or specific issue of concern to the organization, such as the procedural guidelines for checking disks brought to work or e-mail privacy concerns. Issue-specific policies are similar to program policies in that they are not technically focused.
However, program policy and issue-specific policies do not provide sufficient information or direction, for example, how to establish an access control list or train users on what actions are permitted. System-specific policies fill this need. A system-specific policy is technically focused and addresses only one computer system or device type.
Table 1-3 helps illustrate the differences between these three types of NIST policies.
Program policy |
High-level program policy |
Senior-level management statement |
Issue-specific policy |
Addresses single issue |
E-mail privacy policy |
System-specific policy |
Single-system directives |
Router access control lists |
Source: NIST Special Publication 800-12, “An Introduction to Computer Security: The NIST Handbook.” |
Policy Types
In the corporate world, when we refer to specific polices rather than a group policy, we generally refer to those policies that are distinct from the standards, procedures, and guidelines. As you can see from the policy hierarchy chart in Figure 1-3, policies are considered the first and highest level of documentation, from which the lower level elements of standards, procedures, and guidelines flow. This order, however, does not mean that policies are more important than the lower elements. These higher-level policies, which are the more general policies and statements, should be created first in the process for strategic reasons, and then the more tactical elements can follow.
Figure 1-3: Security policy hierarchy.
Fundamentally important to any security program’s success are the senior management’s high-level statement of commitment to the information security policy process and the senior management’s understanding of how important security controls and protections are to the enterprise’s continuity. Senior management must be aware of the importance of security implementation to preserve the organization’s viability (and for their own “due care” protection) and must publicly support that process throughout the enterprise.
Especially high visibility should be afforded the formal issuance of security policy. This is because nearly all employees at all levels will in some way be affected, major organizational resources will be addressed, and many new terms, procedures, and activities will be introduced.
Including security as a regular topic at staff meetings at all levels of the organization can be helpful. Also, providing visibility through such avenues as management presentations, panel discussions, guest speakers, question/answer forums, and newsletters can be beneficial.
Standards, Guidelines, and Procedures
The next level down from policies consists of the three elements of policy implementation: standards, guidelines, and procedures. These three elements contain the actual details of the policy, such as how it should be implemented and what standards and procedures should be used. They are published throughout the organization via manuals, the intranet, handbooks, or awareness classes.
It is important to know that standards, guidelines, and procedures are separate yet linked documents from the general policies (especially the senior-level statement). Unfortunately, companies will often create one document that satisfies the needs of all of these elements. This situation is not good. Here are a few good reasons why the standards, guidelines, and practices should be kept separate from the general policies:
Once a consistent set of baselines has been created, it is possible to design the security architecture of an organization and develop standards. Baselines take into consideration the difference between various operating systems, for example, to ensure that the security is being uniformly implemented throughout the enterprise.
Although members of an organization frequently wear multiple hats, defined roles and responsibilities are important in the security administration process. Also, roles and responsibilities are central to the separation of duties concept - the concept that security is enhanced through the division of responsibilities in the production cycle. Therefore, it is important that individual roles and responsibilities are clearly communicated and understood (see Table 1-4).
Senior Manager |
Has the ultimate responsibility for security |
InfoSec Officer (ISO) |
Has the functional responsibility for security |
Owner |
Determines the data classification |
Custodian |
Preserves the information’s C.I.A. |
User/Operator |
Performs IAW the stated policies |
Auditor |
Examines security |
Some of these roles are:
A major component of information security management is Risk Management (RM). RM’s main function is to mitigate risk. Mitigating risk means to reduce risk until it reaches a level that is acceptable to an organization. We can define RM as the identification, analysis, control, and minimization of loss that is associated with events. The risk management process minimizes the impact of threats realized and provides a foundation for effective management decision making. As defined in NIST Special Publication 800-30, risk management comprises three processes:
The identification of risk to an organization entails defining the following basic elements:
Many formulas and processes are designed to help provide some certainty when answering these questions. We should point out, however, that because life and nature are constantly evolving and changing, it is not possible to consider every possibility. RM tries as much as possible to see the future and to lower the possibility of threats impacting a company.
Note |
It’s important to remember that the risk to an enterprise can never be totally eliminated; that would entail ceasing operations. Risk management means finding out what level of risk the enterprise can safely tolerate and still continue to function effectively. |
The RM task process has several elements, primarily including the following:
To enable this process, some properties of the various elements must be determined, such as the value of assets, threats, and vulnerabilities and the likelihood of events. A primary part of the RM process is assigning values to threats and estimating how often (or how likely) that threat will occur. To perform this task, several formulas and terms have been developed, and the CISSP candidate must fully understand them. The terms and definitions listed in the following section are ranked in the order that they are defined during the RA.
The Purpose of Risk Analysis
The main purpose of performing an RA is to quantify the impact of potential threats - to put a price or value on the cost of a lost business functionality. The two main results of an RA - the identification of risks and the cost/benefit justification of the countermeasures - are vitally important to the creation of a risk mitigation strategy.
There are several benefits to performing an RA. It creates a clear cost-to-value ratio for security protections. It also influences the decision-making process that deals with hardware configuration and software systems design. In addition, it helps a company focus its security resources where they are needed most. Furthermore, it can influence planning and construction decisions, such as site selection and building design.
Terms and Definitions
The following are RA terms that the CISSP candidate will need to know:
Exposure Factor (EF) |
Percentage of asset loss caused by threat |
Single Loss Expectancy (SLE) |
Asset Value × Exposure Factor (EF) |
Annualized Rate of Occurrence (ARO) |
Frequency of threat occurrence per year |
Annualized Loss Expectancy (ALE) |
Single Loss Expectancy (SLE) × Annualized Rate of Occurrence (ARO) |
To be effective, risk management must be supported by management and information system security practitioners. Some of the key personnel that should actively participate in the risk management activities are:
We now discuss the four basic elements of the Risk Analysis process:
Risk assessment comprises the following steps:
Appendix D contains more details on RA steps.
Quantitative Risk Analysis
The difference between quantitative and qualitative RA is fairly simple: Quantitative RA attempts to assign independently objective numeric values (hard dollars, for example) to the components of the risk assessment and to the assessment of potential losses. Qualitative RA addresses more intangible values of a data loss and focuses on other issues, rather than on the pure, hard costs.
When all elements (asset value, impact, threat frequency, safeguard effectiveness, safeguard costs, uncertainty, and probability) are measured, rated, and assigned values, the process is considered to be fully quantitative. Fully quantitative risk analysis is not possible, however, because qualitative measures must always be applied. Thus, you should be aware that the figures’ looking hard on paper does not mean it is possible to foretell the future with any certainty.
A quantitative risk analysis process is a major project, and as such it requires a project or program manager to manage the main elements of the analysis. A major part of the initial planning for the quantitative RA is the estimation of the time required to perform the analysis. In addition, you must also create a detailed process plan and assign roles to the RA team.
A Preliminary Security Examination (PSE) is often conducted before the actual quantitative RA. The PSE helps to gather the elements that you will need when the actual RA takes place. A PSE also helps to focus an RA. Elements that are defined during this phase include asset costs and values, a listing of various threats to an organization (in terms of threats to both the personnel and the environment), and documentation of the existing security measures. The PSE is normally then subject to a review by an organization’s management before the RA begins.
Any combination of the following techniques can be used in gathering information relevant to the IT system within its operational boundary:[*]
Risk Analysis Steps
The three primary steps in performing a risk analysis are similar to the steps in performing a Business Impact Assessment (see Chapter 8). A risk analysis is commonly much more comprehensive, however, and is designed to be used to quantify complicated, multiple-risk scenarios.
The three primary steps are as follows:
Estimate Potential Losses
To estimate the potential losses incurred during the realization of a threat, the assets must be valued by commonly using some sort of standard asset valuation process (we describe this task in more detail later). This process results in an assignment of an asset’s financial value by performing the EF and the SLE calculations.
Analyze Potential Threats
Here, we determine what the threats are and how likely and often they are to occur. To define the threats, we must also understand the asset’s vulnerabilities and perform an ARO calculation for the threat and vulnerabilities.
There are several good automated risk analysis products on the market. The main objective of these products is to minimize the manual effort expended to create the risk analysis and to provide the capability to forecast expected losses quickly and with differing input variations. The creation of a database during an initial automated process enables the operator to rerun the analysis by using different parameters to create a what-if scenario. These products enable the users to perform calculations quickly in order to estimate future expected losses, thereby determining the benefit of their implemented safeguards.
All types of threats should be considered in this section, no matter whether they seem likely or not. It might be helpful to organize the threat listing into the types of threats by source or by their expected magnitude. In fact, some organizations can provide statistics on the frequency of various threats that occur in your area. In addition, the other domains of InfoSec discussed in this book have several varied listings of the categories of threats.
Some of the following categories of threats could be included in this section:
Define the Annualized Loss Expectancy (ALE)
Once the SLE and ARO are determined, the ALE can be estimated using the formula that we previously described in the “Terms and Definitions” section.
After the Risk Analysis is performed, the final results should contain the following:
There are three standard remedies to risk that can be implemented independently or through a combination of the three:
The remedy chosen will usually be the one that results in the greatest risk reduction while retaining the lowest annual cost necessary to maintain a company’s security posture.
Qualitative Risk Analysis
As we mentioned previously, a qualitative RA does not attempt to assign hard and fast costs to the elements of the loss. It is more scenario-oriented, and, as opposed to a quantitative RA, a purely qualitative risk analysis is possible. Threat frequency and impact data are required to do a qualitative RA, however.
In a qualitative risk assessment, the seriousness of threats and the relative sensitivity of the assets are given a ranking, or qualitative grading, by using a scenario approach and creating an exposure rating scale for each scenario.
During a scenario description, we match various threats to identified assets. A scenario describes the type of threat and the assets facing potential loss and selects safeguards to mitigate the risk.
Qualitative Scenario Procedure
After the threat listing has been created, the assets for protection have been defined, and an exposure level rating is assigned, the qualitative risk assessment scenario begins. Table 1-6 lists a simple exposure rating scale.
Blank or 0 |
No measurable loss |
1 |
20% loss |
2 |
40% loss |
3 |
60% loss |
4 |
80% loss |
5 |
100% loss |
A common procedure in performing a qualitative risk assessment scenario is as follows:
After the scenarios have all been played out and the findings are published, management must implement the safeguards that were selected as being acceptable and begin to seek alternatives for the safeguards that did not work.
Table 1-7 lists some points to remember about the difference between quantitative and qualitative risk analysis.
Cost/benefit analysis |
Yes |
No |
Financial hard costs |
Yes |
No |
Can be automated |
Yes |
No |
Guesswork involved |
Low |
High |
Complex calculations |
Yes |
No |
Volume of information required |
High |
Low |
Time/work involved |
High |
Low |
Ease of communication |
High |
Low |
Asset Valuation Process
There are several elements of a process that determine the value of an asset. Both quantitative and qualitative RA (and Business Impact Assessment) procedures require a valuation to be made of the asset’s worth to the organization. This valuation is a fundamental step in all security auditing methodologies and certification and accreditation (C&A) processes (see Chapters 11 through 15). A common mistake made by organizations is not accurately identifying the information’s value before implementing the security controls. This situation often results in a control that is ill suited for asset protection, is not financially effective, or protects the wrong asset.
Reasons for Determining the Value of an Asset
There are many reasons for knowing what the value of the protected asset is, primarily to assign a cost versus benefit ratio to the proposed security control. Some reasons to identify the cost or value of the asset are:
Elements Used to Determine the Value of an Asset
To accurately determine an information asset’s value, three elements are commonly used:
Safeguard Selection Criteria
Once the risk analysis has been completed, safeguards and countermeasures must be researched and recommended. There are several standard principles that are used in the selection of safeguards to ensure that a safeguard is properly matched to a threat and to ensure that a given safeguard most efficiently implements the necessary controls. Important criteria must be examined before selecting an effective countermeasure.
Cost-Benefit Analysis
The number one safeguard selection criterion is the cost effectiveness of the control to be implemented, which is derived through the process of the costbenefit analysis. To determine the total cost of the safeguard, many elements need to be considered (including the following):
The simplest calculation to compute a cost-benefit for a given safeguard is as follows:
For example, if ALE of a threat has been determined to be $10,000, the ALE after the safeguard implementation is $1,000, and the annual cost to operate the safeguard totals $500, then the value of a given safeguard is thought to be $8,500 annually. This amount is then compared against the startup costs, and the benefit or lack of benefit is determined.
This value can be derived for a single safeguard or can be derived for a collection of safeguards though a series of complex calculations. In addition to the financial cost-benefit ratio, other factors can influence the decision of whether to implement a specific security safeguard. For example, an organization is exposed to legal liability if the cost to implement a safeguard is less than the cost resulting from the threat realized and the organization does not implement the safeguard.
Level of Manual Operations
The amount of manual intervention required to operate the safeguard is also a factor in the choice of a safeguard. In case after case, vulnerabilities are created due to human error or an inconsistency in application. In contrast, automated systems require fail-safe defaults to allow for manual shutdown capability in case vulnerability occurs. The more automated a process, the more sustainable and reliable that process will be.
In addition, a safeguard should not be too difficult to operate, and it should not unreasonably interfere with the normal operations of production. These characteristics are vital for the acceptance of the control by operating personnel and for acquiring the all-important management support required for the safeguard to succeed.
Auditability and Accountability Features
The safeguard must allow for the inclusion of auditing and accounting functions. The safeguard must also have the capability for auditors to audit and test it, and its accountability must be implemented to effectively track each individual who accesses the countermeasure or its features.
Recovery Ability
The safeguard’s countermeasure should be evaluated with regard to its functioning state after activation or reset. During and after a reset condition, the safeguard must provide the following:
Vendor Relations
The credibility, reliability, and past performance of the safeguard vendor must be examined. In addition, the openness (open source) of the application programming should also be known in order to avoid any design secrecy that prevents later modifications or allows unknown applications to have a back door into the system. Vendor support and documentation should also be considered.
A back door, maintenance hook, or trap door is a programming element that gives application maintenance programmers access to the internals of the application, thereby bypassing the normal security controls of the application. While this function is valuable for the support and maintenance of a program, the security practitioner must be aware of these doors and provide a means of control and accountability during their use.
While we’re on the subject of risk management, let’s take a short detour and look at three common vulnerability assessment methodologies:
INFOSEC Assessment Methodology (IAM)
The INFOSEC Assessment Methodology (IAM) is a detailed and systematic way of examining information system vulnerabilities that was developed by National Security Agency (NSA) Information Security (INFOSEC) assessors initiated by Presidential Decision Directive #63, forming the National Infrastructure Protection Center. The NSA has attempted to use the IAM to assist both INFOSEC assessment suppliers and consumers requiring assessments. The NSA has developed specialized knowledge with regard to information systems security assessments through its completion of INFOSEC assessments for its U.S. Government customers over the past fifteen years.
The IAM examines the mission, organization, security policies and programs, information systems, and the threat to these systems. The goal is to determine the vulnerabilities of information systems and recommend effective, low-cost countermeasures.
The IAM Process
The IAM process begins with a Level I assessment: a nonintrusive standardized baseline analysis of the InfoSec posture of an automated system. A Level II assessment commonly defines a more hands-on evaluation of the security systems (both Level I and Level II are considered “cooperative”). A Level III evaluation is a “red team” assessment, possibly noncooperative, and may include external penetration testing. The IAM process will also provide recommendations for the elimination or mitigation of the vulnerability.
The IAM is conducted in three phases:
The heart of the IAM is the creation of the Organizational Criticality Matrix (see Table 1-8). In this chart, all relevant automated systems are assigned impact attributes (high, medium, or low) based upon their estimated effect on Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability and their criticality to the organization. Other elements may be added to the matrix, such as nonrepudiation, or authentication, but the three basic tenets of InfoSec are required.
Criminal Records |
M |
H |
M |
Informants |
H |
M |
M |
Investigations |
M |
M |
M |
Warrants |
L |
H |
M |
Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation (OCTAVE)
Carnegie Mellon University’s Software Engineering Institute (SEI) has created the Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation (OCTAVE). OCTAVE is a self-guided assessment implemented in a series of short workshops focusing on key organizational areas.
It is conducted in three phases:
Each phase activity consists of catalogs of practices, surveys, and templates designed to capture information during focused discussions and problem-solving sessions.
Federal Information Technology Security Assessment Framework (FITSAF)
On December 8, 2000, the Chief Information Officers (CIO) Council released the first version of the Federal Information Technology Security Assessment Framework. It was prepared for its Security, Privacy, and Critical Infrastructure Committee by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Computer Security Division Systems and Network Security Group.
The Federal Information Technology Security Assessment Framework (FITSAF) provides a method for agency officials to determine the current status of their security programs relative to existing policy and to establish a target for improvement. The framework does not create new security requirements but provides a vehicle to consistently and effectively apply existing policy and guidance.
Also, FITSAF may be used to assess the status of security controls for a given asset or collection of assets. These assets include information, individual systems (e.g., major applications, general support systems, and mission-critical systems), a logically related grouping of systems that support operational programs, or the operational programs themselves (e.g., air traffic control, Medicare, student aid). Assessing all asset security controls and all interconnected systems that the asset depends on produces a picture of both the security condition of an agency component and of the entire agency.
FITSAF is divided into five levels (see Figure 1-4), based on SEI’s Capability Maturity Model (CMM). Each level represents a more complete and effective security program:
Figure 1-4: FITSAF security assessment framework levels.
The security status is measured by determining whether specific security controls are documented, implemented, tested, reviewed, and incorporated into a cyclical review/improvement program as well as whether unacceptable risks are identified and mitigated. Agencies are expected to bring all assets to level 4 and ultimately level 5. When an individual system does not achieve level 4, agencies should determine whether that system meets the criteria found in OMB Memorandum M00-07 (February 28, 2000), “Incorporating and Funding Security in Information Systems Investments.”
[*]Source: NIST Special Publication 800-30, “Risk Management Guide for Information Technology Systems.”
Although this section is our last for this chapter, it is not the least important. Security awareness is often an overlooked element of security management, because most of a security practitioner’s time is spent on controls, intrusion detection, risk assessment, and proactively or reactively administering security.
It should not be that way, however. People are often the weakest link in a security chain, because they are not trained or generally aware of what security is all about. Employees must understand how their actions, even seemingly insignificant actions, can greatly impact the overall security position of an organization.
Employees must be aware of the need to secure information and to protect the information assets of an enterprise. Operators need training in the skills that are required to fulfill their job functions securely, and security practitioners need training to implement and maintain the necessary security controls.
All employees need education in the basic concepts of security and its benefits to an organization. The benefits of the three pillars of security awareness training - awareness, training, and education - will manifest themselves through an improvement in the behavior and attitudes of personnel and through a significant improvement in an enterprise’s security.
The purpose of computer security awareness, training, and education is to enhance security by:
An effective computer security awareness and training program requires proper planning, implementation, maintenance, and periodic evaluation. In general, a computer security awareness and training program should encompass the following seven steps:[*]
Making computer system users aware of their security responsibilities and teaching them correct practices helps users change their behavior. It also supports individual accountability, because without the knowledge of the necessary security measures and how to use them, users cannot be truly accountable for their actions.
As opposed to training, security awareness refers to an organization’s personnel being generally, collectively aware of the importance of security and security controls. In addition to the benefits and objectives we previously mentioned, security awareness programs also have the following benefits:
Personnel are considered “security aware” when they clearly understand the need for security, how security impacts viability and the bottom line, and the daily risks to computing resources.
It is important to have periodic awareness sessions to orient new employees and refresh senior employees. The material should always be direct, simple, and clear. It should be fairly motivational and should not contain a lot of techno-jargon, and it should be conveyed in a style that the audience easily understands. The material should show how the security interests of the organization parallel the interest of the audience and how they are important to the security protections.
Here’s a few ways that security awareness can be improved within an organization without a lot of expense or resource drain:
All personnel using a system should have some kind of security training that is specific either to the controls employed or to general security concepts. Training is especially important for those users who are handling sensitive or critical data. The advent of the microcomputer and distributed computing has created an opportunity for serious failures of confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
One caveat here: It is possible to oversell security awareness and to inundate personnel with a constant barrage of reminders. This will most likely have the effect of turning off their attention. It is important to find the right balance of selling security awareness. An awareness program should be creative and frequently altered to stay fresh.
Training is different from awareness in that it utilizes specific classroom or one-on-one instruction. The following types of training are related to InfoSec:
In-depth training and education for systems personnel, auditors, and security professionals are very important and are considered necessary for career development. In addition, specific product training for security software and hardware is vital to the protection of the enterprise.
A good starting point for defining a security training program could be the topics of policies, standards, guidelines, and procedures that are in use at an organization. A discussion of the possible environmental or natural hazards or a discussion of recent common security errors or incidents - without blaming anyone publicly - could work. Motivating the students is always the prime directive of any training, and their understanding of the value of security’s impact to the bottom line is also vital. A common training technique is to create hypothetical security vulnerability scenarios and then to get the students’ input on the possible solutions or outcomes.
[*]Source: NIST Special Publication 800-14, “Generally Accepted Principles and Practices for Securing Information Technology Systems.”
You can find the answers to the following questions in Appendix A.
1. |
Which of the following choices is an incorrect description of a control?
2. |
Which of the following statements is accurate about the reasons to implement a layered security architecture?
3. |
Which of the following choices represents an application or system demonstrating a need for a high level of confidentiality protection and controls?
4. |
Which of the following choices is not a concern of policy development at the high level?
5. |
Which of the following choices is not an accurate statement about the visibility of IT security policy?
6. |
Which of the following statements is not accurate regarding the process of risk assessment?
7. |
Which of the following choices would not be considered an element of proper user account management?
8. |
Which of the following choices is not one of NIST’s 33 IT security principles?
9. |
How often should an independent review of the security controls be performed, according to OMB Circular A-130?
10. |
Which of the following choices best describes the difference between the System Owner and the Information Owner?
11. |
Which of the following choices is not a generally accepted benefit of security awareness, training, and education?
12. |
Who has the final responsibility for the preservation of the organization’s information?
13. |
Which of the following choices is not an example of an issue-specific policy?
14. |
Which of the following statements is not true about security awareness, training, and educational programs?
15. |
Which of the following choices is an accurate statement about standards?
16. |
Which of the following choices is a role of the Information Systems Security Officer?
17. |
Which of the following statements is not correct about safeguard selection in the risk analysis process?
18. |
Which of the following choices is usually the number-one used criterion to determine the classification of an information object?
19. |
What are high-level policies?
20. |
Which policy type is most likely to contain mandatory or compulsory standards?
21. |
What does an Exposure Factor (EF) describe?
22. |
What is the most accurate definition of a safeguard?
23. |
Which choice most accurately describes the differences between standards, guidelines, and procedures?
24. |
What are the detailed instructions on how to perform or implement a control called?
25. |
How is an SLE derived?
26. |
What are noncompulsory recommendations on how to achieve compliance with published standards called?
27. |
Which group represents the most likely source of an asset loss through inappropriate computer use?
28. |
Which choice most accurately describes the difference between the role of a data owner and the role of a data custodian?
29. |
What is an ARO?
30. |
Which formula accurately represents an Annualized Loss Expectancy (ALE) calculation?
31. |
Which of the following assessment methodologies below is a self-guided assessment implemented in a series of short workshops focusing on key organizational areas and conducted in three phases?
32. |
Which of the following assessment methodologies was developed by the National Security Agency to assist both assessment suppliers and consumers?
1. |
Answer: b The other three answers are correct descriptions of controls. |
2. |
Answer: c Security designs should consider a layered approach to increase the work-factor an attacker must expend to successfully attack the system. |
3. |
Answer: b Although elements of all the systems described could require specific controls for confidentiality, given the descriptions above, system b fits the definition most closely of a system requiring a very high level of confidentiality. Answer a is an example of a system requiring high availability. Answer c is an example of a system that requires medium integrity controls. Answer d is a system that requires only a low level of confidentiality. |
4. |
Answer: b Answers a, c, and d are elements of policy development at the highest level. Key business resources would have been identified during the risk assessment process. The various roles are then defined to determine the various levels of access to those resources. Answer d is the final step in the policy creation process and combines steps a and c. It determines which group gets access to each resource and what access privileges its members are assigned. Access to resources should be based on roles, not on individual identity. |
5. |
Answer: a The other three answers are correct statements about the visibility of IT security policy. |
6. |
Answer: d Risk assessment is the first process in the risk management methodology. |
7. |
Answer: a The other answers are elements of proper user account management. |
8. |
Answer: c Risk can never be totally eliminated. NIST IT security principle 4 states: “Reduce risk to an acceptable level.” |
9. |
Answer: b OMB Circular A-130 requires that a review of the security controls for each major government application be performed at least every three years. |
10. |
Answer: b A single system may utilize information from multiple Information Owners. |
11. |
Answer: c The other answers are generally accepted benefits of security awareness, training, and education. |
12. |
Answer: b Senior management has the final responsibility through due care and due diligence to preserve the capital of the organization and further its business model through the implementation of a security program. Although senior management does not have the functional role of managing security procedures, it has the ultimate responsibility to see that business continuity is preserved. |
13. |
Answer: c Answer c is an example of a system-specific policy - in this case the router’s access control lists. The other three answers are examples of issue-specific policy, as defined by NIST. |
14. |
Answer: b The other answers are correct statements about security awareness, training, and educational programs. |
15. |
Answer: c Answers a, b, and d describe policies. Procedures, standards, and guidelines are used to describe how these policies will be implemented within an organization. |
16. |
Answer: b Answer a is a responsibility of senior management. Answer c is a description of the role of auditing. Answer d is the role of the user, or consumer, of security in an organization. |
17. |
Answer: b Performing a cost-benefit analysis of the proposed safeguard before implementation is vital. The level of security afforded could easily fail to outweigh the cost of a proposed safeguard. Other factors need to be considered in the safeguard selection process, such as accountability, auditability, and the level of manual operations needed to maintain or operate the safeguard. |
18. |
Answer: a Value of the information asset to the organization is usually the first and foremost criterion used in determining its classification. |
19. |
Answer: c. High-level policies are senior management statements of recognition of the importance of security controls to the mission of the organization. |
20. |
Answer: c Answer b (advisory policies) might specify penalties for noncompliance, but regulatory policies are required to be followed by the organization. Answers a and d are informational or recommended policies only. |
21. |
Answer: c Answer a is an SLE, b is an ARO, and d is an ALE. |
22. |
Answer: c Answer a is a guideline, b is a procedure, and d is a distracter. |
23. |
Answer: d The other answers are incorrect. |
24. |
Answer: a |
25. |
Answer: b. A Single Loss Expectancy is derived by multiplying the Asset Value by its Exposure Factor. The other answers do not exist. |
26. |
Answer: c |
27. |
Answer: c Internal personnel far and away constitute the largest amount of dollar loss due to unauthorized or inappropriate computer use. |
28. |
Answer: a |
29. |
Answer: c Answer a is the definition of SLE, b is an ALE, and d is an EF. |
30. |
Answer: a Answer b is the formula for an SLE, and answers c and d are nonsense. |
31. |
Answer: b Carnegie Mellon University’s Software Engineering Institute (SEI) created the Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation (OCTAVE). OCTAVE is a self-guided assessment implemented in a series of short workshops focusing on key organizational areas. It is conducted in three phases:
32. |
Answer: d The INFOSEC Assessment Methodology (IAM) is a detailed and systematic way of examining cyber vulnerabilities that was developed by the National Security Agency to assist both INFOSEC assessment suppliers and consumers requiring assessments. The IAM examines the mission, organization, security policies and programs, and information systems and the threat to these systems. |
Part One - Focused Review of the CISSP Ten Domains
Part Two - The Certification and Accreditation Professional (CAP) Credential