A well-known principle when taking fixed-length exams is to first read the entire exam from start to finish while answering only those questions you feel absolutely sure of. On subsequent passes, you can dive into more complex questions more deeply, knowing how many questions you have left.
Unlike most other exams, this exam is paper based. Each candidate is issued a test booklet and answer sheet before the exam begins. Exam candidates are allowed to write on the exam booklet. You should circle keywords such as not, maybe, could, and should. Draw an arrow to the right when the question states "from greatest to smallest." Draw an arrow to the left when the question mentions "smallest to greatest." These strategies can help you successfully master the exam.
As you read each question, if you answer only those you're sure of and mark for review those that you're not sure of, you can keep working through a decreasing list of questions as you answer the trickier ones in order.
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There's at least one potential benefit to reading the exam completely before answering the trickier questions: Sometimes information supplied in later questions sheds more light on earlier questions. At other times, information you read in later questions might jog your memory about earlier questions. Either way, you'll come out ahead if you defer those questions about which you're not absolutely sure. |
Here are some question-handling strategies that apply to fixed-length and short-form tests. Use these tips whenever you can:
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When you have completed the exam, take a moment to go back through the questions to compare the answers you have entered on the answer sheet. Make sure you did not miss anything or transcribe something incorrectly. |
The CISSP Cram Sheet
A Note from Series Editor Ed Tittel
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The CISSP Certification Exam
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Security-Management Practices
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System Architecture and Models
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Applications and Systems-Development Security
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Law, Investigations, and Ethics
Practice Exam 1
Answers to Practice Exam 1
Practice Exam 2
Answers to Practice Exam 2