

with Click-N-Run (CNR) Express, 207208
keyboard shortcut for, 32
MP3 playlist, 133134
search results, 121
Text Editor, saving documents with, 145
Video Player captures, 175
sbin directory, 417
screen savers, changing, 7071
scrolling, 27
Search dialog box, 112
search engines, 283284, 283
Address Books, 367368
advanced searches, 118120
for Aisles, 200202
all files and directories, 118
case sensitive searches, 119
Click-N-Run (CNR), program in, 198
Containing Text text box, using, 119
date, files by, 116118
for e-mail messages, 275276
Instant Messenger for buddies , 331333
Member Forum, 451452
name , searching by, 112113
with Netscape Navigator, 283286
online support tips, 437
saving search results, 121
sorting search results, 113114
speed of search time, 113
symbolic links, 119
type, files by, 115116
with wild cards, 115
Select Icon dialog box, 4647
all files and directories, 8286
files and directories, 8286
Send to Fax dialog box, 388
sending messages
e-mail, 247249
Instant Messenger messages, 337338
sent e-mail folder, 247
serial ports, 374
Services button on Navigation Bar, 95
Settings dialog box
the Panel, settings for, 5152
virtual desktop, configuring elements of, 54
Setup Confirmation screen
for Advanced Install, 13
hard disk, installing over, 7
for boldfacing text, 303
creating, 4950
e-mail formatting, 253
for italicizing text, 303
keyboard shortcuts, 3132
mouse shortcuts, 2829
spell checker, opening, 263
for underlining text, 303
Show Desktop icon, 60
Shuffle Play CD Player button, 128
shutting down Lindows, 37
size . See File Manager
slow keys, 408
smiley face in e-mail, 258
Click-N-Run (CNR) programs, 194
e-mail, 270271
icons on desktop, 44
search results, 113114
special files, searching, 119
speed of mouse, adjusting, 402403
spell checking e-mail, 263264
spool files, 417
spreadsheet programs, importing Address Books from, 358361
Star Office, 144
starting programs, 1820
Status Bar
in File Manager, 75
in Netscape Navigator, 280
sticky keys option for keyboard, 407408
Stop button
on MP3 player, 130
on Video Player, 173
SUID executable files, searching, 119
switching between programs, 2122
symbolic links, searching, 119
synchronizing Address Book contacts, 361362
system logs, 417
System Tray. See also virtual desktops
Adjust Date & Time option, 58
on the Panel, 51
volume of system, adjusting, 59

Lindows Fast & Easy
Lindows Fast & Easy (Fast & Easy (Premier Press))
ISBN: 1592000606
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 152 © 2008-2017.
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